Post by gique13 on Oct 18, 2011 3:55:22 GMT -5
Anyone know if it's possible to place a recrutable snowflake in sandbox mode? I know how to create a snowflake, but don't know where to place it
Also, I placed a superfast car underground so that I can race through zombies ala DR1, but there are not many zombies underground in sandbox..
anyone know how to mod zombie amount underground for sandbox?
in case anyone is interested in the car:
in underground.txt:
Also, I placed a superfast car underground so that I can race through zombies ala DR1, but there are not many zombies underground in sandbox..
anyone know how to mod zombie amount underground for sandbox?
in case anyone is interested in the car:
cVehicleItem underSportsCar
AirDensity = "2.3"
Anim_Category = "3"
Anim_Event0Bone = "geo_fhull.geo_ldoor"
Anim_Event1Bone = "geo_fhull.geo_rdoor"
AssetFilename = "data/models/environment/props/sports_car"
AudioDownShiftDeltaKMH = "10"
AudioEngineVolume = "0"
AudioFilename = "fx_sportscar"
AudioHardBrakeDeltaRPM = "100"
AudioIdleRPM = "400"
AudioItemName = "SportsCar"
AudioLimiterRPM = "3000"
AudioSuspensionVolume = "2"
AudioTireVolume = "3"
AudioTransmissionVolume = "3"
AudioUpShiftKMperHourForGear1 = "80"
AudioUpShiftRPM = "3100"
AutoReverse = "false"
Axle0 = "0"
Axle1 = "1"
Brake_IsConnectedToHandbrake0 = "false"
Brake_IsConnectedToHandbrake1 = "true"
Brake_MaxBreakingTorque0 = "1000"
Brake_MaxBreakingTorque1 = "1000"
Brake_MinPedalInputToBlock0 = "0.9"
Brake_MinPedalInputToBlock1 = "0.9"
Brake_WheelsMinTimeToBlock = "0.0"
CameraInteractionMode = "2"
CenterOfMassOffset = "0.037,-0.5,0.000"
ChassisUnitInertiaPitch = "1"
ChassisUnitInertiaRoll = "1"
ChassisUnitInertiaYaw = "1"
CollidableQuality = "0"
CollisionSpinDamping = "4"
CollisionThreshold = "4"
CollisionType = "3"
CounterFrontSideImpulse = ".06"
Damage_Flat = "0"
Damage_HitReactionSpeedModifier = "1.4"
DamageBOSS_Flat = "50"
DamageBOSS_MinSpeed = "10"
DamageBOSS_PerKMH = "7"
DeadZone = "0.15"
DisplayName = "50038"
DoesWheelSteer0 = "true"
DoesWheelSteer1 = "false"
Door1 = "1.2, -1, -0.5"
Door2 = "-1.2, -1, -0.5"
DR2 = "true"
DragCoefficient = "0.7"
Durability = "900"
Engine_MaxRPM = "10000"
Engine_MaxTorque = "500"
Engine_MinRPM = "200"
Engine_OptRPM = "8000"
Engine_ResistanceFactorAtMaxRPM = "0.3"
Engine_ResistanceFactorAtMinRPM = "0.05"
Engine_ResistanceFactorAtOptRPM = "0.1"
Engine_TorqueFactorAtMaxRPM = "0.8"
Engine_TorqueFactorAtMinRPM = "0.8"
EngineRpmDecreasePerTick = "400"
EngineRpmIncreasePerTick = "100"
ExtraGravity = "0.000,-15.000,0.000"
ExtraTorqueFactor = "0"
ForceFeedbackMultiplier0 = "1"
ForceFeedbackMultiplier1 = "1"
Friction = "0.8"
Friction_Donut0 = "4"
Friction_Donut1 = "4"
Friction_QuickSpin0 = "1.5"
Friction_QuickSpin1 = "1"
Friction0 = "1"
Friction1 = "1"
FrictionEqualizer = "0.5"
FrontalArea = "1.56"
GearRatio1 = "2.46"
GearRatio2 = "1.8225"
GearRatio3 = "1.35"
GearRatio4 = "1"
GearRatio5 = "0.74"
Gears_ClutchDelayTime = "0.1"
Gears_DownShiftRPM = "1000"
Gears_NumberOfGears = "5"
Gears_ReverseGearRatio = "2"
Gears_ReverseGearTopSpeed = "35"
Gears_TransmissionModel = "1"
Gears_UpShiftRPM = "8000"
IgnoreSeatLocators = "false"
IgnoreWheelLocators = "false"
InitialSlope = "0.6"
InteractDistance = "2"
IsConsideredACoolVehicle = "true"
IsCool = "true"
LiftCoefficient = "-0.3"
LoadDistance = "100"
Mass0 = "30"
Mass1 = "30"
MaxFriction0 = "2"
MaxFriction1 = "2"
MaxTyremarkEnergy = "1000"
MaxVelocityForPositionalFriction = "0"
MergedFileNotUsed = "true"
MinTyremarkEnergy = "100"
MinVehicleSpeedToEjectPlayer = "200"
MinYRotationRequiredToBeFlipped = ".7"
NormalSpinDamping = "1"
NumberOfDoors = "2"
NumberOfGearsForAudio = "1"
NumberOfSeats = "2"
NumberOfWheels = "4"
NumberOfWheelsPerAxle = "2"
NumDamageStates = "3"
PropAudioType = "9728"
PropEffectLocator0 = "16"
PropEffectLocator1 = "16"
PropEffectLocator2 = "16"
PropEffectLocator3 = "16"
PropEffectLocatorIndex0 = "4"
PropEffectLocatorIndex1 = "3"
PropEffectLocatorIndex2 = "2"
PropEffectLocatorIndex3 = "2"
PropEffectsOnCondition0 = "17"
PropEffectsOnCondition1 = "21"
PropEffectsOnCondition2 = "27"
PropEffectsOnCondition3 = "6"
PyroEffect0 = "232"
PyroEffect1 = "233"
PyroEffect2 = "234"
PyroEffect3 = "26"
QuickSpinAppPointAdjust = "true"
QuickSpinAppPointAdjustMag = ".7"
Radius0 = "0.4"
Radius1 = "0.4"
Restitution = "0"
RestrictedByRegion = "false"
Seat1 = "0.20, -1.0, -0.5"
Seat2 = "0.20, -1.0, 0.5"
SeatCanBeInjured1 = "true"
SeatCanBeInjured2 = "true"
SeatCanBeInjured3 = "true"
SeatCanBeInjured4 = "true"
SeatLocatorType1 = "5"
SeatLocatorType2 = "6"
SelfDamage_BaseDamage = "5"
SelfDamage_MaxDmgForDynamicProps = "5"
SelfDamage_MaxDmgForOtherVehicles = "10"
SelfDamage_MaxDmgForStaticProps = "20"
SelfDamage_MaxDmgForZombies = "2"
SelfDamage_MinSpeedForDamageKPH = "25"
SelfDamage_MinSpeedRequired = "2"
SelfDamage_mMaxDmgForSurvivors = "2"
SelfDamage_SpeedForMaxDamageKPH = "80"
SlipAngle0 = "0.1"
SlipAngle1 = "0.1"
SlopeChangePointX = "0.8"
Steering_AdditionalControlPoint = "true"
Steering_AngleAtSpeedS = "14"
Steering_CanQuickSpin = "true"
Steering_DonutSideImpulse = "14000"
Steering_DrivingSideImpulse0 = "0"
Steering_DrivingSideImpulse1 = "0"
Steering_DrivingSideImpulse2 = "0"
Steering_DrivingSideImpulseSpeed0 = "0"
Steering_DrivingSideImpulseSpeed1 = "0"
Steering_DrivingSideImpulseSpeed2 = "0"
Steering_MaxAngle = "45"
Steering_MaxSpeedForDonut = "1"
Steering_MaxSpeedFullAngle = "18"
Steering_QuickSpinDontBrakeOutTurnWindow = "true"
Steering_QuickSpinFrontCounterImpulse = "0,0,1.6"
Steering_QuickSpinMaxDuration = ".4"
Steering_QuickSpinSideImpulse = "11200"
Steering_QuickSpinTurnWindow = ".45"
Steering_SpeedS = "48"
Suspension_DampingCompression0 = "2"
Suspension_DampingCompression1 = "2"
Suspension_DampingRelaxation0 = "2"
Suspension_DampingRelaxation1 = "2"
Suspension_Strength0 = "60"
Suspension_Strength1 = "60"
SuspensionBottomOutLimit = "0.25"
SuspensionEquilibriumThreshold = "0.14"
SuspensionModel = "0"
TireNoiseScaler = "0.03"
TireSkidEnergyDecreasePerTick = "500"
TireSkidEnergyIncreasePerTick = "200"
TorquePitchFactor = "0.05"
TorqueRollFactor = "0.05"
TorqueYawFactor = "0.2"
UnlockMessage = "85263"
UnstuckImpulse = "100000"
UseBoostStart = "true"
VehicleTopSpeed = "140"
ViscosityFriction0 = "0.02"
ViscosityFriction1 = "0.03"
Weight = "1500"
WheelCollision_Model = "0"
WheelsTorqueRatio0 = "0.25"
WheelsTorqueRatio1 = "0.75"
Width0 = "0.2"
Width1 = "0.2"
cAlternateTextureInfoItem SportsCar_alttex
AlternateTextureName0 = "data/models/environment/props/sports_car_dmg"
in underground.txt:
cItemPlacement underSportsCar{
IsStatic = ""
ItemName = "underSportsCar"
Location = "96.200,-6.000,-249.700"
PropState = "-1"
Rotation = "0.000,-0.924,-0.002,0.383"