Posts: 159
Post by sppv on Nov 15, 2014 12:54:43 GMT -5
So Ive been working on a DR2 DLC installer as asked and have made significant progress. This was alot harder than the OTR installer as I couldnt find all the DLC files. So after some jury rigging using OTR files I have a semi workable release.
What works:
Ninja costume
Psycopath costume
Sportsfan costume
Needs work
Soldier costome.......I could only find some of the Soldier DLC so was forced to use files from OTR and currently this gives 2 results. Result 1- Half a costume Result 2- Game crashes violently (forced to do a hard shutdown of my PC)
Post by solidcal on Nov 15, 2014 16:18:59 GMT -5
ask tommah. He may still has the original DR2 DLC outfit files. Also this adds their abilities too right? Unlike OTR the abilities given by the outfits never worked in the simple txt editing
Posts: 159
Post by sppv on Nov 16, 2014 12:20:04 GMT -5
ask tommah. He may still has the original DR2 DLC outfit files. Also this adds their abilities too right? Unlike OTR the abilities given by the outfits never worked in the simple txt editing Yes the powers work to a degree. Anything that requires cine files is out for now. For example the Ninja can do the sneaky sneak through the zombies and not get noticed. But his jump attack with the laser sword doesnt work. The Sportsfan runs extra fast and can guzzle liquor no issue (far as I know there were no special moves for SOF or Sportsfan so both should have full powers). The Psycho takes reduced damage but dont have his boot to the junk and head chop with a machete or the cleaver decap. Im going to try and port over the cine files from OTR to fix the issue, unless I can find them in my DR2 disc. As for OTR I would have to watch some videos of the DLC as I never had the DLC officialy (Marketplace was already shut down when I went to buy it), then I know whats missing and what isnt then can try and address that. Far as I know I have the full official GFWL DLC pack so it should be doable.
Post by solidcal on Nov 16, 2014 13:43:48 GMT -5
OTR had the dlc powers coded in differently. It was all done through txt files and animations. DR2 outfits are done in the outfits/csv file and the animations are harder to get properly working due to the different coding.
Posts: 159
Post by sppv on Nov 16, 2014 14:31:44 GMT -5
There has to be a txt, xml or csv file that controls the special weapon attacks animations just like the regular/combo weapon attacks, like the bigfile.xml in data/cine/weapons/root.big. And either the animations are already in DR2 or come with a legit download of the DLC. If I can get my hands on a legit DLC pack (if a user who bought it before Marketplace went down would be so kind as to upload it) a simple comparison of the files should tell us what we are missing and what needs to be done (if possible) to the files we already have.
The other option and I would like people to keep this in mind, if we can get a true dump of the DLC (not the free co-op pack Tommah based his great work on) I can look into into an unlocker app if the files are indeed already included on a retail disc (keep in mind I love DR2 and will hash check and CRC SHA 256 check my disc and install directory aka no pirate support)
Post by pajo2003 on Nov 18, 2014 8:26:58 GMT -5
give link
Post by solidcal on Nov 18, 2014 9:01:07 GMT -5
As you can see this is in the "Work in Progress" boards. This means he is still working on this to get all the DLC 100% working/ So no he can't "give link" to you. Be patient and wait till he releases it in his own time. A lot of work needs to be put in to this you know.
Post by pajo2003 on Nov 19, 2014 7:10:31 GMT -5
i dont reading
Post by solidcal on Nov 19, 2014 13:04:48 GMT -5
Then you should learn to read properly in the future.
Posts: 159
Post by sppv on Nov 20, 2014 0:47:34 GMT -5
Then you should learn to read properly in the future. LMAO. Its OK I dont mind people asking for WIPs as long as they understand the facts, AKA game crashes, half ass quality etc. I only do real work on weekends (job and all) so this could be a while, especially if I cant find a proper DLC pack. I managed to find Tommahs but as he stated in his release it was just the co-op free pack and offered no insights into fixing the special move issue and also had the same half a costume issue with the SOF outfit.
Post by pajo2003 on Nov 20, 2014 8:29:48 GMT -5
i cant speak english
Posts: 159
Post by sppv on Jan 23, 2015 12:58:42 GMT -5
Some more work has been done on this and now the SOF costume is fixed, but still no progress on the special animations.
Posts: 159
Post by sppv on Feb 8, 2015 1:11:14 GMT -5
OTR had the dlc powers coded in differently. It was all done through txt files and animations. DR2 outfits are done in the outfits/csv file and the animations are harder to get properly working due to the different coding. VIA a direct install from my PAL Dead Rising 2 disc and after installing the freebie COOP pack thats been used in previous editions even on a Windoes search I have no Outfits.csv file
Where's My Wiskey
Posts: 1,270
Post by tommah on Mar 2, 2015 10:51:08 GMT -5
should be in datafile.big if I remember correctly
Posts: 159
Post by sppv on Aug 23, 2015 11:16:17 GMT -5
Heres a link to download the DR2 DLC Installer. Its not 100% so be aware of this going in. SportsFan and Soldier Of Fortune work perfect, Psycho and Ninja have limited cine support. This is a build designed for x64 systems so if you are x86 or not installed to C:\Program Files\Capcom\Dead Rising 2 change the install directory accordingly. drive.google.com/drive/folders/0Bx5-OIjhF1h3flhZdW10WmI1Mnd4bGJyQzV4MGIzZ3dtVlp1eXJkU08zUnFiblkxMUV0c0kIf a staff member could move this thread from in progress to Modding Tools that would be appreciated.