Where's My Wiskey
Posts: 1,270
Post by tommah on Jan 16, 2011 23:12:58 GMT -5
TOMMAH Hey all, thanks to a personal tutorial from tab I was able to get my creative juices flowing... no weapons replace existing weapons, all new additions. And fully functional with the workbench. sorry for the low quality I decided to combine my two mod threads: This one and the Beefy Storage Room 11. Also moved all my weapons inside the room, expanding it. There was a lot of moving around and I did test it, but please let me know if there are any problems Recruitable Survivors DLC for FREE!?!?!?! -Retail/Legit Copies of Dead Rising 2 -Other Copies of Dead Rising 2 Included weapons are: (click for video) -Electric Bow and Arrow -Flamebike -Gambit Cards -Ice Punch -Ice Shard -Ice Board -Mjollnir (Thor's Hammer) -Gambit's Stick -Sub-Machine Gun -Burning Girl's Bike -Nikita Missile Launcher -Bag Of Explosives -Grey Fox Sword -Ghost Rider's Motorcycle -Captain America's Shield -Master Sword and Hylian Shield -Force Lightning -MegaMan Buster -He-man's Sword -He-man's Battle Axe -He-man's Tiger - Cringer/Battlecat -Sauron's Mace -Bombow -Electroballs -Exploding Shotgun Shells -Minigun -Adam the Clown's chainsaw -Laser Light Gun -Super Massager -Slicer Gun -Fireball
Directions to use Weapons Mod: -Just my mod- 1. click link and download file "DR2" 2. unzip 3. place "datafile.big" file and "dynamicprops" folder into games' /data/ folder i.e. \Program Files\Capcom\Dead Rising 2\data\.
4. unpack "streamedassets.big", place contents of my "streamedassets_big" folder into your's. 5. Pack "streamedassets.big" 6. Play -Part of my mod/To mix with other mods- 1. Unzip 2. Unpack, using Gibbed.Tools, datafile.big. Creating datafile_big. 3. Open my DIY.txt File 4. Search for Weapon/Item you want and copy section. 5. Open items.txt inside datafile_big and paste section anywhere (top is easiest) and save. Make sure it appears exactly as in the DIY.txt file. This gives the item its attributes. 6. Go back to my DIY.txt. At the bottom you'll find cItemPlacement codes. Look for your weapon and copy code. Remember which section its in. (ex. safehouse.txt, royal_flush.txt) 7. Open .txt file of location (ex. safehouse.txt) and paste code anywhere (top is easiest) and save. Make sure it appears exactly as in the DIY.txt file. This places the item in the location of the .txt file. 8. Pack, using Gibbed.Tools, datafile_big (backup original) and rename to datafile.big. 9. Delete datafile_big. 10. Drag and drop my "dynamicprops" folder into /data. *Only for Gambit Stick and Master Sword* 11. Unpack, using Gibbed.Tools, streamedassets.big. 12. Drag and drop contents of my streamedasstes folder into newly created streamedassets_big folder and replace. 13. Pack, using Gibbed.Tools, streamedassets_big (backup original) and rename to streamedassets.big. Models: You can only use these one at a time since they all swap over the Tir Outfit. I would recommend saving these under different names: npcs(link).big, npcs(hulk).big, npcs(heman).big. Whatever you want to use just copy and paste, then rename to "npcs.big".
I just realized that most of my models swap out the Tir Outfit, but a lot of people might not have access to the Tir Outfit. To get the Tir Outfit open /data/datafile.big/safehouse.txt and paste this:
cItemPlacement TIRHelmetDispenser { ItemName = "TIRHelmetDispenser" Location = "10.1,-1,19.9" Rotation = "0,0,0,1" }
cItemPlacement TirOutfitDispenser { ItemName = "TirOutfitDispenser" Location = "10.1,-1,20.3" Rotation = "0,0,0,1" } I have this included in my "Weapons Mod" but just in case, this will put the Tir Outfit and the Tir Helmet in the shower of the safehouse (in the savepoint bathroom)
Iceman - use suit by getting naked - pic
Solid Snake - Tir Outfit w/ helmet and hygiene mask - pic
Gambit - Tir Outfit w/o helmet, remove head_naked - pic
Indiana Jones - TIR outfit with helmet - pic
Gas Mask Soldier - TIR outfit with helmet and hygiene mask - pic
Agent Zero - TIR outfit with helmet - pic
The Hulk - Naked....just get naked - pic *NOTE* copy and paste contents from my items.txt into your's, but replace your sgraph.txt completely with mine (backup your files)
The Mechanic - Tir Outfit w/ helmet - pic
Link - Tir Outfit w/ helmet - pic
Mega Man - Tir Outfit (will remove right hand) - pic
Archie Outfit - Tir Outfit - pic
New Tattered Outfit - Default Outfit - pic
He-man: Master of the Universe! - Tir Outfit w/default hair - pic -To Use- 1. Unpack, using Gibbed.Tools, npcs.big. Creating npcs_big folder. 2. Drag and drop all .big and .tex files into newly created npcs_big folder and replace all. *Only for Gambit* -open bigfile.xml with a text editor, search for "head_naked.big" and "head_naked.tex" entries and delete them. Save. 3. Pack, using Gibbed.Tools, npcs_big folder (backup original) and rename to npcs.big. 4. Delete npcs_big folder. 5. Refer to outfit description on how to wear outfit. first we have an Electrocution Bow and Arrow... combine a bow and arrow and a battery to get it, or just place it in your safehouse, etc... . cProjectileLauncherItem electribow { ActionButton0 = "PLAYERBUTTON_QUICK_ATTACK" ActionDesiredAnimState0 = "ANIMSTATE_THROWQUICK" AnimationChooserValueForHand = "8" AnimationChooserValueForIdle = "0" AnimationChooserValueForPickup = "0" AnimationChooserValueForPutdown = "0" AnimationChooserValueForThrow = "38" AnimationChooserValueForWalkRun = "0" AnimBankName = "BowandArrow" AssetFilename = "electribow" AttachAndShowNextProjectile = "true" AttachPropToBoneType = "1" AudioActionBits = "256" AudioFilename = "fx_bowandarrow" AudioItemName = "BowAndArrow" AudioLoadDistanceType = "1" CollidableQuality = "0" CollisionAudioDissipationFactor = "0.2" CollisionType = "3" ComboBlendDuration0 = ".02" ComboBlendXZToUse0 = "2" ComboBlendYToUse0 = "2" DisplayName = "50517" DR2 = "true" DR2PRO = "true" Durability = "999" FiringRate = "0.000" Friction = "25" HandlingStyle = "0" IconFilename = "w_bowandarrow" InteractDistance = "1.4" InventoryInteractionType = "0" Is_Cliche = "true" Is_Humour = "true" Is_Sharp = "true" Is_Thrown = "false" IsWeapon = "true" LoadDistance = "35" NumberOfThrowables = "999" PropToThrow = "electricarrow" Restitution = ".01" RestrictedByRegion = "false" Reticle_AccuracyDecreasePerShot = "0" Reticle_ActiveInRangeMode = "true" Reticle_BestAccuracy = ".9" Reticle_MinMovementRateBeforeAccuracyDecrease = "0" Reticle_ReturnToNormalAccuracyRate = "1" Reticle_Type = "0" Reticle_WorstAccuracy = ".9" ThrowRange = "22.5" UseLobProjectilePhysics = "false" WeaponCanSliceLimbs = "true" WeaponType = "2" Weight = "15" cWeaponAimWarperInfoItem ba_aiminfo { HasPivots = "false" MaxRotationLeft = "0.785" MaxRotationRight = "0.785" RotationSpeed = "10" TargetHeight = "1.7" } cComboCardItem BowArrowExplosive_card { AchievementCategory = "9" Attack1 = "2700" Card_Label = "2818" CardIndexNumber = "43" ComboStationRotation_1 = "0,0,0.5,0.5" ComboStationRotation_2 = "0,0,-0.70710677,0.70710677" DR2 = "true" IconAsset = "comboc_blambow" PP_Multiplier = "2" Ticker_Description = "2518" Weapon_1 = "BowandArrow" Weapon_2 = "Battery" Weapon_Description = "2612" } cPrestigePointInfoItem blambow_pp { PrestigePointsAwarded0 = "5000" PrestigePointsAwarded1 = "5000" PrestigePointsAwarded2 = "5000" RewardCondition0 = "6" RewardCondition1 = "4" RewardCondition2 = "14" } }
cPlayerWeaponItem electricarrow { AchievementCategory = "1" AnimationChooserValueForHand = "8" AnimationChooserValueForThrow = "38" AssetFilename = "electricarrow" AttachPropToBoneType = "0" AudioActionBits = "0" AudioFilename = "fx_arrow" AudioItemName = "Arrow" AudioUnloadDeferralTime = "1" CollidableQuality = "3" CollisionType = "3" DR2 = "true" Friction = "5" HandlingStyle = "3" InteractDistance = "0" InventoryInteractionType = "0" Is_Cliche = "true" Is_Sharp = "true" Is_Thrown = "true" IsWeapon = "false" MaxProjectileDamage = "22.5" PlayerInteractVisionAngle = "0" ProjectileFatalHitReaction = "50" ProjectileHitImpulse = "3" ProjectileHitReaction = "52" PropEffectDuration0 = "4.5" PropEffectLocator0 = "16" PropEffectLocator1 = "16" PropEffectLocatorIndex0 = "1" PropEffectLocatorIndex1 = "0" PropEffectsOnCondition0 = "4" PropEffectsOnCondition1 = "2" PropEffectStartDelay0 = "0.1" PyroEffect0 = "213" PyroEffect1 = "123" Restitution = "0.025" RestrictedByRegion = "false" Reticle_ActiveInRangeMode = "false" Support = "true" ThrowAngleDegrees = "0" ThrowEffectAudio = "1" ThrowEffectOnImpact = "279" ThrowEffectOnVictim = "14" ThrowForce = "35" ThrowSpin = ".275,0,-0.5" Weight = "0.25" cAttachedToZombieInfoItem arrow_impale { AnimSet = "-1" DamagePerSecondWhenAttachedToZombie = "2" PositionToStickTo = "2" StickableArea = "1" StickableAsProjectile = "true" StickArbitrarily = "true" }
cPropLifetimeInfoItem arrow_die { DR2 = "true" LifetimeModifier = "0" Support = "true" }
second is a flamethrower bike... you may get this either by using my instructions to place it in the boiler room in Royal Flush or by combining a M249 bike with Motor Oil cBikeItem flamebike { AirDensity = ".5" AllwaysDisplayDebugText = "true" AssetFilename = "data/models/environment/props/m249_bike" AudioDownShiftDeltaKMH = "10" AudioEngineVolume = "0" AudioFilename = "fx_superbike" AudioHardBrakeDeltaRPM = "100" AudioIdleRPM = "2000" AudioItemName = "SuperBike" AudioLimiterRPM = "7500" AudioSuspensionVolume = "2" AudioTireVolume = "3" AudioTransmissionVolume = "3" AudioUnloadDeferralTime = "1.0" AudioUpShiftKMperHourForGear1 = "100" AudioUpShiftRPM = "8130" AutoReverse = "false" Axle0 = "0" Axle1 = "1" Brake_IsConnectedToHandbrake0 = "false" Brake_IsConnectedToHandbrake1 = "true" Brake_MaxBreakingTorque0 = "20" Brake_MaxBreakingTorque1 = "125" Brake_MinPedalInputToBlock0 = "0.75" Brake_MinPedalInputToBlock1 = "0.75" Brake_WheelsMinTimeToBlock = "0.1" CameraInteractionMode = "1" CanBeModdable = "true" CenterOfMassOffset = "0.0,-0.03,-0.2" ChassisUnitInertiaPitch = "0.5" ChassisUnitInertiaRoll = "0.3" ChassisUnitInertiaYaw = "0.3" CollidableQuality = "0" CollisionBits = "WORLDCOLLISIONFILTER_VEHICLE" CollisionSpinDamping = "5.0" CollisionThreshold = "1.57" CollisionType = "3" CounterFrontSideImpulse = ".06" DamageBOSS_Flat = "25" DamageBOSS_MinSpeed = "25" DamageBOSS_PerKMH = "5" DamageProp = "MotorcycleDmg" DeadZone = "0.5" DelayBeforeOther360 = "1.12" DelayBeforeOtherFlip = "1.24" DeltaPitchFactor = "1.15" DisplayName = "50224" DoesWheelSteer0 = "true" DoesWheelSteer1 = "false" Door1 = "0.4162, -0.9, -0.1194" Door2 = "0.4162, -0.9, -0.1194" DR2 = "true" DragCoefficient = "0.15" DrawSkidLines = "true" Durability = "250" EndoAngularImpulse = "0" EndoContinueImpulse = "0,0,0" EndoImpulse = "0" EndoPitchModel = "0" Engine_MaxRPM = "4950" Engine_MaxTorque = "40" Engine_MinRPM = "1000" Engine_OptRPM = "3500" Engine_ResistanceFactorAtMaxRPM = "0.35" Engine_ResistanceFactorAtMinRPM = "0.025" Engine_ResistanceFactorAtOptRPM = "0.15" Engine_TorqueFactorAtMaxRPM = "0.85" Engine_TorqueFactorAtMinRPM = "0.75" EngineRpmDecreasePerTick = "400" EngineRpmIncreasePerTick = "200" ExtraGravity = "0.0,-2.0,0.0" ExtraTorqueFactor = "-0.5" FIRE_WeaponToMimic = "flamebikegun" FlipImpulse = "0" FootDownMode = "1" ForceFeedbackMultiplier0 = "0" ForceFeedbackMultiplier1 = "0" Friction = "0.4" Friction_Donut0 = "3" Friction_Donut1 = "1.5" Friction_QuickSpin0 = "1.25" Friction_QuickSpin1 = "1.75" Friction0 = "3" Friction1 = "4" FrictionEqualizer = "0.5" FrontalArea = "1.0" GearRatio1 = "2.544" GearRatio2 = "1.892" GearRatio3 = "1.407" GearRatio4 = "1.166" GearRatio5 = "1.000" Gears_ClutchDelayTime = "0.1" Gears_DownShiftRPM = "3000" Gears_NumberOfGears = "5" Gears_ReverseGearRatio = ".6" Gears_ReverseGearTopSpeed = "6" Gears_TransmissionModel = "1" Gears_UpShiftRPM = "4950" GENERAL_FiringMode = "1" GENERAL_NumberOfFirePoints = "2" IgnoreSeatLocators = "false" IgnoreWheelLocators = "false" Impulse360 = "0" InitialSlope = "0.5" InteractDistance = "1.5" IsConsideredACoolVehicle = "true" IsCool = "true" Lean_CenterOfMassYAdj = "0" Lean_MaxLeanBack = "-.25" Lean_MaxLeanForward = ".25" LeaningAtStop = "0" LeaningDampener = "10" LeaningEaseout = "5.5" LeaningFactor = "23" LeaningFactorAtStop = "3" LeaningInitSpeed = ".8" LeaningMaxSpeed = "4" LeaningModel = "1" LeaningRestoreFactor = "20" LeaningSpeedup = "10" LiftCoefficient = "-0.7" LoadDistance = "100" ManualLength0 = "true" ManualLength1 = "true" Mass0 = "9" Mass1 = "9" MaxFriction0 = "5.0" MaxFriction1 = "5.0" MaxLeaningAtStop = "15" MaxTyremarkEnergy = "1000.0" MaxVelocityForPositionalFriction = "10" MaxWheelieAngle = "55" MergedFileNotUsed = "true" MinSpeedForFullTilt = "5" MinTyremarkEnergy = "15" MinVehicleSpeedForWheeliesAndEndos = "2" MinVehicleSpeedToEjectPlayer = "50" MinYRotationRequiredToBeFlipped = "0.78" NormalSpinDamping = "1.5" NumberOfDoors = "2" NumberOfGearsForAudio = "1" NumberOfSeats = "1" NumberOfWheels = "2" NumberOfWheelsPerAxle = "1" PropAudioType = "513" PropEffectLocator0 = "15" PropEffectLocator1 = "15" PropEffectLocator2 = "15" PropEffectLocator3 = "15" PropEffectsOnCondition3 = "0" PropEffectsOnCondition0 = "7" PropEffectsOnCondition1 = "7" PropEffectsOnCondition2 = "7" PyroEffect0 = "57" PyroEffect1 = "57" PyroEffect2 = "171" PyroEffect3 = "301" Radius0 = "0.328605" Radius1 = "0.324845" RelativeSpeedToEjectPlayer = "54" Restitution = "0.0" RestrictedByRegion = "false" Seat1 = "0.20, -1.0, -0.5" Seat2 = "0.20, -1.0, 0.5" SeatCanBeInjured1 = "true" SeatLocatorType1 = "23" SelfDamage_MaxDmgForDynamicProps = "5" SelfDamage_MaxDmgForOtherVehicles = "10" SelfDamage_MaxDmgForStaticProps = "10" SelfDamage_MaxDmgForZombies = "1" SelfDamage_MinSpeedRequired = "5" SelfDamage_mMaxDmgForSurvivors = "1" SlipAngle0 = "0" SlipAngle1 = "0" SlopeChangePointX = "0.7" Steering_AdditionalControlPoint = "false" Steering_AngleAtSpeedS = "4" Steering_AngularImpulseWhenAllWheelsUp = "20800" Steering_AngularImpulseWhenFrontWheelUp = "15280" Steering_CanQuickSpin = "true" Steering_DonutSideImpulse = "1500" Steering_DrivingSideImpulse0 = "0" Steering_DrivingSideImpulse1 = "1500" Steering_DrivingSideImpulse2 = "20" Steering_DrivingSideImpulseSpeed0 = "0" Steering_DrivingSideImpulseSpeed1 = "10" Steering_DrivingSideImpulseSpeed2 = "70" Steering_MaxAngle = "47.5" Steering_MaxSpeedForDonut = "1" Steering_MaxSpeedFullAngle = "25" Steering_Model = "1" Steering_PitchAngularImpulseInAir = "30800" Steering_QuickSpinDontBrakeOutTurnWindow = "true" Steering_QuickSpinFrontCounterImpulse = "0,0,1.6" Steering_QuickSpinMaxDuration = "0.4" Steering_QuickSpinSideImpulse = "1500" Steering_QuickSpinTurnWindow = "0.45" Steering_SpeedS = "40" Steering_TiltAngularImpulseInAir = "200.000" SteeringFactorInWheelie = ".3" Susp_Length0 = ".18" Susp_Length1 = ".35" Suspension_DampingCompression0 = "7.2" Suspension_DampingCompression1 = "6" Suspension_DampingRelaxation0 = "9.5" Suspension_DampingRelaxation1 = "9.5" Suspension_Padding0 = ".02" Suspension_Strength0 = "36.5" Suspension_Strength1 = "35" SuspensionBottomOutLimit = "0.25" SuspensionEquilibriumThreshold = "0.14" SuspensionModel = "0" TireNoiseScaler = "0.0001" TireSkidEnergyDecreasePerTick = "750" TireSkidEnergyIncreasePerTick = "300" TorquePitchFactor = "0.5" TorqueRollFactor = "0.25" TorqueYawFactor = "0.35" UnstuckImpulse = "1930" UseBoostStart = "true" VehicleJumpImpulse = "0,0,0" VehicleTopSpeed = "43.50" ViscosityFriction0 = "0.03" ViscosityFriction1 = "0.03" Weight = "120" WheelCollision_Model = "0" WheelCollision_NormalClip = ".8" WheelieAngularImpulse = "0" WheelieConstraintSpeed = "0" WheelieContinueImpulse = "0,0,0" WheelieEndoCounterContinueImpulseFactor = "0.4" WheelieEndoCounterImpulseFactor = "0.4" WheelieExtraTorque = "0.000" WheelieImpulse = "0" WheeliePitchModel = "4" WheelsTorqueRatio0 = "0.0" WheelsTorqueRatio1 = "1.0" Width0 = "0.08" Width1 = "0.1" cAlternateTextureInfoItem m249bike_alttex { AlternateTextureName0 = "data/models/environment/props/m249_bike_red" AlternateTextureName1 = "data/models/environment/props/m249_bike_blue" AlternateTextureName2 = "data/models/environment/props/m249_bike_green" AlternateTextureName3 = "data/models/environment/props/m249_bike_usa" AlternateTextureName4 = "data/models/environment/props/m249_bike_purple" AlternateTextureName5 = "data/models/environment/props/m249_bike_black" }
cPrestigePointInfoItem m249bike_pp { PrestigePointsAwarded0 = "25" RewardCondition0 = "14" } cGunProjectileInfoItem flamebike { DR2 = "true" PropToShoot = "nothing" Support = "true" } cComboCardItem BowArrowExplosive_card { AchievementCategory = "9" Attack1 = "2700" Card_Label = "2818" CardIndexNumber = "43" ComboStationRotation_1 = "0,0,0.5,0.5" ComboStationRotation_2 = "0,0,-0.70710677,0.70710677" DR2 = "true" IconAsset = "comboc_blambow" PP_Multiplier = "2" Ticker_Description = "2518" Weapon_1 = "M249Bike" Weapon_2 = "MotorOil" Weapon_Description = "2612" } }
cFirearmItem flamebikegun { AchievementCategory = "-1" ActionTargetCrawlerOnly6 = "false" AimIKLeftAngleLimit = "50" AimIKRightAngleLimit = "30" AnimationChooserValueForEnhancedAnims = "1" AnimationChooserValueForFirearms = "0" AnimationChooserValueForHand = "11" AnimationChooserValueForIdle = "1" AnimationChooserValueForJump = "1" AnimationChooserValueForPickup = "1" AnimationChooserValueForPutdown = "4" AnimationChooserValueForWalkRun = "1" AttachPropToBoneType = "0" AudioActionBits = "256" AudioFilename = "fx_flamethrower" AudioItemName = "FlameThrower" AudioUnloadDeferralTime = "3" BaseBulletDamage = "75" CanBePlacedOnZombie = "false" CollidableQuality = "0" CollisionAudioDissipationFactor = "0.2" CollisionType = "3" DisplayName = "50136" DR2 = "true" Durability = "9999" EffectOnImpact = "2" EffectOnVictim = "0" FatalHitReaction = "51" FiringRate = "13" Friction = "25" HandlingStyle = "3" HitReaction = "13" IconFilename = "w_m249" Impulse = "1" InteractDistance = "1.3" InventoryInteractionType = "0" IsAutomatic = "true" IsWeapon = "true" LocatorOrientationOffset = "0.000,0.000,0.000,1.000" LocatorPositionOffset = "0.000,0.000,0.000" MaxBulletDistance = "0.5" MaxBulletsPerClip = "9999" NumPelletsPerShot = "0" PropEffectLocator0 = "15" PropEffectLocator1 = "15" PropEffectLocator2 = "15" PropEffectLocator3 = "15" PropEffectsOnCondition3 = "0" PropEffectsOnCondition0 = "7" PropEffectsOnCondition1 = "7" PropEffectsOnCondition2 = "7" PyroEffect0 = "57" PyroEffect1 = "57" PyroEffect2 = "171" PyroEffect3 = "301" RequiresReload = "false" Restitution = "0.08" Reticle_AccuracyDecreasePerShot = "0.18" Reticle_ActiveInRangeMode = "true" Reticle_ActiveInThirdPerson = "false" Reticle_BestAccuracy = "0.7" Reticle_EnableAutoTargeting = "false" Reticle_MinMovementRateBeforeAccuracyDecrease = "1" Reticle_ReturnToNormalAccuracyRate = "0.05" Reticle_Type = "0" Reticle_WorstAccuracy = "0.0" RotationOffset = "0.045" SkillRequired = "0" Support = "true" SurvivorHandlingTwoHands = "true" SurvivorWeapon = "true" VertOffsetFromHandToMuzzle = "0.145" VibrationPattern = "10" WaveAmplitude = "0.05" WaveSpeed = "2.5" WeaponType = "15" Weight = "20" cLimbDestroyInfoItem LMG_M249_Limb_Removal1 { Limb0 = "0" Limb1 = "1" Limb2 = "2" Limb3 = "3" Limb4 = "4" ProbabilityOfExploding0 = ".75" ProbabilityOfExploding1 = ".5" ProbabilityOfExploding2 = ".5" ProbabilityOfExploding3 = ".2" ProbabilityOfExploding4 = ".2" } cGunProjectileInfoItem flamebikegun { DR2 = "true" PropToShoot = "nothing" Support = "true" }
In royal_flush.txt
cItemPlacement flamebike { ItemName = "flamebike" Location = "-315,-4.2,-131.5" Rotation = "0,-0.5,0,-1" }
Lastly, and my favorite, is Gambit's Cards... VERY FUN!!! You can acquire these by combining Playing cards and a battery. cProjectileLauncherItem gambitcards { ActionButton0 = "PLAYERBUTTON_QUICK_ATTACK" ActionDesiredAnimState0 = "ANIMSTATE_THROWQUICK" AlternateWeaponViewCam = "4" AnimationChooserValueForHand = "0" AnimationChooserValueForIdle = "0" AnimationChooserValueForPickup = "0" AnimationChooserValueForPutdown = "0" AnimationChooserValueForThrow = "28" AnimationChooserValueForWalkRun = "0" AnimBankName = "Firecrackers" AssetFilename = "gambitcards" AudioFilename = "fx_cards" AudioItemName = "Cards" AudioLoadDistanceType = "1" CollidableQuality = "0" CollisionAudioDissipationFactor = "0.1" CollisionBits = "WORLDCOLLISIONFILTER_DYNAMIC_PROP" CollisionType = "11" ComboBlendDuration0 = "0.05" ComboBlendXZToUse0 = "2" ComboBlendYToUse0 = "2" DestroyOnThrownImpact = "false" DetonateOnThrow = "true" DetonationDelay = ".6" DisplayName = "50551" DR2 = "true" DR2PRO = "true" Durability = "30" ExplodeRadius = "5" ExplosionCausesExplosions = "true" ExplosionCausesImpulse = "true" FatalHitReaction = "38" Friction = "25" HandlingStyle = "0" HitsPerSecondReactionEarlyOutThreshold = "5" HitsPerSecondThreshold = "5" IconFilename = "w_playcards" InteractDistance = "1.2" InventoryInteractionType = "0" Is_Blunt = "false" Is_Cliche = "true" Is_Humour = "true" Is_Sharp = "true" Is_Thrown = "true" IsWeapon = "true" LoadDistance = "15" MaxDamage = "200" MaxDamageDealtPerAttack = "100" MaxDelayVariation = "0.2" MaxProjectileDamage = "10" MediumDamageRadius = "4" NumberOfThrowables = "999" ProjectileFatalHitReaction = "51" ProjectileHitImpulse = "1.1" ProjectileHitReaction = "13" PropEffectDuration0 = "4.5" PropEffectLocator0 = "16" PropEffectLocator1 = "16" PropEffectLocatorIndex0 = "1" PropEffectLocatorIndex1 = "0" PropEffectsOnCondition0 = "4" PropEffectsOnCondition1 = "0" PropEffectStartDelay0 = "1" PyroEffect0 = "213" PyroEffect1 = "80" PropToThrow = "gambitcards_pieces" Restitution = "0.05" Reticle_ActiveInRangeMode = "true" Reticle_Type = "1" ThrowAngleDegrees = "0" ThrowForce = "10" ThrowRange = "20" UseLobProjectilePhysics = "true" WeaponType = "1" Weight = "5" cComboCardItem BowArrowExplosive_card { AchievementCategory = "9" Attack1 = "2700" Card_Label = "2818" CardIndexNumber = "43" ComboStationRotation_1 = "0,0,0.5,0.5" ComboStationRotation_2 = "0,0,-0.70710677,0.70710677" DR2 = "true" IconAsset = "comboc_blambow" PP_Multiplier = "2" Ticker_Description = "2518" Weapon_1 = "PlayingCards" Weapon_2 = "Battery" Weapon_Description = "2612" } }
cExplosiveItem gambitcards_pieces { AchievementCategory = "4" AssetFilename = "gambitcards_pieces" AttachPropToBoneType = "1" AudioActionBits = "16" AudioFilename = "fx_cardpieces" AudioItemName = "Cards_Pieces" AudioUnloadDeferralTime = "1" BreakSpread = "2" CollidableQuality = "0" CollisionAudioDissipationFactor = "0.1" CollisionBits = "WORLDCOLLISIONFILTER_DYNAMIC_PROP" CollisionType = "11" DestroyOnThrownImpact = "false" DetonateOnThrow = "true" DetonationDelay = "2" DisplayName = "50320" DR2 = "true" Durability = "1" ExplodeRadius = "5" ExplosionCausesExplosions = "true" ExplosionCausesImpulse = "true" FatalHitReaction = "38" Friction = "25" HandlingStyle = "0" InteractDistance = "0" InventoryInteractionType = "2" Is_Humour = "true" Is_Thrown = "true" IsWeapon = "true" MaxDamage = "200" MaxDamageDealtPerAttack = "100" MaxDelayVariation = "0.2" MaxProjectileDamage = "10" MediumDamageRadius = "4" ProjectileFatalHitReaction = "51" ProjectileHitImpulse = "1.1" ProjectileHitReaction = "13" PropEffectDuration0 = "4.5" PropEffectLocator0 = "16" PropEffectLocator1 = "16" PropEffectLocator2 = "16" PropEffectLocator3 = "16" PropEffectLocatorIndex0 = "1" PropEffectLocatorIndex1 = "1" PropEffectLocatorIndex2 = "0" PropEffectLocatorIndex3 = "0" PropEffectsOnCondition0 = "4" PropEffectsOnCondition1 = "13" PropEffectsOnCondition2 = "3" PropEffectsOnCondition3 = "0" PropEffectStartDelay0 = "0.1" PropelledForwardImpulse = "18f" PropelledMaxAngularVelocity = "50f" PropelledMaxLinearVelocity = "50.f" PyroEffect0 = "213" PyroEffect1 = "67" PyroEffect2 = "56" PyroEffect3 = "80" Restitution = "0.05" RestrictedByRegion = "false" Support = "true" SurvivorWeapon = "false" ThrowAngleDegrees = "-3" ThrowEffectAudio = "0" ThrowEffectOnVictim = "0" ThrowForce = "7" ThrowSpin = "0,0,0" WeaponType = "1" Weight = "0.5" cPropHitZombieInfoItem sb_hzombie { DR2 = "true" PropHitZombieEffect = "0" Support = "true" } cAttachedToZombieInfoItem bzooka_attached_info { AnimSet = "-1" PositionToStickTo = "2" StickableArea = "1" StickableAsProjectile = "true" StickArbitrarily = "true" } }
In safehouse.txt
cItemPlacement gambitcards { ItemName = "gambitcards" Location = "2.4,-0.575,27.7" PropState = "-2" Rotation = "0,0,1,0" }
I have also included a combo of Flaming Sword and Spiked Shield, you can acquire this by combining Flaming swordandshield and Spiked swordandshield. I'm sorry if I left something out, feel free to ask any questions.
Post by anno1404 on Jan 16, 2011 23:28:35 GMT -5
Nice job tom, I notice you posted on msn... I didn't even know you could do this! The 3 videos are awesome.
Post by thommoboy on Jan 18, 2011 2:57:31 GMT -5
can we include this in the infinity mode?
Where's My Wiskey
Posts: 1,270
Post by tommah on Jan 18, 2011 16:54:20 GMT -5
absolutely.... can't think of any reason why not
Where's My Wiskey
Posts: 1,270
Post by tommah on Feb 1, 2011 12:32:22 GMT -5
NEW WEAPONSWith Iceman being one of my favorite X-Men, I decided to do a Weapon Theme Mod 1. Ice Shards as always I didn't have the audio one while modding and recording... I have since changed the audio Can be made by combing Fire Extinguisher and Bowie Knife cProjectileLauncherItem iceshards { ActionButton0 = "PLAYERBUTTON_QUICK_ATTACK" ActionDesiredAnimState0 = "ANIMSTATE_THROWQUICK" AlternateWeaponViewCam = "4" AnimationChooserValueForHand = "0" AnimationChooserValueForIdle = "0" AnimationChooserValueForPickup = "0" AnimationChooserValueForPutdown = "0" AnimationChooserValueForThrow = "28" AnimationChooserValueForWalkRun = "0" AnimBankName = "Firecrackers" AssetFilename = "iceshards" AudioFilename = "fx_cards" AudioItemName = "Cards" AudioLoadDistanceType = "1" CollidableQuality = "0" CollisionAudioDissipationFactor = "0.1" CollisionBits = "WORLDCOLLISIONFILTER_DYNAMIC_PROP" CollisionType = "3" ComboBlendDuration0 = "0.05" ComboBlendXZToUse0 = "2" ComboBlendYToUse0 = "2" DisplayName = "50551" DR2 = "true" DR2PRO = "true" Durability = "999" EffectOnVictim0 = "189" Friction = "25" HandlingStyle = "0" HitsPerSecondReactionEarlyOutThreshold = "5" HitsPerSecondThreshold = "5" IconFilename = "w_playcards" InteractDistance = "1.2" InventoryInteractionType = "0" Is_Blunt = "false" Is_Cliche = "true" Is_Humour = "true" Is_Sharp = "true" Is_Thrown = "true" IsWeapon = "true" LoadDistance = "15" NumberOfThrowables = "999" PropToThrow = "iceshard_pieces" PropEffectLocator0 = "16" PropEffectsOnCondition0 = "0" PyroEffect0 = "215" PropEffectLocator1 = "16" PropEffectsOnCondition1 = "0" PyroEffect1 = "80" PropEffectLocator2 = "16" PropEffectLocatorIndex2 = "1" PropEffectsOnCondition2 = "0" PyroEffect2 = "32" PropEffectLocator3 = "16" PropEffectsOnCondition3 = "0" PyroEffect3 = "225" Restitution = "0.05" Reticle_ActiveInRangeMode = "true" Reticle_Type = "1" ThrowAngleDegrees = "0" ThrowForce = "10" ThrowRange = "15" UseLobProjectilePhysics = "true" WeaponType = "1" Weight = "5" cComboCardItem iceshards_card { AchievementCategory = "12" Attack1 = "2700" CanBeBuiltInProlog = "true" Card_Label = "2831" CardIndexNumber = "2" ComboStationRotation_1 = "0,-0.707106770,0,0.70710677" ComboStationRotation_2 = "0.5,-0.5,0.5,0.5" DR2 = "true" IconAsset = "comboc_molotov" PP_Multiplier = "2" Ticker_Description = "2531" Weapon_1 = "BowieKnife" Weapon_2 = "FireExtinguisher" Weapon_Description = "2619" } }
cPlayerWeaponItem iceshard_pieces { AchievementCategory = "1" ActionButton0 = "PLAYERBUTTON_QUICK_ATTACK" ActionDesiredAnimState0 = "ANIMSTATE_ATTACKSEQUENCE" AlternateWeaponViewCam = "4" AnimBankName = "SawBlade" AssetFilename = "iceshard_pieces" AssociatedMagazineType0 = "8" AttackDamage0 = "20" AudioActionBits = "256" AudioFilename = "fx_sawblade" AudioItemName = "SawBlade" CollidableQuality = "0" CollisionAudioDissipationFactor = "0.1" CollisionBits = "WORLDCOLLISIONFILTER_DYNAMIC_PROP" CollisionType = "3" ComboBlendDuration0 = "0.05" ComboBlendXZToUse0 = "2" ComboBlendYToUse0 = "2" DestroyOnThrownImpact = "true" DisplayName = "50332" DR2 = "true" DR2PRO = "true" Durability = "10" EffectAudio0 = "4" EffectOnImpact0 = "281" EffectOnVictim0 = "31" EffectOnWeapon0 = "155" FatalHitReaction0 = "HITREACTION_WEAPON_SLICE_HORIZONTAL" Friction = "1" HandlingStyle = "0" HitReaction0 = "HITREACTION_WEAPON_SLICE_HORIZONTAL" IconFilename = "w_sawblade" Impulse0 = "1" InteractDistance = "1.15" InventoryInteractionType = "0" Is_Sharp = "true" Is_Thrown = "true" IsNotInteractable = "true" IsWeapon = "true" LoadDistance = "20" MaxProjectileDamage = "20" ProjectileFatalHitReaction = "44" ProjectileHitReaction = "44" PropEffectLocator0 = "16" PropEffectsOnCondition0 = "0" PyroEffect0 = "215" PropEffectLocator1 = "16" PropEffectsOnCondition1 = "0" PyroEffect1 = "80" PropEffectLocator2 = "16" PropEffectLocatorIndex2 = "1" PropEffectsOnCondition2 = "0" PyroEffect2 = "32" ResetComboSeqCounter0 = "true" Restitution = "0.005" RestrictedByRegion = "false" Reticle_ActiveInRangeMode = "true" Reticle_Type = "1" SecondsBeforeDeadPropVanishes = "1" SurvivorWeapon = "true" ThrowAngleDegrees = "0" ThrowEffectAudio = "4" ThrowEffectOnImpact = "279" ThrowEffectOnVictim = "10" ThrowEffectOnWeapon = "0" ThrowForce = "15" ThrowRange = "10" ThrowSpin = "0,-10,0" UseLobProjectilePhysics = "true" WeaponCanSliceLimbs = "false" WeaponType = "1" Weight = "15" cAttachedToZombieInfoItem iceshard_pieces_impale { AnimSet = "-1" DamagePerSecondWhenAttachedToZombie = "0" PositionToStickTo = "2" StickableArea = "1" StickableAsProjectile = "true" StickArbitrarily = "true" } cPropHitZombieInfoItem iceshard_pieces { DR2 = "true" PropHitZombieEffect = "1" Support = "true" } cPropLifetimeInfoItem iceshard_pieces_die { DR2 = "true" LifetimeModifier = "0" Support = "true" } }
In safehouse.txt
cItemPlacement iceshards { ItemName = "iceshards" Location = "2.4,-0.575,28.2" PropState = "-2" Rotation = "0,0,1,0" }
2. Ice Punch Can be made by Combining Fire Extinguisher and MMA Gloves cPlayerWeaponItem icegloves { AchievementCategory = "-1" AnimationChooserValueForHand = "2" AnimationChooserValueForIdle = "0" AnimationChooserValueForPickup = "0" AnimationChooserValueForPutdown = "0" AnimationChooserValueForThrow = "14" AnimationChooserValueForWalkRun = "-1" AnimBankName = "NoveltyBoxingGloves" AssetFilename = "icegloves" AssociatedMagazineType0 = "12" AssociatedMagazineType1 = "13" AudioActionBits = "272" AudioFilename = "fx_mmagloves" AudioItemName = "MMAGloves" CollidableQuality = "0" CollisionBits = "WORLDCOLLISIONFILTER_DYNAMIC_PROP" CollisionType = "3" DisplayName = "50828" DR2 = "true" Durability = "20" Friction = "25" HandlingStyle = "0" InteractDistance = "1.3" InventoryInteractionType = "0" Is_Blocking = "true" Is_Blunt = "true" Is_Humour = "true" IsWeapon = "true" LoadDistance = "25" MaxProjectileDamage = "5" ProjectileFatalHitReaction = "51" ProjectileHitReaction = "52" Restitution = "0.01" RestrictedByRegion = "false" ThrowAngleDegrees = "7" ThrowForce = "10" ThrowSpin = "0,0,0" UnlimitedDurability = "true" WeaponType = "2" Weight = "5" cSecondaryPropInfoItem mma_SecondaryProp { DR2 = "true" SecondaryPropAssetName = "liceglove" Support = "true" }
cOverridePrimaryPropInfoItem mma_PrimaryProp { PrimaryPropAssetName = "riceglove" } cComboCardItem icegloves_card { AchievementCategory = "12" Attack1 = "2700" Card_Label = "2849" CardIndexNumber = "30" ComboStationRotation_1 = "-0.5,-0.5,0.5,0.5" ComboStationRotation_2 = "0,1,0,0" DR2 = "true" IconAsset = "comboc_superbfg" PP_Multiplier = "2" Ticker_Description = "2544" Weapon_1 = "MMAGloves" Weapon_2 = "FireExtinguisher" Weapon_Description = "2639" }
cPlayerWeaponItem liceglove { ActionButton6 = "PLAYERBUTTON_STOMP" ActionDesiredAnimState6 = "ANIMSTATE_WEAPONSTOMP" ActionTargetCrawlerOnly6 = "true" AnimationAttackChooserValue6 = "0" AnimationAttackName0 = "male_attack_1hand_club_a" AnimationAttackName6 = "male_attack_curb_stomp" AnimationChooserValueForHand = "20" AnimationChooserValueForIdle = "0" AnimationChooserValueForPickup = "0" AnimationChooserValueForThrow = "0" AnimationChooserValueForWalkRun = "0" AssetFilename = "liceglove" AttachPropToBoneType = "1" AttackDamage6 = "50" AudioActionBits = "0" AudioFilename = "fx_mmagloves" AudioItemName = "MMAGloves" CollidableQuality = "0" CollisionType = "3" DestroyOnThrownImpact = "false" DisplayName = "50828" DR2 = "true" Durability = "100" Friction = "25" HandlingStyle = "0" InteractDistance = "0" InventoryInteractionType = "2" Is_Blocking = "true" Is_Blunt = "true" Is_Cliche = "true" Is_Humour = "true" IsWeapon = "true" MaxProjectileDamage = "35" ObjectPaddingRadius = "0.25" ProjectileFatalHitReaction = "51" ProjectileHitReaction = "51" PropEffectLocator0 = "16" PropEffectsOnCondition0 = "0" PyroEffect0 = "215" PropEffectLocator1 = "16" PropEffectsOnCondition1 = "0" PyroEffect1 = "225" Restitution = "0.05" Reticle_ActiveInRangeMode = "false" Reticle_ActiveInThirdPerson = "false" Support = "true" ThrowAngleDegrees = "6" ThrowEffectAudio = "0" ThrowEffectOnImpact = "0" ThrowEffectOnVictim = "20" ThrowEffectOnWeapon = "0" ThrowForce = "35" ThrowSpin = "0,0,0" UnlimitedDurability = "true" WeaponType = "1" Weight = "5" cPropHitZombieInfoItem liceglove_pieces { DR2 = "true" PropHitZombieEffect = "1" Support = "true" } }
cPlayerWeaponItem riceglove { AchievementCategory = "0" ActionButton0 = "PLAYERBUTTON_QUICKRELEASE" ActionButton1 = "PLAYERBUTTON_QUICKRELEASE" ActionButton2 = "PLAYERBUTTON_CHARGEATTACK_SHORT" ActionButton3 = "PLAYERBUTTON_CHARGEATTACK_SHORT" ActionButton4 = "PLAYERBUTTON_QUICK_ATTACK" ActionButton5 = "PLAYERBUTTON_QUICK_ATTACK" ActionButton6 = "PLAYERBUTTON_QUICKRELEASE" ActionDesiredAnimState0 = "ANIMSTATE_ATTACKSEQUENCE" ActionDesiredAnimState1 = "ANIMSTATE_ATTACKSEQUENCE" ActionDesiredAnimState2 = "ANIMSTATE_ATTACKSEQUENCE" ActionDesiredAnimState3 = "ANIMSTATE_ATTACKSEQUENCE" ActionDesiredAnimState4 = "ANIMSTATE_ATTACKSEQUENCE" ActionDesiredAnimState5 = "ANIMSTATE_ATTACKSEQUENCE" ActionDesiredAnimState6 = "ANIMSTATE_BIKEATTACK" ActionRequiredAnimState1 = "ANIMSTATE_ATTACKSEQUENCE" ActionRequiredAnimState3 = "ANIMSTATE_ATTACKSEQUENCE" ActionRequiredAnimState4 = "ANIMSTATE_ATTACKSEQUENCE" ActionRequiredAnimState5 = "ANIMSTATE_ATTACKSEQUENCE" ActionRequiredAnimState6 = "ANIMSTATE_BIKEATTACK" ActionTargetCrawlerOnly6 = "false" AnimationAttackChooserValue0 = "242" AnimationAttackChooserValue1 = "243" AnimationAttackChooserValue2 = "244" AnimationAttackChooserValue3 = "245" AnimationAttackChooserValue4 = "246" AnimationAttackChooserValue5 = "247" AnimationAttackName0 = "male_attack_Rightcross_a" AnimationAttackName1 = "male_attack_Leftcross_b" AnimationAttackName2 = "male_attack_Righthook_a" AnimationAttackName3 = "male_attack_Lefthook_b" AnimationAttackName4 = "male_attack_Rightuppercut_a" AnimationAttackName5 = "male_attack_Leftuppercut_b" AnimationChooserValueForHand = "20" AnimationChooserValueForIdle = "-1" AnimationChooserValueForPickup = "0" AnimationChooserValueForPutdown = "0" AnimationChooserValueForThrow = "42" AnimationChooserValueForWalkRun = "-1" AnimBankName = "NoveltyBoxingGloves" AssetFilename = "riceglove" AttachPropToBoneType = "0" AttackAudioAssetName0 = "MMAGlovesHitBody" AttackAudioAssetName1 = "MMAGlovesHitBody" AttackAudioAssetName2 = "MMAGlovesHitBodyBig" AttackAudioAssetName3 = "MMAGlovesHitBodyBig" AttackAudioAssetName4 = "MMAGlovesHitBodyBig" AttackAudioAssetName5 = "MMAGlovesHitBodyBig" AttackAudioAssetName6 = "MMAGlovesHitBody" AttackDamage0 = "25" AttackDamage1 = "25" AttackDamage2 = "40" AttackDamage3 = "40" AttackDamage4 = "40" AttackDamage5 = "40" AttackDamage6 = "25" AudioActionBits = "256" AudioFilename = "fx_mmagloves" AudioItemName = "MMAGloves" CollidableQuality = "0" CollisionType = "3" ComboBlendDuration0 = "0.1" ComboBlendDuration1 = "0.1" ComboBlendDuration2 = "0.15" ComboBlendDuration3 = "0.15" ComboBlendDuration4 = "0.1" ComboBlendDuration5 = "0.1" ComboBlendDuration6 = "0.05" ComboBlendXZToUse0 = "2" ComboBlendXZToUse1 = "2" ComboBlendXZToUse2 = "2" ComboBlendXZToUse3 = "2" ComboBlendXZToUse4 = "2" ComboBlendXZToUse5 = "2" ComboBlendXZToUse6 = "2" ComboBlendYToUse0 = "2" ComboBlendYToUse1 = "2" ComboBlendYToUse2 = "2" ComboBlendYToUse3 = "2" ComboBlendYToUse4 = "2" ComboBlendYToUse5 = "2" ComboBlendYToUse6 = "2" DestroyOnThrownImpact = "false" DisplayName = "50828" DR2 = "true" Durability = "50" EffectAudio0 = "0" EffectAudio1 = "0" EffectAudio2 = "0" EffectAudio3 = "0" EffectAudio4 = "0" EffectAudio5 = "0" EffectAudio6 = "0" EffectOnImpact0 = "279" EffectOnImpact1 = "279" EffectOnImpact2 = "279" EffectOnImpact3 = "279" EffectOnImpact4 = "279" EffectOnImpact5 = "279" EffectOnImpact6 = "279" FatalHitReaction0 = "HITREACTION_FATAL_GROUP2" FatalHitReaction1 = "HITREACTION_FATAL_GROUP2" FatalHitReaction2 = "HITREACTION_FATAL_GROUP2" FatalHitReaction3 = "HITREACTION_FATAL_GROUP2" FatalHitReaction4 = "HITREACTION_FATAL_GROUP2" FatalHitReaction5 = "HITREACTION_FATAL_GROUP2" FatalHitReaction6 = "HITREACTION_FATAL_GROUP2" Friction = "25" HandlingStyle = "0" HitReaction0 = "HITREACTION_STAGGER_MEDIUM" HitReaction1 = "HITREACTION_STAGGER_MEDIUM" HitReaction2 = "HITREACTION_WEAPON_HEAVY_MEDIUM" HitReaction3 = "HITREACTION_WEAPON_HEAVY_MEDIUM" HitReaction4 = "HITREACTION_FATAL_GROUP2" HitReaction5 = "HITREACTION_FATAL_GROUP2" HitReaction6 = "HITREACTION_STAGGER_MEDIUM" IconFilename = "w_mma_gloves" IgnoreAnyComboRequests2 = "false" IgnoreAnyComboRequests4 = "false" Impulse0 = "1" Impulse1 = "1" Impulse2 = "1.1" Impulse3 = "1.1" Impulse4 = "1" Impulse5 = "1" Impulse6 = "0.85" InteractDistance = "0" InventoryInteractionType = "0" Is_Blocking = "true" Is_Blunt = "true" Is_Cliche = "true" Is_Humour = "true" IsWeapon = "true" MaxProjectileDamage = "25" ObjectPaddingRadius = "0.15" ProjectileFatalHitReaction = "74" ProjectileHitImpulse = "0.9" ProjectileHitReaction = "52" PropEffectLocator0 = "16" PropEffectsOnCondition0 = "0" PyroEffect0 = "215" PropEffectLocator1 = "16" PropEffectsOnCondition1 = "0" PyroEffect1 = "225" RequiredComboSeqCounter0 = "0" RequiredComboSeqCounter1 = "1" RequiredComboSeqCounter2 = "0" RequiredComboSeqCounter3 = "1" RequiredComboSeqCounter4 = "2" RequiredComboSeqCounter5 = "3" RequiredComboSeqCounter6 = "9" ResetComboSeqCounter2 = "false" ResetComboSeqCounter3 = "false" ResetComboSeqCounter4 = "false" ResetComboSeqCounter5 = "true" ResetComboSeqCounter6 = "true" Restitution = "0.05" RestrictedByRegion = "false" Reticle_ActiveInRangeMode = "false" Reticle_ActiveInThirdPerson = "false" Support = "true" ThrowEffectAudio = "1" ThrowEffectOnImpact = "279" ThrowEffectOnVictim = "279" ThrowEffectOnWeapon = "0" UnlimitedDurability = "true" VibrationPattern0 = "4" VibrationPattern1 = "4" VibrationPattern2 = "4" VibrationPattern3 = "4" VibrationPattern4 = "4" VibrationPattern5 = "4" VibrationPattern6 = "4" WeaponType = "1" Weight = "5" cWeaponImpactPoseWarperInfoItem riceglove_impactwarp { Bone0 = "4" Bone1 = "7" Rotation0 = "0.000,0.000,-0.1,0.955" Rotation1 = "0.000,0.000,-0.296,0.955" SpeedToRecovery0 = "2.5" SpeedToRecovery1 = "2.5" Translation0 = "0,0,0" WarpTime0 = "0.2" WarpTime1 = "0.2" } cPropHitZombieInfoItem riceglove_pieces { DR2 = "true" PropHitZombieEffect = "1" Support = "true" }
In safehouse.txt
cItemPlacement icegloves { ItemName = "icegloves" Location = "2.4,-0.575,28.7" PropState = "-2" Rotation = "0,0,1,0" }
3. Iceboard.... or something you freeze every zombie you run into, plus the effect is a little glitchy but sometimes it will shoot out and freeze zombies from a distance... tried many things to get this a more common effect, but no luck. Just sometimes. Can be made by Combining Fire Extinguisher and Skateboard. cRideableItem iceman { AnimationChooserValueForHand = "15" AnimationChooserValueForIdle = "0" AnimationChooserValueForPickup = "0" AnimationChooserValueForPutdown = "0" AnimationChooserValueForThrow = "16" AnimationChooserValueForWalkRun = "0" AnimBankName = "Skateboard" AssetFilename = "iceman" AssociatedMagazineType0 = "18" AudioFilename = "fx_fireextinguisher" AudioItemName = "FireExtinguisher" BaseHitDamage = "80" BrakeRotationSpeed = "4" BrakingRate = "4.5" CollidableQuality = "0" CollisionAudioDissipationFactor = "1000000" CollisionAudioMaxEnergy = "0" CollisionBits = "WORLDCOLLISIONFILTER_DYNAMIC_PROP" CollisionType = "3" DamagePerKMH = "20" DisplayName = "50823" DR2 = "true" Durability = "4" EjectSpeed = "999" Friction = "5" HandlingStyle = "0" HitReactionSpeedModifier = "5" IconFilename = "w_skateboard" InitialSpeed = "2.5" InteractDistance = "1.4" InventoryInteractionType = "0" IsWeapon = "true" LeanRate = "15" LoadDistance = "30" MaxProjectileDamage = "35" MaxRideSpeed = "18" MaxRotationSpeed = "2" MaxSpeed = "18" MinSpeedBrakeTurn = ".05" MinStairSpeed = "2.5" ProjectileFatalHitReaction = "51" ProjectileHitImpulse = "1" ProjectileHitReaction = "13" PropAudioType = "4096" PushImpulse = "10" PropEffectLocator0 = "16" PropEffectsOnCondition0 = "0" PyroEffect0 = "215" PropEffectDuration1 = "1" PropEffectLocator1 = "16" PropEffectsOnCondition1 = "2" PyroEffect1 = "213" PropEffectLocator2 = "16" PropEffectsOnCondition2 = "0" PyroEffect2 = "215" PropEffectDuration0 = ".2" PropEffectLocator0 = "16" PropEffectsOnCondition0 = "20" PyroEffect3 = "213" Restitution = "0.05" Reticle_ActiveInRangeMode = "true" Reticle_Type = "1" RotationOffset = "45" RotationSpeed = "1" SpeedDecayRate = "0" ThrowAngleDegrees = "6" ThrowEffectOnImpact = "279" ThrowEffectOnVictim = "162" ThrowForce = "8" ThrowSpin = "-0.600,1.400,-2.000" TurningFriction = ".1" Type = "1" UnlimitedDurability = "true" WeaponType = "16" Weight = "10" ZombieBaseHitDamage = "1" ZombieDamagePerKMH = "15" ZombieHitReactionSpeedModifier = "1" cPropHitZombieInfoItem iceman { DR2 = "true" PropHitZombieEffect = "1" Support = "true" } cComboCardItem iceman_card { AchievementCategory = "12" Attack1 = "2700" Card_Label = "2829" CardIndexNumber = "14" ComboStationRotation_1 = "0,0,0.70710677,0.70710677" ComboStationRotation_2 = "0,0,-0.70710677,0.70710677" DR2 = "true" IconAsset = "comboc_stickybomb" PP_Multiplier = "2" Ticker_Description = "2529" Weapon_1 = "Skateboard" Weapon_2 = "FireExtinguisher" Weapon_Description = "2625" } }
In safehouse.txt
cItemPlacement iceman { ItemName = "iceman" Location = "2.4,-0.525,27.2" PropState = "-2" Rotation = "0,0,1,0" }
Download link is on first post in the thread
Got Milk?
Posts: 494
Post by moloko on Feb 1, 2011 16:16:16 GMT -5
Considering backup issues, could you also post the code?
Where's My Wiskey
Posts: 1,270
Post by tommah on Feb 1, 2011 16:34:44 GMT -5
I can do it later if you want me to (can't at the moment) but the items.txt code is in the downloaded zip file in the readmediy.txt file.... but I'll do it as soon as I can, if you still want it
Where's My Wiskey
Posts: 1,270
Post by tommah on Feb 1, 2011 23:44:08 GMT -5
NEW WEAPON!!!Mjollnir (Thor's Hammer) Very devastating. You need to kill a couple zombies to charge the hammer, after that you can just pound it on the ground (not hit a zombie) and will electrocute nearby zombies. Those that don't die from the lightning will most likely have their head exploded. I was trying to figure out a way to be able to throw the hammer and have it returned to you, but couldn't get it done. Can be created by combining Sledgehammer and Toys Magazine (closest thing I could think of for a comic book reference). I suggest using the ItemPlacement included in the readmediy.txt file included in the file or already in the datafile.big. It is located in Storage Room 11. I think its pretty epic... already updated the download link. its through skydrive so I don't there's a download limit, but if you still want me to start posting codes I could... it'd get pretty lengthy though. cPlayerWeaponItem thortable { AchievementCategory = "0" ActionButton0 = "PLAYERBUTTON_QUICKRELEASE" ActionButton1 = "PLAYERBUTTON_QUICKRELEASE" ActionButton2 = "PLAYERBUTTON_CHARGEATTACK_SHORT" ActionDesiredAnimState0 = "ANIMSTATE_ATTACKSEQUENCE" ActionDesiredAnimState1 = "ANIMSTATE_ATTACKSEQUENCE" ActionDesiredAnimState2 = "ANIMSTATE_ATTACKSEQUENCE" ActionRequiredAnimState1 = "ANIMSTATE_ATTACKSEQUENCE" AnimationAttackChooserValue0 = "292" AnimationAttackChooserValue1 = "291" AnimationAttackChooserValue2 = "293" AnimationAttackName0 = "male_attack_metalbarrier_7_to_3_a" AnimationAttackName1 = "male_attack_metalbarrier_3_to_7_b" AnimationAttackName2 = "male_attack_metalbarrier_8_to_6_heavy" AnimationAttackName8 = "male_throw_large_item" AnimationChooserValueForHand = "0" AnimationChooserValueForIdle = "4" AnimationChooserValueForPickup = "3" AnimationChooserValueForPutdown = "3" AnimationChooserValueForThrow = "23" AnimationChooserValueForWalkRun = "4" AnimBankName = "MetalBarrier" AssetFilename = "patio_table" AttackAudioAssetName0 = "PatioTableHitBody" AttackAudioAssetName1 = "PatioTableHitBody" AttackAudioAssetName2 = "PatioTableHitBodyBig" AttackDamage0 = "60" AttackDamage1 = "60" AttackDamage2 = "60" AudioActionBits = "256" AudioFilename = "fx_patiotable" AudioItemName = "PatioTable" AudioUnloadDeferralTime = "2" CameraInteractionMode = "1" CanBePlacedOnZombie = "false" CollidableQuality = "0" CollisionBits = "WORLDCOLLISIONFILTER_DYNAMIC_PROP" CollisionType = "3" ComboBlendDuration0 = "0.1" ComboBlendDuration1 = "0.1" ComboBlendDuration2 = "0.2" ComboBlendXZToUse0 = "2" ComboBlendXZToUse1 = "2" ComboBlendXZToUse2 = "2" ComboBlendYToUse0 = "2" ComboBlendYToUse1 = "2" ComboBlendYToUse2 = "2" DisplayName = "50879" DR2 = "true" Durability = "30" EffectAudio0 = "1" EffectAudio1 = "1" EffectAudio2 = "1" EffectOnImpact0 = "280" EffectOnImpact1 = "280" EffectOnImpact2 = "280" EffectOnVictim0 = "20" EffectOnVictim1 = "20" EffectOnVictim2 = "20" FatalHitReaction0 = "HITREACTION_FATAL_GROUP2" FatalHitReaction1 = "HITREACTION_FATAL_GROUP2" FatalHitReaction2 = "HITREACTION_FATAL_GROUP2" Friction = "0.4" GoesTransparentInRangeMode = "true" HandlingStyle = "5" HitReaction0 = "HITREACTION_FATAL_GROUP2" HitReaction1 = "HITREACTION_FATAL_GROUP2" HitReaction2 = "HITREACTION_FATAL_GROUP2" IconFilename = "w_patiotable" IgnoreAnyComboRequests1 = "false" IgnoreAnyComboRequests2 = "false" IgnoreAnyComboRequests3 = "false" Impulse0 = "1.25" Impulse1 = "1.25" Impulse2 = "1.25" InteractDistance = "1.5" InventoryInteractionType = "1" Is_Blunt = "true" IsWeapon = "true" LoadDistance = "30" MaxProjectileDamage = "100" MergedFilename = "data/dynamicprops/PatioTable" ProjectileFatalHitReaction = "74" ProjectileHitImpulse = "1.1" ProjectileHitReaction = "74" PropEffectLocator1 = "15" PropEffectsOnCondition1 = "0" PyroEffect1 = "213" RequiredComboSeqCounter0 = "0" RequiredComboSeqCounter1 = "1" RequiredComboSeqCounter2 = "0" ResetComboSeqCounter1 = "false" ResetComboSeqCounter2 = "true" ResetComboSeqCounter3 = "false" Restitution = "0.05" RestrictedByRegion = "false" Reticle_ActiveInRangeMode = "true" Reticle_ActiveInThirdPerson = "false" Reticle_Type = "1" ThrowAngleDegrees = "6" ThrowEffectAudio = "1" ThrowEffectOnImpact = "281" ThrowEffectOnVictim = "10" ThrowForce = "7" ThrowSpin = "2,1,1" VibrationPattern0 = "10" VibrationPattern1 = "10" VibrationPattern2 = "10" WeaponType = "2" Weight = "40" }
cPlayerWeaponItem thorshammer { AchievementCategory = "0" ActionButton0 = "PLAYERBUTTON_CHARGEATTACK_SHORT" ActionButton1 = "PLAYERBUTTON_QUICKRELEASE" ActionButton2 = "PLAYERBUTTON_QUICKRELEASE" ActionDesiredAnimState0 = "ANIMSTATE_ATTACKSEQUENCE" ActionDesiredAnimState1 = "ANIMSTATE_ATTACKSEQUENCE" ActionDesiredAnimState2 = "ANIMSTATE_ATTACKSEQUENCE" ActionRequiredAnimState2 = "ANIMSTATE_ATTACKSEQUENCE" AnimationAttackChooserValue0 = "352" AnimationAttackChooserValue1 = "359" AnimationAttackChooserValue2 = "268" AnimationAttackName0 = "male_attack_sledgehammer_1_to_5_ground_v2" AnimationAttackName1 = "male_attack_sledgehammer_7_to_2" AnimationAttackName2 = "male_attack_sledgehammer_2_to_6_b_nv" AnimationChooserValueForHand = "15" AnimationChooserValueForIdle = "0" AnimationChooserValueForPickup = "0" AnimationChooserValueForPutdown = "0" AnimationChooserValueForThrow = "40" AnimationChooserValueForWalkRun = "0" AnimBankName = "SledgeHammer" AssetFilename = "thorshammer" AssociatedMagazineType0 = "9" AttackAudioAssetName0 = "SledgeHammerHitBodyBig" AttackAudioAssetName1 = "SledgeHammerHitBodyBig" AttackAudioAssetName2 = "SledgeHammerHitBodyBig" AttackDamage0 = "150" AttackDamage1 = "125" AttackDamage2 = "125" AudioActionBits = "256" AudioFilename = "fx_sledgehammer" AudioItemName = "SledgeHammer" CameraShake = "2" CollidableQuality = "0" CollisionAudioDissipationFactor = "0.2" CollisionBits = "WORLDCOLLISIONFILTER_DYNAMIC_PROP" CollisionType = "3" ComboBlendDuration0 = "0.1" ComboBlendDuration1 = "0.2" ComboBlendDuration2 = "0.2" ComboBlendXZToUse0 = "2" ComboBlendXZToUse1 = "2" ComboBlendXZToUse2 = "2" ComboBlendYToUse0 = "2" ComboBlendYToUse1 = "2" ComboBlendYToUse2 = "2" DisplayName = "50212" DR2 = "true" DR2PRO = "true" Durability = "35" EffectAudio0 = "5" EffectAudio1 = "2" EffectOnImpact0 = "86" EffectOnImpact1 = "280" EffectOnImpact2 = "280" EffectOnVictim0 = "30" EffectOnVictim1 = "9" EffectOnVictim2 = "9" EffectOnWeapon1 = "0" EffectOnWeapon2 = "0" EffectOnWeapon3 = "0" FatalHitReaction0 = "HITREACTION_QUEENBEE" FatalHitReaction1 = "HITREACTION_WEAPON_HEAVY_SPIN" FatalHitReaction2 = "HITREACTION_WEAPON_CRUSH_FORWARD" Friction = "50" HandlingStyle = "0" HitReaction0 = "HITREACTION_QUEENBEE" HitReaction1 = "HITREACTION_WEAPON_MEDIUM" HitReaction2 = "HITREACTION_WEAPON_CRUSH_FORWARD" IconFilename = "w_sledgehammer" IgnoreAnyComboRequests1 = "false" IgnoreAnyComboRequests3 = "false" IgnoreAnyComboRequests7 = "false" Impulse0 = "1.25" Impulse1 = "1.75" Impulse2 = "1.75" InteractDistance = "90" InventoryInteractionType = "0" Is_Cliche = "true" IsWeapon = "true" LoadDistance = "30" MaxProjectileDamage = "125" NumberOfThrowables = "10" ObjectPaddingRadius = "7" ProjectileFatalHitReaction = "34" ProjectileHitImpulse = "1.25" ProjectileHitReaction = "34" PropEffectsOnCondition0 = "29" PyroEffect0 = "55" PropEffectDuration1 = ".2" PropEffectLocator1 = "16" PropEffectsOnCondition1 = "20" PyroEffect1 = "213" PropEffectDuration2 = ".2" PropEffectLocator2 = "16" PropEffectsOnCondition2 = "5" PyroEffect2 = "213" PropEffectLocator0 = "16" PropEffectsOnCondition0 = "5" PyroEffect0 = "239" PropToThrow = "thorproj" RequiredComboSeqCounter0 = "-1" RequiredComboSeqCounter1 = "0" RequiredComboSeqCounter2 = "1" ResetComboSeqCounter0 = "true" ResetComboSeqCounter1 = "false" ResetComboSeqCounter2 = "true" Restitution = "0.01" RestrictedByRegion = "false" Reticle_ActiveInRangeMode = "true" Reticle_Type = "1" SurvivorWeapon = "true" UnlimitedDurability = "true" VibrationPattern0 = "10" VibrationPattern1 = "10" VibrationPattern2 = "10" WeaponType = "2" Weight = "50" cLimbDestroyInfoItem sledgehammer_limb { Limb0 = "0" Limb1 = "2" Limb2 = "1" Limb3 = "4" Limb4 = "3" mFlags0 = "7" mFlags1 = "7" mFlags2 = "7" mFlags3 = "6" mFlags4 = "6" ProbabilityOfExploding0 = "1" ProbabilityOfExploding1 = ".9" ProbabilityOfExploding2 = ".9" ProbabilityOfExploding3 = ".5" ProbabilityOfExploding4 = ".5" }
cPrestigePointInfoItem Sledgehammer_PrestigePoints { AttackAnimChooserRequired0 = "352" PrestigePointsAwarded0 = "10" RewardCondition0 = "2" }
cIdleAnimDisableInfoItem sledgehammer_idle_anim_disable { } cComboCardItem thorshammer_Card { AchievementCategory = "12" Attack1 = "2700" Card_Label = "2804" CardIndexNumber = "12" ComboStationRotation_1 = "0,0,0.70710677,0.70710677" ComboStationRotation_2 = "0,0,0.70710677,0.70710677" DR2 = "true" IconAsset = "comboc_firespitter" PP_Multiplier = "2" Ticker_Description = "2504" Weapon_1 = "SledgeHammer" Weapon_2 = "Magazine_Item_Toy_Toyapalooza" Weapon_Description = "2615" }
In safehouse.txt (and recommended)
cItemPlacement thorshammer { ItemName = "thorshammer" Location = "-18,-4.3,-5.5" PropState = "-2" Rotation = "0.002,-0.990,0.000,0.143" }
Download link is on first post of this thread
Where's My Wiskey
Posts: 1,270
Post by tommah on Feb 5, 2011 0:28:48 GMT -5
Hi all... * UPDATE!* I figured out how to get the iceboard effect to last (shoot out and freeze) it was the PropEffectDuration... I had it too high so the effect would get stuck where it was first activated, so now it keeps turning on. Because I fixed this I reuploaded a video showing off the board. Also, decided to go out of my element and play around with skins... I'll be the first one to say I don't have the best photoshop skills, at the very least I believe this will get the ball rolling. Also changed textures on a couple weapons so I suggest downloading the files again, especially the dynamicprops folder. Also I'm still trying to figure out a way to be able to throw Thor's Hammer and have it return, or multiple throwables. I've tried turning it into a ProjectileLauncher, but I think it get confused when you try to throw it cause there's no animation for throwing it... any suggestions Download link is on first post of this thread
Where's My Wiskey
Posts: 1,270
Post by tommah on Feb 6, 2011 12:21:13 GMT -5
redid the iceman outfit, I think it looks much better... just put the chest_naked and leg_naked files inside npcs.big and get naked in the game. Download link is on first post in this thread
Where's My Wiskey
Posts: 1,270
Post by tommah on Feb 8, 2011 12:16:58 GMT -5
sorry forgot to post the new iceboard
Got Milk?
Posts: 494
Post by moloko on Feb 8, 2011 12:52:41 GMT -5
Maybe PS3 uses other files or the files differently. This is all PC modding, after all.
Where's My Wiskey
Posts: 1,270
Post by tommah on Feb 8, 2011 13:03:29 GMT -5
yea, that DEFINITELY makes a difference
Where's My Wiskey
Posts: 1,270
Post by tommah on Feb 11, 2011 11:24:12 GMT -5
*NEW MODS*based off of my favorite game Metal Gear Solid (PS1) Solid Snake - Link posted on first post - replaces TIR outfit. put on TIR outfit, helmet, and hygiene mask. Stuck on the previous Theme... Gambit - Link on first post - replaces TIR outfit, put on TIR outfit (not the helmet) and remove head_naked. didn't have much to work with, the only decent Long Coat in the game is from Woodrow and he's insanely skinny... found it hard to work with. Gambit's Bow - *NOTE* - you must put included anm_ThrustSpear file inside streamedassets.big in order to work In Items.txtcPlayerWeaponItem gambitstick { AchievementCategory = "3" ActionButton0 = "PLAYERBUTTON_QUICKRELEASE" ActionButton1 = "PLAYERBUTTON_QUICKRELEASE" ActionButton2 = "PLAYERBUTTON_QUICKRELEASE" ActionButton3 = "PLAYERBUTTON_QUICKRELEASE" ActionButton4 = "PLAYERBUTTON_QUICKRELEASE" ActionButton7 = "PLAYERBUTTON_CHARGEATTACK_SHORT" ActionDesiredAnimState0 = "ANIMSTATE_ATTACKSEQUENCE" ActionDesiredAnimState1 = "ANIMSTATE_ATTACKSEQUENCE" ActionDesiredAnimState2 = "ANIMSTATE_ATTACKSEQUENCE" ActionDesiredAnimState3 = "ANIMSTATE_ATTACKSEQUENCE" ActionDesiredAnimState4 = "ANIMSTATE_ATTACKSEQUENCE" ActionDesiredAnimState7 = "ANIMSTATE_ATTACKSEQUENCE" ActionRequiredAnimState1 = "ANIMSTATE_ATTACKSEQUENCE" ActionRequiredAnimState2 = "ANIMSTATE_ATTACKSEQUENCE" ActionRequiredAnimState3 = "ANIMSTATE_ATTACKSEQUENCE" ActionTargetCrawlerOnly4 = "false" AnimationAttackChooserValue0 = "126" AnimationAttackChooserValue1 = "306" AnimationAttackChooserValue3 = "341" AnimationAttackChooserValue4 = "321" AnimationAttackChooserValue2 = "356" AnimationAttackChooserValue7 = "356" AnimationAttackName1 = "male_attack_poleweapon_8_to_4" AnimationAttackName4 = "male_attack_double_poleweapon_heavy" AnimationAttackName3 = "male_mmaspikedgloves_kick_c" AnimationAttackName0 = "male_attack_spear_a_2" AnimationAttackName2 = "male_sword_1_to_5_ground" AnimationAttackName7 = "male_sword_1_to_5_ground" AnimationAttackChooserValue5 = "0" AnimationChooserValueForHand = "15" AnimationChooserValueForIdle = "0" AnimationChooserValueForPickup = "7" AnimationChooserValueForPutdown = "1" AnimationChooserValueForThrow = "13" AnimationChooserValueForWalkRun = "0" AnimBankName = "ThrustSpear" AssetFilename = "gambitstick" AttackAudioAssetName0 = "PoleWeaponHitBodyBig" AttackAudioAssetName1 = "PoleWeaponHitBodyBig" AttackAudioAssetName3 = "SledgeHammerHitBodyBig" AttackAudioAssetName2 = "PoleWeaponHitBodyBig" AttackAudioAssetName4 = "PoleWeaponHitBodyBig" AttackAudioAssetName7 = "PoleWeaponHitBodyBig" AttackDamage0 = "40" AttackDamage1 = "40" AttackDamage2 = "40" AttackDamage3 = "40" AttackDamage4 = "40" AttackDamage7 = "40" AudioActionBits = "256" AudioFilename = "fx_poleweapon" AudioItemName = "PoleWeapon" CollidableQuality = "0" CollisionAudioDissipationFactor = "0.01" CollisionBits = "WORLDCOLLISIONFILTER_DYNAMIC_PROP" CollisionType = "3" ComboBlendDuration0 = "0.1" ComboBlendDuration1 = "0.1" ComboBlendDuration2 = "0.1" ComboBlendDuration3 = "0.1" ComboBlendDuration4 = "0.1" ComboBlendDuration7 = "0.1" ComboBlendXZToUse0 = "2" ComboBlendXZToUse1 = "2" ComboBlendXZToUse2 = "2" ComboBlendXZToUse3 = "2" ComboBlendXZToUse4 = "2" ComboBlendXZToUse7 = "2" ComboBlendYToUse0 = "2" ComboBlendYToUse1 = "2" ComboBlendYToUse2 = "2" ComboBlendYToUse3 = "2" ComboBlendYToUse4 = "2" ComboBlendYToUse7 = "2" DisplayName = "50291" DR2 = "true" Durability = "50" EffectAudio0 = "5" EffectAudio1 = "5" EffectAudio2 = "2" EffectAudio3 = "5" EffectAudio4 = "5" EffectAudio7 = "5" EffectOnImpact0 = "281" EffectOnImpact1 = "281" EffectOnImpact2 = "281" EffectOnImpact3 = "280" EffectOnImpact4 = "281" EffectOnImpact7 = "281" EffectOnVictim0 = "21" EffectOnVictim1 = "21" EffectOnVictim2 = "21" EffectOnVictim3 = "9" EffectOnVictim4 = "21" EffectOnVictim7 = "21" EffectOnWeapon0 = "155" EffectOnWeapon1 = "155" EffectOnWeapon2 = "155" EffectOnWeapon3 = "155" EffectOnWeapon4 = "155" EffectOnWeapon7 = "155" FatalHitReaction0 = "HITREACTION_WEAPON_SLICE_HORIZONTAL" FatalHitReaction1 = "HITREACTION_WEAPON_SLICE_HORIZONTAL" FatalHitReaction3 = "HITREACTION_WEAPON_HEAVY_SPIN" FatalHitReaction4 = "HITREACTION_WEAPON_SLICE_HORIZONTAL" FatalHitReaction2 = "HITREACTION_WEAPON_SLICE_VERTICAL" FatalHitReaction7 = "HITREACTION_WEAPON_SLICE_VERTICAL" Friction = ".15" HandlingStyle = "1" HitReaction0 = "HITREACTION_WEAPON_SLICE_HORIZONTAL" HitReaction1 = "HITREACTION_WEAPON_SLICE_HORIZONTAL" HitReaction4 = "HITREACTION_WEAPON_HEAVY_SPIN" HitReaction3 = "HITREACTION_WEAPON_SLICE_HORIZONTAL" HitReaction2 = "HITREACTION_WEAPON_SLICE_VERTICAL" HitReaction7 = "HITREACTION_WEAPON_SLICE_VERTICAL" IconFilename = "w_poleweapon" IgnoreAnyComboRequests3 = "false" Impulse0 = "1.5" Impulse1 = "1.5" Impulse2 = "1.5" Impulse3 = "1.5" Impulse4 = "1.5" Impulse7 = "1.5" InteractDistance = "1.4" InventoryInteractionType = "0" Is_Sharp = "true" IsWeapon = "true" MaxProjectileDamage = "125" NumberOfThrowables = "999" ProjectileFatalHitReaction = "2" ProjectileHitImpulse = "1" ProjectileHitReaction = "2" PropEffectDuration0 = ".1" PropEffectLocator0 = "16" PropEffectsOnCondition0 = "20" PropEffectDuration1 = ".1" PropEffectLocator1 = "16" PropEffectsOnCondition1 = "20" PyroEffect0 = "226" PyroEffect1 = "236" PropToThrow = "gambitcards_pieces" RequiredComboSeqCounter0 = "0" RequiredComboSeqCounter1 = "1" RequiredComboSeqCounter2 = "2" RequiredComboSeqCounter3 = "3" RequiredComboSeqCounter4 = "4" RequiredComboSeqCounter7 = "0" ResetComboSeqCounter0 = "false" ResetComboSeqCounter1 = "false" ResetComboSeqCounter2 = "false" ResetComboSeqCounter3 = "false" ResetComboSeqCounter4 = "false" ResetComboSeqCounter7 = "true" RequiredComboSeqCounter0 = "0" Restitution = "0.05" RestrictedByRegion = "false" Reticle_ActiveInRangeMode = "true" Reticle_Type = "1" ThrowAngleDegrees = "5" ThrowEffectAudio = "5" ThrowEffectOnImpact = "281" ThrowEffectOnVictim = "24" ThrowForce = "7" ThrowSpin = "-.2,-1.35,-.3" UnlimitedDurability = "true" VibrationPattern0 = "5" VibrationPattern1 = "5" VibrationPattern2 = "5" VibrationPattern3 = "5" VibrationPattern4 = "5" VibrationPattern7 = "5" WeaponCanSliceLimbs = "true" WeaponType = "1" Weight = "20" cComboCardItem PoleWeapon_Card { AchievementCategory = "12" AltItem = "BroomHandle" Attack1 = "2700" Attack2 = "2701" AttackIndexToDisableIfNoColouredComboCard = "1" Card_Label = "2801" CardIndexNumber = "3" ComboStationRotation_1 = "0,-0.70710677,0,0.70710677" ComboStationRotation_2 = "0.5,-0.5,0.5,0.5" DR2 = "true" IconAsset = "comboc_poleweapon" PP_Multiplier = "2" Ticker_Description = "2501" Weapon_1 = "LongStick" Weapon_2 = "gambitcards" Weapon_Description = "2633" }
cAttachedToZombieInfoItem Poleweapon_attach { DamagePerSecondWhenAttachedToZombie = "150" PositionToStickTo = "2" StickableArea = "0" StickableAsProjectile = "true" StickArbitrarily = "true" }
cPrestigePointInfoItem Poleweapon_prestige_info { ActionButtonRequired0 = "PLAYERBUTTON_CHARGEATTACK_SHORT" PrestigePointsAwarded0 = "75" PrestigePointsAwarded1 = "50" RewardCondition0 = "2" RewardCondition1 = "2" } cPropHitZombieInfoItem sb_hzombie { DR2 = "true" PropHitZombieEffect = "0" Support = "true" }
In safehouse.txtcItemPlacement gambitstick { ItemName = "gambitstick" Location = "1.000,-0.297,31.200" PropState = "-1" Rotation = "-0.000,0.002,0.000,1.000" }
I put it in the safehouse by the save point (next to the metal shelves) or you can make it by combining the Long Stick with my gambit cards Made from the game's Long Stick Bow cuts through and electrocutes zombies, also changed and added animations in order for it to look badass. also a minor animation change in how he holds the Bow, instead of the default "spear-like" position, now holds it with one hand. DIY codes included in readmediy.txt in the .zip file Download links are on the first post of this thread
Got Milk?
Posts: 494
Post by moloko on Feb 11, 2011 13:31:20 GMT -5
Solid Snake outfit looks pretty accurate, nicely done.
Where's My Wiskey
Posts: 1,270
Post by tommah on Feb 12, 2011 23:27:16 GMT -5
thank you... I know the "gambit" isn't very accurate, I guess its more of a My Version of Gambit... oh well
Where's My Wiskey
Posts: 1,270
Post by tommah on Feb 13, 2011 1:18:05 GMT -5
*NEW MODEL!*Indiana Jones!!! came together nicely... one small problem though... the fedora is basically black. There some things I just can't seem to edit..... :-\ Download link is on first post of this thread
Where's My Wiskey
Posts: 1,270
Post by tommah on Feb 16, 2011 1:43:57 GMT -5
**UPDATE**Gas Mask Soldier: - as requested by rufio Sub-Machine Gun:In Items.txtcFirearmItem subgun { AchievementCategory = "2" ActionButton0 = "PLAYERBUTTON_WEAPON_ATTACK_RESERVED_FOR_SURVIVOR" ActionDesiredAnimState0 = "ANIMSTATE_SIDLEAIMGUN" AimIKLeftAngleLimit = "50" AimIKRightAngleLimit = "30" AnimationChooserValueForFirearms = "2" AnimationChooserValueForHand = "11" AnimationChooserValueForIdle = "0" AnimationChooserValueForPickup = "0" AnimationChooserValueForPutdown = "0" AnimationChooserValueForWalkRun = "0" AssetFilename = "subgun" AttachPropToBoneType = "0" AudioActionBits = "256" AudioCollisionProfile = "0" AudioFilename = "fx_mercenaryassaultrifle" AudioItemName = "MercAssaultRifle" BaseBulletDamage = "35" CollidableQuality = "0" CollisionAudioDissipationFactor = "0.01" CollisionBits = "WORLDCOLLISIONFILTER_DYNAMIC_PROP" CollisionType = "3" DisplayName = "50472" DR2 = "true" Durability = "9999" EffectOnImpact = "2" EffectOnVictim = "0" FatalHitReaction = "51" FiringRate = "12" Friction = "25" HandlingStyle = "3" HitReaction = "52" HitReaction0 = "HITREACTION_WEAPON_MEDIUM" IconFilename = "w_akfortyseven" Impulse = "1" InteractDistance = "1.3" InventoryInteractionType = "0" IsAutomatic = "true" IsWeapon = "true" LoadDistance = "25" MaxBulletDistance = "40" MaxBulletsPerClip = "9999" NumPelletsPerShot = "1" PropEffectLocator0 = "16" PropEffectLocator2 = "16" PropEffectLocatorIndex0 = "0" PropEffectsOnCondition0 = "7" PropEffectsOnCondition1 = "9" PropEffectsOnCondition2 = "12" PyroEffect0 = "89" PyroEffect1 = "43" PyroEffect2 = "65" RequiresReload = "false" Restitution = "0.08" RestrictedByRegion = "false" Reticle_AccuracyDecreasePerShot = "0.225" Reticle_ActiveInRangeMode = "true" Reticle_BestAccuracy = "0.825" Reticle_MinMovementRateBeforeAccuracyDecrease = "1" Reticle_ReturnToNormalAccuracyRate = "0.0525" Reticle_Type = "0" Reticle_WorstAccuracy = "0.1" Reward = "true" SurvivorHandlingTwoHands = "false" SurvivorWeapon = "true" UnlimitedDurability = "true" VertOffsetFromHandToMuzzle = "0.07" VibrationPattern = "10" WeaponType = "15" Weight = "15" cLimbDestroyInfoItem Merc_gore { Limb0 = "0" Limb1 = "1" Limb2 = "2" ProbabilityOfExploding0 = ".25" ProbabilityOfExploding1 = ".25" ProbabilityOfExploding2 = ".25" }
In safehouse.txt.txtcItemPlacement subgun { ItemName = "subgun" Location = "-6.8,-2.5,35.5" Rotation = "0,0,0,1" } } Didn't remember this being in the actual game, but found it in the files. Tried putting it in and it didn't work so I had to mess with the attributes ... if this is already in the game I'll feel a little dumb. Burning Girl's Bike:In Items.txtcBikeItem burninggirlsbike { AirDensity = ".5" AllwaysDisplayDebugText = "true" AssetFilename = "data/models/environment/props/bike_girls" AudioDownShiftDeltaKMH = "10" AudioEngineVolume = "0" AudioFilename = "fx_girlsbike" AudioHardBrakeDeltaRPM = "100" AudioIdleRPM = "0" AudioItemName = "GirlsBike" AudioLimiterRPM = "7500" AudioSuspensionVolume = "2" AudioTireVolume = "3" AudioTransmissionVolume = "3" AudioUnloadDeferralTime = "1.0" AudioUpShiftKMperHourForGear1 = "13" AudioUpShiftRPM = "300" AutoReverse = "false" Axle0 = "0" Axle1 = "1" Brake_IsConnectedToHandbrake0 = "false" Brake_IsConnectedToHandbrake1 = "true" Brake_MaxBreakingTorque0 = "150" Brake_MaxBreakingTorque1 = "100" Brake_MinPedalInputToBlock0 = "0.75" Brake_MinPedalInputToBlock1 = "0.75" Brake_WheelsMinTimeToBlock = "0.1" CameraInteractionMode = "1" CenterOfMassOffset = "0,-.34,-.015" ChassisUnitInertiaPitch = "0.5" ChassisUnitInertiaRoll = "0.3" ChassisUnitInertiaYaw = "0.3" CollidableQuality = "0" CollisionBits = "WORLDCOLLISIONFILTER_VEHICLE" CollisionSpinDamping = "5.0" CollisionThreshold = "1.57" CollisionType = "3" Damage_Flat = "1.2" Damage_HitReactionSpeedModifier = "2.75" Damage_PerKMH = ".5" DamageBOSS_Flat = "5" DamageBOSS_MinSpeed = "5" DamageBOSS_PerKMH = "1" DamageProp = "GirlsBike_dmg" DamageSURV_Flat = "5" DamageSURV_MinSpeed = "5" DamageSURV_PerKMH = "1" DeadZone = "0.2" DelayBeforeOther360 = "1.12" DelayBeforeOtherFlip = "1.24" DeltaPitchFactor = "1.15" DisplayName = "50870" DoesWheelSteer0 = "true" DoesWheelSteer1 = "false" Door1 = "0.4162, -0.9, -0.1194" Door2 = "0.4162, -0.9, -0.1194" DR2 = "true" DragCoefficient = "0.5" DrawSkidLines = "true" Durability = "30" EndoAngularImpulse = "0" EndoContinueImpulse = "0,2400,0" EndoImpulse = "0" EndoPitchModel = "0" Engine_MaxRPM = "4950" Engine_MaxTorque = "40" Engine_MinRPM = "1000" Engine_OptRPM = "3500" Engine_ResistanceFactorAtMaxRPM = "0.35" Engine_ResistanceFactorAtMinRPM = "0.025" Engine_ResistanceFactorAtOptRPM = "0.15" Engine_TorqueFactorAtMaxRPM = "0.85" Engine_TorqueFactorAtMinRPM = "0.75" EngineRpmDecreasePerTick = "400" EngineRpmIncreasePerTick = "200" ExtraGravity = "0.0,0,0.0" ExtraTorqueFactor = "-0.5" FlipImpulse = "0" FootDownMode = "2" ForceFeedbackMultiplier0 = "30" ForceFeedbackMultiplier1 = "30" Friction = "0.0" Friction_Donut0 = "4" Friction_Donut1 = "1" Friction_QuickSpin0 = "0.9" Friction_QuickSpin1 = ".05" Friction0 = "3" Friction1 = "3" FrictionEqualizer = "0.5" FrontalArea = "0.5" GearRatio1 = "2.544" GearRatio2 = "1.892" GearRatio3 = "1.407" GearRatio4 = "1.166" GearRatio5 = "1.000" Gears_ClutchDelayTime = "0.1" Gears_DownShiftRPM = "3000" Gears_NumberOfGears = "5" Gears_ReverseGearRatio = ".6" Gears_ReverseGearTopSpeed = "6" Gears_TransmissionModel = "1" Gears_UpShiftRPM = "4950" IgnoreSeatLocators = "false" IgnoreWheelLocators = "false" Impulse360 = "0" InitialSlope = "0.5" InteractDistance = "2.0" Lean_CenterOfMassYAdj = "-0.3" Lean_MaxLeanBack = "-.3" Lean_MaxLeanForward = "0" LeaningDampener = "29.900" LeaningEaseout = "5" LeaningFactor = "1" LeaningInitSpeed = "0" LeaningMaxSpeed = "8" LeaningModel = "1" LeaningRestoreFactor = "2.200" LeaningSpeedup = "12.000" LiftCoefficient = "-0.7" LoadDistance = "50" Mass0 = "11" Mass1 = "11" MaxFriction0 = "5.0" MaxFriction1 = "5.0" MaxTyremarkEnergy = "1000.0" MaxVelocityForPositionalFriction = "10" MaxWheelieAngle = "45" MinSpeedForFullTilt = "45" MinTyremarkEnergy = "15" MinVehicleSpeedForWheeliesAndEndos = "2" MinVehicleSpeedToEjectPlayer = "999" MinYRotationRequiredToBeFlipped = "0.78" NormalSpinDamping = "1.5" NumberOfDoors = "2" NumberOfGearsForAudio = "1" NumberOfSeats = "1" NumberOfWheels = "2" NumberOfWheelsPerAxle = "1" PropAudioType = "25088" PropAudioType = "25088" PropEffectLocator0 = "16" PropEffectLocator1 = "16" PropEffectLocator3 = "16" PropEffectLocatorIndex0 = "1" PropEffectLocatorIndex1 = "0" PropEffectsOnCondition0 = "0" PropEffectsOnCondition1 = "0" PropEffectsOnCondition3 = "0" PyroEffect0 = "217" PyroEffect1 = "179" PropEffectDuration2 = ".1" PropEffectLocator2 = "16" PropEffectsOnCondition2 = "0" PyroEffect2 = "236" PyroEffect3 = "178" Radius0 = "0.2" Radius1 = "0.2" RelativeSpeedToEjectPlayer = "54" Restitution = "0.0" RestrictedByRegion = "false" Seat1 = "0.20, -1.0, -0.5" Seat2 = "0.20, -1.0, 0.5" SeatCanBeInjured1 = "true" SeatLocatorType1 = "23" SelfDamage_MaxDmgForDynamicProps = ".05" SelfDamage_MaxDmgForOtherVehicles = ".05" SelfDamage_MaxDmgForStaticProps = ".05" SelfDamage_MaxDmgForZombies = ".3" SelfDamage_MinSpeedRequired = "1" SelfDamage_mMaxDmgForSurvivors = ".125" SlipAngle0 = "0" SlipAngle1 = "0" SlopeChangePointX = "0.7" Steering_AdditionalControlPoint = "false" Steering_AngleAtSpeedS = "5" Steering_CanQuickSpin = "true" Steering_DonutSideImpulse = "1500" Steering_DrivingSideImpulse1 = "1500" Steering_DrivingSideImpulse2 = "20" Steering_DrivingSideImpulseSpeed0 = "0" Steering_DrivingSideImpulseSpeed1 = "10" Steering_DrivingSideImpulseSpeed2 = "70" Steering_MaxAngle = "47.5" Steering_MaxSpeedForDonut = "1" Steering_MaxSpeedFullAngle = "10" Steering_Model = "0" Steering_QuickSpinDontBrakeOutTurnWindow = "true" Steering_QuickSpinFrontCounterImpulse = "0,0,1.6" Steering_QuickSpinMaxDuration = "0.4" Steering_QuickSpinSideImpulse = "1500" Steering_QuickSpinTurnWindow = "0.45" Steering_SpeedS = "25" Suspension_AddLength0 = "0" Suspension_AddPos0 = "0" Suspension_DampingCompression0 = "9" Suspension_DampingCompression1 = "9" Suspension_DampingRelaxation0 = "8" Suspension_DampingRelaxation1 = "8" Suspension_Padding0 = "0" Suspension_Padding1 = "0" Suspension_Strength0 = "45" Suspension_Strength1 = "45" SuspensionBottomOutLimit = "0.25" SuspensionEquilibriumThreshold = "0.14" SuspensionModel = "0" TireNoiseScaler = "0.0001" TireSkidEnergyDecreasePerTick = "750" TireSkidEnergyIncreasePerTick = "300" TorquePitchFactor = "0.5" TorqueRollFactor = "0.25" TorqueYawFactor = "0.35" UnstuckImpulse = "50" UseBoostStart = "true" VehicleJumpImpulse = "0,0,0" VehicleTopSpeed = "80" ViscosityFriction0 = "0.1" ViscosityFriction1 = "0.1" UnlimitedDurability = "true" Weight = "90" WheelCollision_Model = "0" WheelCollision_NormalClip = ".8" WheelieAngularImpulse = "0" WheelieConstraintSpeed = "68.000" WheelieContinueImpulse = "0,0,0" WheelieEndoCounterContinueImpulseFactor = "0.4" WheelieEndoCounterImpulseFactor = "0.4" WheelieExtraTorque = "3.000" WheelieImpulse = "0" WheeliePitchModel = "0" WheelsTorqueRatio0 = "0.0" WheelsTorqueRatio1 = "1.0" Width0 = "0.08" Width1 = "0.1" cPropHitZombieInfoItem sb_hzombie { DR2 = "true" PropHitZombieEffect = "0" Support = "true" } }
In royal_flush.txtcItemPlacement burninggirlsbike { ItemName = "burninggirlsbike" Location = "-307,-3,-137.7" Rotation = "0,0,1,0" }
Fun little toy. Pretty much the only reason why I made it... fun to just cruise around. I love how the legs are hyperspeed pedaling. Download link is on first post of this thread
Got Milk?
Posts: 494
Post by moloko on Feb 16, 2011 9:02:34 GMT -5
You're on fire, eh? Neat job on the gas mask, how'd you do that? The SMG wasn't in the original game. Did you use a trainer or UnlimitedDurability for the ammo to not decrease?
Where's My Wiskey
Posts: 1,270
Post by tommah on Feb 16, 2011 11:31:44 GMT -5
You're on fire, eh? Neat job on the gas mask, how'd you do that? The SMG wasn't in the original game. Did you use a trainer or UnlimitedDurability for the ammo to not decrease? awesome, good to hear I didn't waste my time with the SMG then. for unlimited ammo I used "UnlimitedDurability = "true"" still shows the ammo, but the number never goes down. as for the gas mask... one of the mercenaries has a gas mask... figured out which one by unpacking the "cine_mercenary" or whatever. Rename and replace the facewear_Hygiene_Mask. open the .big and inside the SceneDescription file delete all the "geo_" file except the mask... Now when you put on the mask, it will load the mercenary but the SceneDescription file only tells it to use the mask. the helmet and goggles I got from the helicopter pilot using the same method
Got Milk?
Posts: 494
Post by moloko on Feb 16, 2011 11:41:23 GMT -5
Alright, thanks. Looks pretty neat.
Where's My Wiskey
Posts: 1,270
Post by tommah on Feb 16, 2011 12:05:06 GMT -5
**UPDATE**not HUGE additions.. but noteworthy Nikita Missile Launcher:In Items.txtcExplosiveItem rocket { AchievementCategory = "15" ActionButton0 = "PLAYERBUTTON_QUICK_ATTACK" ActionDesiredAnimState0 = "ANIMSTATE_ATTACKSEQUENCE" ActionDesiredAnimState8 = "ANIMSTATE_THROW" AnimationAttackChooserValue0 = "234" AnimationAttackName0 = "male_lgbox_6_to_2_a" AnimationChooserValueForHand = "2" AnimationChooserValueForIdle = "4" AnimationChooserValueForPickup = "12" AnimationChooserValueForPutdown = "3" AnimationChooserValueForThrow = "23" AnimationChooserValueForWalkRun = "4" AnimBankName = "LargeBox_bank1" AssetFilename = "rocket" AssociatedMagazineType0 = "9" AttackAudioAssetName0 = "AcetyleneTankHitBody" AttackDamage0 = "70" AudioCollisionProfile = "1" AudioFilename = "fx_acetylenetank" AudioItemName = "AcetyleneTank" AudioLoadDistanceType = "3" AudioUnloadDeferralTime = "3" CameraInteractionMode = "1" CanBePlacedOnZombie = "false" CanExplodeInExplosion = "true" CollidableQuality = "0" CollisionAudioDissipationFactor = "0.01" CollisionBits = "WORLDCOLLISIONFILTER_DYNAMIC_PROP" CollisionType = "3" ComboBlendDuration0 = "0.15" ComboBlendXZToUse0 = "2" ComboBlendYToUse0 = "2" DestroyOnThrownImpact = "false" DetonateOnThrow = "true" DetonationDelay = "5" DisplayName = "50735" DR2 = "true" DR2PRO = "true" Durability = "30" EffectAudio0 = "1" EffectOnImpact0 = "280" EffectOnVictim0 = "25" ExplodeRadius = "5.5" ExplosionAudioEffect = "1" ExplosionCausesExplosions = "true" ExplosionCausesImpulse = "true" FatalHitReaction = "38" FatalHitReaction0 = "HITREACTION_FATAL_GROUP2" Friction = ".15" GoesTransparentInRangeMode = "true" HandlingStyle = "5" HeavyDamageRadius = "1.25" HitReaction = "79" HitReaction0 = "HITREACTION_FATAL_GROUP2" IconFilename = "w_tank" IgnoreAnyComboRequests1 = "false" Impulse0 = "1.25" ImpulseAtCenter = "400" ImpulseAtEdge = "175" InteractDistance = "1.4" InventoryInteractionType = "1" Is_Blunt = "true" Is_Cascading = "true" Is_Cliche = "false" Is_Humour = "true" IsWeapon = "true" LoadDistance = "30" MaxDamage = "300" MaxDamageDealtPerAttack = "100" MaxDelayVariation = "1" MaxProjectileDamage = "100" MediumDamageRadius = "5" ProjectileFatalHitReaction = "74" ProjectileHitImpulse = "1" ProjectileHitReaction = "79" PropAudioType = "256" PropEffectDuration0 = "5" PropEffectLocator0 = "16" PropEffectLocator1 = "16" PropEffectLocatorIndex1 = "0" PropEffectsOnCondition0 = "4" PropEffectsOnCondition1 = "4" PropelledMaxAngularVelocity = "2.75f" PropelledMaxLinearVelocity = "8.0f" PyroEffect0 = "52" PyroEffect1 = "214" PropEffectLocator2 = "16" PropEffectLocator3 = "16" PropEffectLocatorIndex2 = "0" PropEffectLocatorIndex3 = "0" PropEffectsOnCondition2 = "16" PropEffectsOnCondition3 = "13" PyroEffect2 = "66" PyroEffect3 = "67" RequiredComboSeqCounter0 = "0" ResetComboSeqCounter0 = "false" ResetComboSeqCounter1 = "false" Restitution = "0.005" RestrictedByRegion = "false" Reticle_ActiveInRangeMode = "true" Reticle_Type = "1" SelfPropelled = "true" ThrowAngleDegrees = "6" ThrowEffectAudio = "1" ThrowEffectOnImpact = "280" ThrowEffectOnVictim = "20" ThrowForce = "8" ThrowSpin = "-10,0,2" VibrationPattern0 = "4" WeaponType = "2" Weight = "30" }
cProjectileLauncherItem nikita { AchievementCategory = "3" ActionButton0 = "PLAYERBUTTON_QUICKRELEASE" ActionDesiredAnimState0 = "ANIMSTATE_THROWQUICK" AnimationChooserValueForHand = "4" AnimationChooserValueForIdle = "9" AnimationChooserValueForPickup = "11" AnimationChooserValueForPutdown = "11" AnimationChooserValueForThrow = "41" AnimationChooserValueForWalkRun = "11" AnimBankName = "FirecrackerBazooka" AssetFilename = "nikita" AttackAudioAssetName0 = "ZombieThrowerHitBodyBig" AttackDamage0 = "125" AudioActionBits = "256" AudioCollisionProfile = "2" AudioFilename = "fx_zombiethrower" AudioItemName = "ZombieThrower" CollidableQuality = "0" CollisionType = "3" ComboBlendDuration0 = "0.15" ComboBlendXZToUse0 = "2" ComboBlendYToUse0 = "2" DisplayName = "50837" DR2 = "true" Durability = "999" EffectAudio0 = "5" EffectAudio1 = "4" EffectOnImpact0 = "281" EffectOnVictim0 = "9" EffectOnWeapon0 = "250" FatalHitReaction0 = "HITREACTION_FATAL_GROUP1" Friction = "0.075" GoesTransparentInRangeMode = "false" HandlingStyle = "6" HitReaction0 = "HITREACTION_STAGGER_MEDIUM_LIGHT" IconFilename = "w_zombie_thrower" ImpactIsSynchronized0 = "true" Impulse0 = "1.1" InteractDistance = "1.4" InventoryInteractionType = "1" Is_Blunt = "true" Is_Cascading = "true" Is_Cliche = "true" IsWeapon = "true" LoadDistance = "50" MaxProjectileDamage = "45" NumberOfThrowables = "999" ObjectPaddingRadius = "0.1" ProjectileFatalHitReaction = "74" ProjectileHitImpulse = "10" ProjectileHitReaction = "79" PropAudioType = "2" PropEffectDuration1 = "1.75" PropEffectLocator0 = "16" PropEffectLocator1 = "16" PropEffectLocator2 = "16" PropEffectLocator3 = "16" PropEffectLocatorIndex0 = "2" PropEffectLocatorIndex1 = "1" PropEffectLocatorIndex2 = "1" PropEffectLocatorIndex3 = "0" PropEffectsOnCondition0 = "15" PropEffectsOnCondition1 = "32" PropEffectsOnCondition2 = "32" PropEffectsOnCondition3 = "32" PropToThrow = "rocket" PyroEffect0 = "32" PyroEffect1 = "244" PyroEffect2 = "3" PyroEffect3 = "9" RequiredComboSeqCounter0 = "0" ResetComboSeqCounter0 = "true" ResetComboSeqCounter1 = "false" Restitution = "0.1" RestrictedByRegion = "false" Reticle_ActiveInRangeMode = "true" Reticle_Type = "1" ThrowAngleDegrees = "-6" ThrowEffectOnImpact = "279" ThrowEffectOnVictim = "14" ThrowForce = "150" ThrowRange = "200" ThrowSpin = "2,7,1" UseLobProjectilePhysics = "false" WeaponImpactAnimation0 = "46" WeaponType = "-1" Weight = "25" cComboCardItem ZombieThrower_card { AchievementCategory = "12" Attack1 = "2700" Attack2 = "2701" AttackIndexToDisableIfNoColouredComboCard = "0" Card_Label = "2819" CardIndexNumber = "32" ComboStationRotation_1 = "0,0,0.70710677,0.70710677" ComboStationRotation_2 = "0,0,0.70710677,0.70710677" DR2 = "true" IconAsset = "comboc_zombiethrower" PP_Multiplier = "2" Ticker_Description = "2519" Weapon_1 = "LeafBlower" Weapon_2 = "AcetyleneTank" Weapon_Description = "2622" }
cAttackCameraInfoItem cam_info { AttackCutCamera0 = "15" AttackCutCamera1 = "16" AttackCutCamera2 = "22" }
cPrestigePointInfoItem Zombiethrower_PP { PrestigePointsAwarded0 = "150" PrestigePointsAwarded1 = "500" RewardCondition0 = "4" RewardCondition1 = "18" }
cWeaponAimWarperInfoItem Zombiethrower_warperinfo { HasPivots = "true" MaxRotationLeft = "1" MaxRotationRight = "1" RotationSpeed = "2" TargetHeight = "1.5" } cGunProjectileInfoItem pbg_proj { DR2 = "true" NumberOfThrowables = "999" PropToShoot = "rocket" Support= "true" }
In safehouse.txtcItemPlacement nikita { ItemName = "nikita" Location = "-21,-4.3,-2.6" PropState = "-2" Rotation = "0.-0.0,-1" } Located in Storage Room 11 or can create by combining Leaf Blower and Acetylene Tank. Bag Of ExplosivesIn Items.txtcExplosiveItem bagofexplosives { AlternateWeaponViewCam = "4" AnimationAttackChooserValue0 = "16" AnimationAttackName0 = "male_lawndart_full_throw" AnimationChooserValueForHand = "1" AnimationChooserValueForIdle = "0" AnimationChooserValueForPickup = "0" AnimationChooserValueForPutdown = "0" AnimationChooserValueForThrow = "26" AnimationChooserValueForWalkRun = "0" AnimBankName = "1hand_bank1" AssetFilename = "bagofexplosives" AssociatedMagazineType0 = "11" AttackAudioAssetName0 = "Suitcase_SmallHitBody" AttackAudioAssetName1 = "Suitcase_SmallHitBodyBig" AttackDamage0 = "40" AttackDamage1 = "30" AudioActionBits = "256" AudioFilename = "fx_suitcase_small" AudioItemName = "Suitcase_Small" AudioUnloadDeferralTime = "3" CanBePlacedOnZombie = "false" CollidableQuality = "0" CollisionAudioDissipationFactor = "0.01" CollisionBits = "WORLDCOLLISIONFILTER_DYNAMIC_PROP" CollisionType = "3" ComboBlendDuration0 = "0.05" ComboBlendDuration1 = "0.15" ComboBlendXZToUse0 = "2" ComboBlendXZToUse1 = "2" ComboBlendYToUse0 = "2" ComboBlendYToUse1 = "2" DetonateOnThrow = "true" DetonationDelay = "7" DisplayName = "50329" DR2 = "true" Durability = "10" EffectAudio0 = "1" EffectAudio1 = "1" EffectOnImpact0 = "14" EffectOnImpact1 = "14" EffectOnVictim0 = "20" EffectOnVictim1 = "20" EffectOnWeapon0 = "0" EffectOnWeapon1 = "0" ExplodeRadius = "25" ExplosionCausesExplosions = "true" ExplosionCausesFire = "true" ExplosionCausesImpulse = "true" FatalHitReaction0 = "HITREACTION_WEAPON_HEAVY" FatalHitReaction1 = "HITREACTION_WEAPON_HEAVY" Friction = "10" GoesTransparentInRangeMode = "true" HandlingStyle = "0" HeavyDamageRadius = "45" HitReaction0 = "HITREACTION_WEAPON_CRUSH_FORWARD" HitReaction1 = "HITREACTION_WEAPON_HEAVY" IconFilename = "w_smallsuitcase" Impulse0 = "0" ImpulseAtCenter = "275" ImpulseAtEdge = "150" InteractDistance = "1.3" InventoryInteractionType = "0" Is_Blunt = "true" Is_Cliche = "true" IsWeapon = "true" LoadDistance = "30" LocatorOrientationOffset = "0.000,0.000,0.000,1.000" LocatorPositionOffset = "0.000,0.000,0.000" MaxDamage = "200" MaxDamageDealtPerAttack = "100" MaxProjectileDamage = "45" MediumDamageRadius = "20" ProjectileFatalHitReaction = "51" ProjectileHitImpulse = "1" ProjectileHitReaction = "33" PropEffectLocator1 = "16" PropEffectLocatorIndex1 = "1" PropEffectsOnCondition1 = "13" PyroEffect1 = "67" PropEffectLocator2 = "16" PropEffectLocator3 = "16" PropEffectLocatorIndex2 = "0" PropEffectLocatorIndex3 = "0" PropEffectsOnCondition2 = "4" PropEffectsOnCondition3 = "4" PropEffectStartDelay2 = "7" PropEffectStartDelay3 = "7" PyroEffect2 = "66" PyroEffect3 = "67" RequiredComboSeqCounter0 = "0" RequiredComboSeqCounter1 = "1" ResetComboSeqCounter0 = "false" ResetComboSeqCounter1 = "true" ResetComboSeqCounter2 = "false" Restitution = "0.05" Reticle_ActiveInRangeMode = "true" Reticle_Type = "1" SurvivorWeapon = "true" ThrowAngleDegrees = "7" ThrowEffectAudio = "6" ThrowEffectOnImpact = "0" ThrowEffectOnVictim = "14" ThrowEffectOnWeapon = "0" ThrowForce = "3" ThrowSpin = "0,0,0" VibrationPattern0 = "5" VibrationPattern1 = "4" WeaponType = "2" Weight = "25" cComboCardItem PoleWeapon_Card { AchievementCategory = "13" AltItem = "BroomHandle" Attack1 = "2700" Attack2 = "2701" AttackIndexToDisableIfNoColouredComboCard = "1" Card_Label = "2801" CardIndexNumber = "3" ComboStationRotation_1 = "0,-0.70710677,0,0.70710677" ComboStationRotation_2 = "0.5,-0.5,0.5,0.5" DR2 = "true" IconAsset = "comboc_poleweapon" PP_Multiplier = "2" Ticker_Description = "2501" Weapon_1 = "HandBag" Weapon_2 = "Dynamite" Weapon_Description = "2633" } cPropHitZombieInfoItem sb_hzombie { DR2 = "true" PropHitZombieEffect = "0" Support = "true" } } can be made by combining a Hand Bag and a stick of Dynamite. I did not place this in the Storage Room 11.... I may later. Grey Fox's Sword:In items.txtcPlayerWeaponItem greyfox { AchievementCategory = "0" ActionButton0 = "PLAYERBUTTON_QUICK_ATTACK" ActionButton1 = "PLAYERBUTTON_QUICK_ATTACK" ActionButton2 = "PLAYERBUTTON_QUICK_ATTACK" ActionButton3 = "PLAYERBUTTON_QUICK_ATTACK" ActionButton4 = "PLAYERBUTTON_QUICK_ATTACK" ActionButton5 = "PLAYERBUTTON_QUICK_ATTACK" ActionDesiredAnimState0 = "ANIMSTATE_ATTACKSEQUENCE" ActionDesiredAnimState1 = "ANIMSTATE_ATTACKSEQUENCE" ActionDesiredAnimState2 = "ANIMSTATE_ATTACKSEQUENCE" ActionDesiredAnimState3 = "ANIMSTATE_ATTACKSEQUENCE" ActionDesiredAnimState4 = "ANIMSTATE_FREEFALLATTACKTOIDLE" ActionDesiredAnimState5 = "ANIMSTATE_FREEFALLATTACKTOIDLE" ActionRequiredAnimState1 = "ANIMSTATE_ATTACKSEQUENCE" ActionRequiredAnimState2 = "ANIMSTATE_ATTACKSEQUENCE" ActionRequiredAnimState3 = "ANIMSTATE_ATTACKSEQUENCE" ActionRequiredAnimState4 = "ANIMSTATE_RUNJUMPB" ActionRequiredAnimState5 = "ANIMSTATE_JUMPB" AnimationAttackChooserValue0 = "280" AnimationAttackChooserValue1 = "277" AnimationAttackChooserValue2 = "278" AnimationAttackChooserValue3 = "279" AnimationAttackChooserValue4 = "0" AnimationAttackChooserValue5 = "5" AnimationAttackName0 = "male_attack_katana_c" AnimationAttackName1 = "male_attack_katana_d" AnimationAttackName2 = "male_attack_katana_a" AnimationAttackName3 = "male_attack_katana_b" AnimationAttackName4 = "male_attack_katana_lfoot_long" AnimationAttackName5 = "male_attack_katana_lfoot_short" AnimationChooserValueForHand = "1" AnimationChooserValueForIdle = "0" AnimationChooserValueForPickup = "0" AnimationChooserValueForPutdown = "0" AnimationChooserValueForThrow = "10" AnimationChooserValueForWalkRun = "0" AnimBankName = "Katana" Arbitraty_Slice = "true" AssetFilename = "greyfox" AssociatedMagazineType0 = "8" AssociatedMagazineType1 = "13" AttackAudioAssetName0 = "KatanaSwordHitBodyBig" AttackAudioAssetName1 = "KatanaSwordHitBodyBig" AttackAudioAssetName2 = "KatanaSwordHitBodyBig" AttackAudioAssetName3 = "KatanaSwordHitBodyBig" AttackAudioAssetName4 = "KatanaSwordHitBodyBig" AttackAudioAssetName5 = "KatanaSwordHitBodyBig" AttackDamage0 = "150" AttackDamage1 = "150" AttackDamage2 = "150" AttackDamage3 = "150" AttackDamage4 = "150" AttackDamage5 = "150" AudioActionBits = "256" AudioFilename = "fx_katanasword" AudioItemName = "KatanaSword" CollidableQuality = "0" CollisionAudioDissipationFactor = "0.2" CollisionType = "3" ComboBlendDuration0 = "0.2" ComboBlendDuration1 = "0.2" ComboBlendDuration2 = "0.2" ComboBlendDuration3 = "0.2" ComboBlendDuration4 = "0.1" ComboBlendDuration5 = "0.1" ComboBlendXZToUse0 = "2" ComboBlendXZToUse1 = "2" ComboBlendXZToUse2 = "2" ComboBlendXZToUse3 = "2" ComboBlendXZToUse4 = "2" ComboBlendXZToUse5 = "2" ComboBlendYToUse0 = "2" ComboBlendYToUse1 = "2" ComboBlendYToUse2 = "2" ComboBlendYToUse3 = "2" ComboBlendYToUse4 = "2" ComboBlendYToUse5 = "2" DisplayName = "50375" DR2 = "true" Durability = "40" EffectAudio0 = "5" EffectAudio1 = "5" EffectAudio2 = "5" EffectAudio3 = "5" EffectAudio4 = "5" EffectAudio5 = "5" EffectOnImpact0 = "280" EffectOnImpact1 = "280" EffectOnImpact2 = "280" EffectOnImpact3 = "280" EffectOnImpact4 = "280" EffectOnImpact5 = "280" EffectOnVictim0 = "10" EffectOnVictim1 = "10" EffectOnVictim2 = "10" EffectOnVictim3 = "10" EffectOnVictim4 = "10" EffectOnVictim5 = "10" EffectOnWeapon0 = "155" EffectOnWeapon1 = "155" EffectOnWeapon2 = "155" EffectOnWeapon3 = "155" EffectOnWeapon4 = "155" EffectOnWeapon5 = "155" FatalHitReaction0 = "HITREACTION_WEAPON_SLICE_HORIZONTAL" FatalHitReaction1 = "HITREACTION_WEAPON_SLICE_HORIZONTAL" FatalHitReaction2 = "HITREACTION_WEAPON_SLICE_HORIZONTAL" FatalHitReaction3 = "HITREACTION_WEAPON_SLICE_HORIZONTAL" FatalHitReaction4 = "HITREACTION_WEAPON_SLICE_HORIZONTAL" FatalHitReaction5 = "HITREACTION_WEAPON_SLICE_HORIZONTAL" Friction = "25" HandlingStyle = "0" HitReaction0 = "HITREACTION_WEAPON_SLICE_HORIZONTAL" HitReaction1 = "HITREACTION_WEAPON_SLICE_HORIZONTAL" HitReaction2 = "HITREACTION_WEAPON_SLICE_HORIZONTAL" HitReaction3 = "HITREACTION_WEAPON_SLICE_HORIZONTAL" HitReaction4 = "HITREACTION_WEAPON_SLICE_HORIZONTAL" HitReaction5 = "HITREACTION_WEAPON_SLICE_HORIZONTAL" IconFilename = "w_katanasword" Impulse0 = "1" Impulse1 = "1" Impulse2 = "1" Impulse3 = "1" Impulse4 = "1" Impulse5 = "1" InteractDistance = "1.4" InventoryInteractionType = "0" Is_Humour = "false" IsWeapon = "true" LoadDistance = "30" MaxProjectileDamage = "5" ObjectPaddingRadius = "7" ProjectileFatalHitReaction = "2" ProjectileHitReaction = "3" PropEffectDuration0 = ".1" PropEffectLocator0 = "16" PropEffectsOnCondition0 = "20" PropEffectDuration1 = ".1" PropEffectLocator1 = "16" PropEffectsOnCondition1 = "20" PyroEffect0 = "226" PyroEffect1 = "236" RequiredComboSeqCounter0 = "0" RequiredComboSeqCounter1 = "1" RequiredComboSeqCounter2 = "2" RequiredComboSeqCounter3 = "3" RequiredComboSeqCounter4 = "-1" RequiredComboSeqCounter5 = "-1" Restitution = "0.005" RestrictedByRegion = "false" Reticle_ActiveInRangeMode = "true" Reticle_Type = "1" Reward = "false" SurvivorWeapon = "true" ThrowAngleDegrees = "9" ThrowEffectAudio = "2" ThrowEffectOnImpact = "281" ThrowEffectOnVictim = "9" ThrowForce = "12" ThrowSpin = "0,0,20" UniqueItem = "false" UnlimitedDurability = "true" VibrationPattern0 = "9" VibrationPattern1 = "9" VibrationPattern2 = "9" VibrationPattern3 = "9" VibrationPattern4 = "9" VibrationPattern5 = "9" WeaponCanSliceLimbs = "true" WeaponType = "4" Weight = "20" cAttachedToZombieInfoItem kat_attached_info { DamagePerSecondWhenAttachedToZombie = "60" PositionToStickTo = "2" StickableArea = "0" StickableAsProjectile = "true" StickArbitrarily = "true" }
cPrestigePointInfoItem Katana_prestige_info { AttackAnimChooserRequired2 = "0" PrestigePointsAwarded0 = "10" PrestigePointsAwarded1 = "10" PrestigePointsAwarded2 = "50" RewardCondition0 = "2" RewardCondition1 = "11" RewardCondition2 = "2" }
In safehouse.txtcItemPlacement greyfox { ItemName = "greyfox" Location = "-21.8,-4.8,-3.3" PropState = "-2" Rotation = "0.400,-0.400,0.400,0.400" }
Not the most exciting mod. But I really liked the effect when you hit and decided to milk it. I placed it in the Storage Room 11. Download Link is on first page of this thread
Post by anno1404 on Feb 16, 2011 12:18:34 GMT -5
Does this mean you can shoot things like bikes, etc now?
Where's My Wiskey
Posts: 1,270
Post by tommah on Feb 16, 2011 12:31:22 GMT -5
Does this mean you can shoot things like bikes, etc now? Possibly... at the very least you can turn a bike into a PlayerWeaponItem and shoot it... I've already done that with shooting a GirlsBike. Thought it was more funny than productive so I didn't release it... haven't tried an actual Bike Item though
Post by anno1404 on Feb 16, 2011 12:35:12 GMT -5
I meant the girls bike. I thought that was a potentially impossible mod listed here: [url= ]Difficult and potentially impossible mods[/url] Guess not, because you solved it!
Where's My Wiskey
Posts: 1,270
Post by tommah on Feb 16, 2011 12:40:22 GMT -5
I'll try making the bike rideable after shooting... haven't really tried that
Where's My Wiskey
Posts: 1,270
Post by tommah on Feb 16, 2011 15:44:04 GMT -5
I don't think there's anyway to shoot rideable bikes/vehicles
Deleted Member
Posts: 0
Post by Deleted on Feb 20, 2011 10:31:18 GMT -5
These are awesome mods Tommah. Just wondering seeing as you made the flaming girls bike could you make the Motorbike like that in a ghost rider kind of way? Also considering you've done two X-Men are you going to do more?
Where's My Wiskey
Posts: 1,270
Post by tommah on Feb 20, 2011 20:59:36 GMT -5
Hey Liverlona,
Yea I'll probably do more XMen... the problem is that the possibilities are endless yet strangely seem limited. Stick around and keep checking to stay on top of update!
Also the Ghost Rider-ish bike is most likely possible, but at the moment I am away from my computer because of work for the next couple of days and won't be able to do much of anything until I get back. But odds are I'll have new things soon.
So again, stick close to the website and check for updates.
Where's My Wiskey
Posts: 1,270
Post by tommah on Feb 23, 2011 11:27:44 GMT -5
**UPDATE!!!**Agent ZeroModeled after the Agent Zero in my Marvel Encyclopedia Took the image from my Marvel Encyclopedia. Not the most known character in the Marvel Universe but pretty cool nonetheless. There's a little bit of clipping with the vest, if someone finds a better open vest I'd love to change it. just place files into your npcs.big, replace, and put on the TIR Outfit Ghost Rider's MotorcycleIf you use my ItemPlacement I placed it in the Royal Flush Boiler Room DIY: In items.txt
cBikeItem ghostriderbike { AirDensity = ".5" AllwaysDisplayDebugText = "true" AssetFilename = "ghostriderbike" AudioDownShiftDeltaKMH = "10" AudioEngineVolume = "0" AudioFilename = "fx_chopperbike" AudioHardBrakeDeltaRPM = "100" AudioIdleRPM = "1000" AudioItemName = "ChopperBike" AudioLimiterRPM = "7500" AudioSuspensionVolume = "2" AudioTireVolume = "3" AudioTransmissionVolume = "3" AudioUnloadDeferralTime = "1.0" AudioUpShiftKMperHourForGear1 = "50" AudioUpShiftRPM = "5000" AutoReverse = "false" Axle0 = "0" Axle1 = "1" Brake_IsConnectedToHandbrake0 = "false" Brake_IsConnectedToHandbrake1 = "true" Brake_MaxBreakingTorque0 = "150" Brake_MaxBreakingTorque1 = "100" Brake_MinPedalInputToBlock0 = "0.75" Brake_MinPedalInputToBlock1 = "0.75" Brake_WheelsMinTimeToBlock = "0.1" CameraInteractionMode = "1" CenterOfMassOffset = "0,-0.13,0.0" ChassisUnitInertiaPitch = "0.5" ChassisUnitInertiaRoll = "0.3" ChassisUnitInertiaYaw = "0.3" CollidableQuality = "0" CollisionBits = "WORLDCOLLISIONFILTER_VEHICLE" CollisionSpinDamping = "5.0" CollisionThreshold = "1.57" CollisionType = "3" CounterFrontSideImpulse = ".06" DamageBOSS_Flat = "25" DamageBOSS_MinSpeed = "25" DamageBOSS_PerKMH = "5" DamageProp = "ChopperBikeSingle_dmg" DeadZone = "0.2" DelayBeforeOther360 = "1.12" DelayBeforeOtherFlip = "1.24" DeltaPitchFactor = "1.15" DisplayName = "50491" DoesWheelSteer0 = "true" DoesWheelSteer1 = "false" Door1 = "0.4162, -0.9, -0.1194" Door2 = "0.4162, -0.9, -0.1194" DR2 = "true" DragCoefficient = "0.15" DrawSkidLines = "true" Durability = "200" EndoAngularImpulse = "0" EndoContinueImpulse = "0,0,0" EndoImpulse = "0" EndoPitchModel = "0" Engine_MaxRPM = "4950" Engine_MaxTorque = "40" Engine_MinRPM = "1000" Engine_OptRPM = "3500" Engine_ResistanceFactorAtMaxRPM = "0.5" Engine_ResistanceFactorAtMinRPM = "0.1" Engine_ResistanceFactorAtOptRPM = "0.3" Engine_TorqueFactorAtMaxRPM = "0.85" Engine_TorqueFactorAtMinRPM = "0.75" EngineRpmDecreasePerTick = "400" EngineRpmIncreasePerTick = "200" ExtraGravity = "0.0,-4.0,0.0" ExtraTorqueFactor = "-0.5" FlipImpulse = "0" FootDownMode = "3" ForceFeedbackMultiplier0 = "0" ForceFeedbackMultiplier1 = "0" Friction = "0.4" Friction_Donut0 = "3" Friction_Donut1 = "1.5" Friction_QuickSpin0 = "2" Friction_QuickSpin1 = "1" Friction0 = "3" Friction1 = "3.5" FrictionEqualizer = "0.5" FrontalArea = "1.0" GearRatio1 = "2.544" GearRatio2 = "1.892" GearRatio3 = "1.407" GearRatio4 = "1.166" GearRatio5 = "1.000" Gears_ClutchDelayTime = "0.1" Gears_DownShiftRPM = "3000" Gears_NumberOfGears = "5" Gears_ReverseGearRatio = ".6" Gears_TransmissionModel = "1" Gears_UpShiftRPM = "4950" IgnoreSeatLocators = "false" IgnoreWheelLocators = "false" Impulse360 = "0" InitialSlope = "0.5" InteractDistance = "2.0" IsConsideredACoolVehicle = "true" IsCool = "true" Key = "Key_chopper" Lean_CenterOfMassYAdj = "0" Lean_MaxLeanBack = "0" Lean_MaxLeanForward = "0" LeaningAtStop = "2" LeaningDampener = "10" LeaningEaseout = "5.5" LeaningFactor = "20" LeaningFactorAtStop = "8" LeaningInitSpeed = ".8" LeaningMaxSpeed = "15" LeaningModel = "1" LeaningRestoreFactor = "8" LeaningSpeedup = "10" LiftCoefficient = "-0.7" LoadDistance = "100" Mass0 = "9" Mass1 = "9" MaxFriction0 = "5.0" MaxFriction1 = "5.0" MaxLeaningAtStop = "8" MaxTyremarkEnergy = "1000.0" MaxVelocityForPositionalFriction = "10" MaxWheelieAngle = "45" MinSpeedForFullTilt = "5" MinTyremarkEnergy = "15" MinVehicleSpeedForWheeliesAndEndos = "2" MinVehicleSpeedToEjectPlayer = "30" MinYRotationRequiredToBeFlipped = "0.78" NormalSpinDamping = "1.5" NumberOfDoors = "2" NumberOfGearsForAudio = "1" NumberOfSeats = "1" NumberOfWheels = "2" NumberOfWheelsPerAxle = "1" PropAudioType = "8704" PropEffectLocator0 = "16" PropEffectLocator1 = "16" PropEffectLocator2 = "20" PropEffectLocator3 = "21" PropEffectLocatorIndex0 = "0" PropEffectLocatorIndex1 = "1" PropEffectLocatorIndex2 = "0" PropEffectLocatorIndex3 = "1" PropEffectsOnCondition0 = "2" PropEffectsOnCondition1 = "2" PropEffectsOnCondition2 = "0" PropEffectsOnCondition3 = "0" PyroEffect0 = "57" PyroEffect1 = "57" PyroEffect2 = "179" PyroEffect3 = "179" Radius0 = "0.32057" Radius1 = "0.34491" RelativeSpeedToEjectPlayer = "54" Restitution = "0.0" RestrictedByRegion = "false" Seat1 = "0.20, -1.0, -0.5" Seat2 = "0.20, -1.0, 0.5" SeatCanBeInjured1 = "true" SeatLocatorType1 = "23" SeatLocatorType2 = "22" SelfDamage_MaxDmgForDynamicProps = "5" SelfDamage_MaxDmgForOtherVehicles = "10" SelfDamage_MaxDmgForStaticProps = "10" SelfDamage_MaxDmgForZombies = "1" SelfDamage_MinSpeedRequired = "5" SelfDamage_mMaxDmgForSurvivors = "1" SlipAngle0 = "0" SlipAngle1 = "0" SlopeChangePointX = "0.7" Steering_AdditionalControlPoint = "false" Steering_AngleAtSpeedS = "4" Steering_AngularImpulseWhenAllWheelsUp = "20800" Steering_AngularImpulseWhenFrontWheelUp = "15280" Steering_CanQuickSpin = "true" Steering_DonutSideImpulse = "2000" Steering_DrivingSideImpulse0 = "0" Steering_DrivingSideImpulse1 = "1500" Steering_DrivingSideImpulse2 = "20" Steering_DrivingSideImpulseSpeed0 = "5" Steering_DrivingSideImpulseSpeed1 = "10" Steering_DrivingSideImpulseSpeed2 = "70" Steering_MaxAngle = "45" Steering_MaxSpeedForDonut = "1" Steering_MaxSpeedFullAngle = "25" Steering_Model = "1" Steering_PitchAngularImpulseInAir = "30800" Steering_QuickSpinDontBrakeOutTurnWindow = "true" Steering_QuickSpinFrontCounterImpulse = "0,0,1.6" Steering_QuickSpinMaxDuration = "0.4" Steering_QuickSpinSideImpulse = "2000" Steering_QuickSpinTurnWindow = "0.45" Steering_SpeedS = "70" Steering_TiltAngularImpulseInAir = "200.00" Suspension_AddLength0 = "0" Suspension_AddLength1 = "0" Suspension_AddPos0 = "0" Suspension_AddPos1 = ".25" Suspension_DampingCompression0 = "1" Suspension_DampingCompression1 = "2" Suspension_DampingRelaxation0 = "1" Suspension_DampingRelaxation1 = "2" Suspension_Padding0 = "0" Suspension_Padding1 = "0" Suspension_Strength0 = "40" Suspension_Strength1 = "200" SuspensionBottomOutLimit = "0.25" SuspensionEquilibriumThreshold = "0.14" SuspensionModel = "0" TireNoiseScaler = "0.12" TireSkidEnergyDecreasePerTick = "750" TireSkidEnergyIncreasePerTick = "300" TorquePitchFactor = "0.5" TorqueRollFactor = "0.25" TorqueYawFactor = "0.35" UnlockMessage = "85265" UnstuckImpulse = "0" UseBoostStart = "true" VehicleJumpImpulse = "0,0,0" VehicleTopSpeed = "31.075" ViscosityFriction0 = "0.07" ViscosityFriction1 = "0.09" Weight = "150" WheelCollision_Model = "1" WheelCollision_NormalClip = ".8" WheelieAngularImpulse = "0" WheelieConstraintSpeed = "68.000" WheelieContinueImpulse = "0,0,0" WheelieEndoCounterContinueImpulseFactor = "0.4" WheelieEndoCounterImpulseFactor = "0.4" WheelieExtraTorque = "3.000" WheelieImpulse = "0" WheeliePitchModel = "4" WheelsTorqueRatio0 = "0.0" WheelsTorqueRatio1 = "1.0" Width0 = "0.08" Width1 = "0.1" }
In royal_flush.txt
cItemPlacement ghostriderbike { ItemName = "ghostriderbike" Location = "-309,-4.2,-136.3" Rotation = "0,-0.5,0,-1" } Captain America's Shieldfun little weapon, changed the texture to make it look like Capt. America's. Only one problem is that the texture gets confused when there's two of these in the same area. did a lot of minor changes that work nicely. made it a projectilelauncer item so you can throw the shield. Every time you hit with the shield (just the shield) it launches the zombies using ragdoll. Quite fun. Its decent at best until you throw it, make sure you watch the video all the way to the end. The Shield ricochets off of zombies until it dies. It was the closest thing to a shield boomerang I could get. can be made by combining the Training Sword with Fountain Fireworks DIY: In items.txt
cProjectileLauncherItem gem { AchievementCategory = "0" ActionButton0 = "PLAYERBUTTON_QUICK_ATTACK" ActionButton1 = "PLAYERBUTTON_QUICK_ATTACK" ActionButton2 = "PLAYERBUTTON_QUICK_ATTACK" ActionButton3 = "PLAYERBUTTON_QUICK_ATTACK" ActionButton6 = "PLAYERBUTTON_QUICKRELEASE" ActionDesiredAnimState0 = "ANIMSTATE_ATTACKSEQUENCE" ActionDesiredAnimState1 = "ANIMSTATE_ATTACKSEQUENCE" ActionDesiredAnimState2 = "ANIMSTATE_ATTACKSEQUENCE" ActionDesiredAnimState3 = "ANIMSTATE_ATTACKSEQUENCE" ActionDesiredAnimState6 = "ANIMSTATE_BIKEATTACK" ActionRequiredAnimState3 = "ANIMSTATE_ATTACKSEQUENCE" ActionRequiredAnimState6 = "ANIMSTATE_BIKEATTACK" ActionTargetCrawlerOnly6 = "false" AlternateWeaponViewCam = "4" AnimationAttackChooserValue0 = "302" AnimationAttackChooserValue1 = "301" AnimationAttackChooserValue2 = "302" AnimationAttackChooserValue3 = "307" AnimationAttackName0 = "male_attack_swordshield_a" AnimationAttackName1 = "male_attack_swordshield_b" AnimationAttackName2 = "male_attack_swordshield_a" AnimationAttackName3 = "male_attack_swordshield_b2" AnimationChooserValueForHand = "8" AnimationChooserValueForIdle = "0" AnimationChooserValueForPickup = "0" AnimationChooserValueForPutdown = "0" AnimationChooserValueForThrow = "28" AnimationChooserValueForWalkRun = "0" AnimBankName = "SwordShield" AssetFilename = "gem" AttackAudioAssetName0 = "SledgeHammerHitBodyBig" AttackAudioAssetName1 = "SledgeHammerHitBodyBig" AttackAudioAssetName2 = "SledgeHammerHitBodyBig" AttackAudioAssetName3 = "SledgeHammerHitBodyBig" AttackAudioAssetName6 = "SledgeHammerHitBodyBig" AttackDamage0 = "50" AttackDamage1 = "65" AttackDamage2 = "50" AttackDamage3 = "80" AttackDamage6 = "55" AudioActionBits = "256" AudioFilename = "fx_sledgehammer" AudioItemName = "SledgeHammer" CollidableQuality = "0" CollisionAudioDissipationFactor = "0.01" CollisionBits = "WORLDCOLLISIONFILTER_DYNAMIC_PROP" CollisionType = "3" ComboBlendDuration0 = "0.075" ComboBlendDuration1 = "0.05" ComboBlendDuration2 = "0.075" ComboBlendDuration3 = "0.05" ComboBlendXZToUse0 = "2" ComboBlendXZToUse1 = "2" ComboBlendXZToUse2 = "2" ComboBlendXZToUse3 = "2" ComboBlendYToUse0 = "2" ComboBlendYToUse1 = "2" ComboBlendYToUse2 = "2" ComboBlendYToUse3 = "2" DisplayName = "50742" DR2 = "true" Durability = "30" EffectAudio0 = "1" EffectAudio1 = "1" EffectAudio2 = "1" EffectAudio3 = "1" EffectOnImpact0 = "279" EffectOnImpact1 = "280" EffectOnImpact2 = "279" EffectOnImpact3 = "280" EffectOnImpact6 = "280" EffectOnVictim0 = "14" EffectOnVictim1 = "20" EffectOnVictim2 = "14" EffectOnVictim3 = "20" FatalHitReaction0 = "HITREACTION_FATAL_GROUP2" FatalHitReaction1 = "HITREACTION_RAGDOLL" FatalHitReaction2 = "HITREACTION_FATAL_GROUP2" FatalHitReaction3 = "HITREACTION_RAGDOLL" Friction = "25" HandlingStyle = "0" HitReaction0 = "HITREACTION_LIGHT_STAGGER" HitReaction1 = "HITREACTION_RAGDOLL" HitReaction2 = "HITREACTION_LIGHT_STAGGER" HitReaction3 = "HITREACTION_RAGDOLL" IconFilename = "w_woodenswordandsheild" Impulse0 = "0.6" Impulse1 = "400" Impulse2 = "0.6" Impulse3 = "400" InteractDistance = "0" InventoryInteractionType = "0" Is_Blunt = "true" Is_Cliche = "true" Is_Humour = "true" IsWeapon = "true" MaxProjectileDamage = "20" NumberOfThrowables = "9999" PlayerInteractVisionAngle = "0" ProjectileFatalHitReaction = "34" ProjectileHitImpulse = "1" ProjectileHitReaction = "3" PropToThrow = "shield" RequiredComboSeqCounter0 = "0" RequiredComboSeqCounter1 = "1" RequiredComboSeqCounter2 = "2" RequiredComboSeqCounter3 = "3" RequiredComboSeqCounter6 = "9" ResetComboSeqCounter3 = "true" Restitution = "0.01" RestrictedByRegion = "false" Support = "true" SurvivorWeapon = "false" ThrowEffectOnImpact = "279" WeaponType = "2" Weight = "15" cWeaponImpactPoseWarperInfoItem WoodSwordAndShield_spiked_impactwarp { Bone0 = "10" Bone1 = "4" Rotation0 = "0.000,0.000,0.155,0.989" Rotation1 = "0.000,0.000,-0.080,0.997" SpeedToRecovery0 = "2.5" SpeedToRecovery1 = "0.5" Translation0 = "0,0,0" WarpTime0 = "0.2" WarpTime1 = "0.15" } }
cPlayerWeaponItem shield { AnimationAttackName0 = "male_attack_samurai_sword_a" AnimationChooserValueForHand = "8" AnimationChooserValueForIdle = "0" AnimationChooserValueForPickup = "0" AnimationChooserValueForPutdown = "0" AnimationChooserValueForThrow = "43" AnimationChooserValueForWalkRun = "0" AssetFilename = "shield" AttachPropToBoneType = "1" AudioActionBits = "256" AudioFilename = "fx_sledgehammer" AudioItemName = "SledgeHammer" CollidableQuality = "0" CollisionAudioDissipationFactor = "0.01" CollisionBits = "WORLDCOLLISIONFILTER_DYNAMIC_PROP" CollisionType = "3" DisplayName = "50742" DR2 = "true" Durability = "20" Friction = "25" HandlingStyle = "0" InteractDistance = "0" InventoryInteractionType = "0" Is_Blocking = "true" Is_Blunt = "true" Is_Cliche = "true" Is_Humour = "true" IsWeapon = "true" MaxProjectileDamage = "50" PlayerInteractVisionAngle = "0" ProjectileFatalHitReaction = "34" ProjectileHitImpulse = "1.25" ProjectileHitReaction = "34" PropEffectLocator0 = "16" PropEffectLocatorIndex0 = "1" PropEffectsOnCondition0 = "20" PyroEffect0 = "20" Restitution = "0.01" UnlimitedDurability = "true" Support = "true" SurvivorWeapon = "false" ThrowEffectAudio = "4" ThrowEffectOnImpact = "0" ThrowEffectOnVictim = "20" ThrowEffectOnWeapon = "0" ThrowForce = "30" ThrowRange = "30" ThrowSpin = "-20,-30,0" WeaponType = "2" Weight = "80" cBouncableInfoItem BounceInfo { DR2 = "true" MaxBounceAngle = "30" MaxZombiesToHit = "6" MinBounceAngle = "6" Support = "true" UseAngleInfo = "true" } cPropLifetimeInfoItem arrow_die { DR2 = "true" LifetimeModifier = "0" Support = "true" } }
cProjectileLauncherItem captamerica { AchievementCategory = "-1" AnimationChooserValueForHand = "8" AnimationChooserValueForIdle = "0" AnimationChooserValueForPickup = "0" AnimationChooserValueForPutdown = "0" AnimationChooserValueForThrow = "28" AnimationChooserValueForWalkRun = "0" AnimBankName = "SwordShield" AssetFilename = "captamerica" AssociatedMagazineType0 = "12" AssociatedMagazineType1 = "13" AudioActionBits = "256" AudioCollisionProfile = "1" AudioFilename = "fx_sledgehammer" AudioItemName = "SledgeHammer" CollidableQuality = "0" CollisionAudioDissipationFactor = "0.01" CollisionBits = "WORLDCOLLISIONFILTER_DYNAMIC_PROP" CollisionType = "3" DisplayName = "50742" DR2 = "true" Durability = "20" Friction = "25" HandlingStyle = "0" InteractDistance = "1.4" InventoryInteractionType = "0" Is_Blocking = "true" Is_Blunt = "true" Is_Cliche = "true" Is_Humour = "true" IsWeapon = "true" LoadDistance = "35" MaxProjectileDamage = "75" NumberOfThrowables = "9999" ProjectileFatalHitReaction = "34" ProjectileHitImpulse = "1.25" ProjectileHitReaction = "34" PropToThrow = "shield" Restitution = "0.01" RestrictedByRegion = "false" ThrowEffectAudio = "4" ThrowEffectOnImpact = "0" ThrowEffectOnVictim = "20" ThrowEffectOnWeapon = "0" ThrowAngleDegrees = "0" ThrowSpin = "0,-10,0" ThrowForce = "30" ThrowRange = "30" UnlimitedDurability = "true" WeaponType = "2" Weight = "30" cOverridePrimaryPropInfoItem wsword { PrimaryPropAssetName = "gem" }
cSecondaryPropInfoItem wshield { DR2 = "true" SecondaryPropAssetName = "shield" Support = "true" }
In safehouse.txt
cItemPlacement captamerica { ItemName = "captamerica" Location = "-20,-4.3,-2.5" PropState = "-2" Rotation = "-0.000,30,0.000,1.000" }
Download links are on the first post of this thread