Post by tommah on Sept 22, 2014 5:21:07 GMT -5
This is a thread that I will keep updating as we learn more. When you see an @ sign followed by a string of number, search for that number with a space at the beginning to see what it is referencing
Example. "@1699182808" //item global variables(below).... Search for "<space>1699182808"... will eventually lead to the cPlayerWeaponItem
All codes are taken from \data\gameplay\coregameplayer_bulk0-3.bin files
Baseball Bat
Six Shooter
Example. "@1699182808" //item global variables(below).... Search for "<space>1699182808"... will eventually lead to the cPlayerWeaponItem
All codes are taken from \data\gameplay\coregameplayer_bulk0-3.bin files
Baseball Bat
cGameObjectState 3787147078 { //Baseball Bat
Super = "@0" //?????????????????
ConstData = "@243683941" //Contains audio, running animations, holding animations, and most importantly attacking animations (propdata)
Pos = "-0.00109863,-0.000762939,-0.00109863"
Rot = "0.00195693,0.00195693,0.00195693,0.999994"
Key = "3787147078"
ComponentTypes = [
"-224555073" //matches item below
"1386327933" //matches damager below
"-90806063" //matches damageable below
"-1229971842" //matches health below
"-2095680330" //matches beacon below
ComponentsState = [
"@1699182808" //item global variables(below)
"@4249996441" //damager (others)
"@160426427" //damageable (self?)
"@1941940046" //health
"@691672854" //beacon (noise produced?)
cPlayerWeaponItem 900891186 { //Bat global variables, alot of these variables don't do anything. Most of the properties are above in the ComponentState section
Key = "900891186"
ProductionStatus = "READY_FOR_REVIEW"
MergedFileNotUsed = "false"
DLCFlag = "BASE" //DLC?
MergedFilename = "data\\dynamicprops_dr3\\baseballbat"
AssetFilename = "baseballbat" //what model to use
AnimBankName = "weapon\\1h_2h_gen" //what animation bank to pull from
DisplayName = "'IDS_DISPLAY_NAME_BASEBALL_BAT'" //Baseball Bat
IconFilename = ""
HasIcon = "true"
AudioItemName = "BaseballBat" //Audio
AudioFilename = "fx_baseballbat" //Audio
GenericAudioName = "0"
AudioUnloadDeferralTime = "0"
AudioLoadAtHighSpeed = "true"
Weight = "2.5"
Friction = "1.5"
Restitution = "0.001"
InertiaTensorMultiplier = "1"
DurabilityType = "@'hard'" //hard, soft, very hard, etc... haven't seen a difference yet
CollidableType = "0"
IsClimbable = "false" //can you climb on it
IsClimbableForZombie = "false" //can zombies attach to it (vehicle)
IsBangableForZombies = "true"
IsStaticForPathfinding = "false"
AIDynamicObstacleType = "AUTO"
CollidableQuality = "4"
CameraInteractionMode = "CAMERA_DOES_NOT_INTERACT"
Unmoveable = "false"
CollidableWithWheels = "false"
DisableDynamicPropUpdates = "false"
AllowedPenetrationDepth = "-1"
UnlimitedDurability = "false" //doesn't seem to do anything
DefaultAttachment = "@4090985211" //Right hand
AudioLoadDistanceType = "0"
AudioCollisionProfile = "0"
PropAudioType = ""
AudioProperties = ""
EnablePhysicsWhenAttached = "false"
IsNotInteractable = "false" //true = you can't pick up
IsNotInteractableWhenFixed = "false"
IsSolidUntilPlayerInteractsWith = "true"
BodyPartClothingIsAttachedTo = "0"
ThrowOffset = "0.5,-5,0" //angle of thrown object
SecondsBeforeDeadPropVanishes = "1" //destroy when dead
InitialColorBlendFactor = "-1"
LoadDistanceCategory = "LOAD_DISTANCE_VERY_CLOSE" //my pc sucks ass apparently
LoadDistanceType = "0" //my pc sucks ass apparently
UseNewMergedDynamicPropFunctionality = "false"
ShouldSync = "true"
ShouldDestroyOnDeath = "false" //Change this to true and it will never break. However if it runs out of health, weapon grab no longer work and if dropped cannot be picked back up.
DisableCollisionWithZombieOnThrown = "false" //If Thrown does collide with zombies: true/false
AlternateTexture = "@0"
Cooldown = "LOCKER_COOLDOWN_NORMAL" //Locker cooldown
LockerSupplyUnitCost = "1" //setting to 0 seems to remove from locker completely
IsValidRangedTarget = "false"
AllowBulletsToPenetrate = "false" //if gun, bullets penetrate
IgnorePhysicsControlEvent = "false"
BumpPersistedNeighboursOnDeath = "false"
RightWristBend = "0,0,0"
WeaponClass = "BLUNT" //interact icon: BLUNT, FIREARM, etc...
PropWeightClass = "MEDIUM"
Inventoryable = "true" //if false, will drop when switching items
EnableStrafing = "true"
CollidableWithActor = "false" //can collide with player?
DestroyOnThrownImpact = "false" //throw, destroy when hit anything
GoesTransparentInRangeMode = "false" //turns item transparent when aiming
DisableExternalImpulse = "false"
WeaponHasSyncMove = "true"
ThrowForce = "14" //how hard it is thrown
ThrowAngle = "10" //angle in relation to player
ThrowSpin = "0,0,10" //how much spin, what direction. x, y, z
ThrowRange = "12" //how far to be thrown
BreakSpread = "3"
NoCollisionTime = "0.3"
MaxPiecesToSpawn = "15"
PropScaleMultiplier = "1"
ThrowEffectAudio = "0"
SurvivorWeapon = "true" //can survivors use it?
OverrideAttackInfo = [
EffectiveRange = "1"
AwesomenessRating = "6"
Reticle_Type = "1" //Reticles while aiming
Reticle_BestAccuracy = "0.8"
Reticle_WorstAccuracy = "0"
Reticle_ReturnToNormalAccuracyRate = "0.1"
Reticle_AccuracyDecreasePerShot = "1"
Reticle_MinMovementRateBeforeAccuracyDecrease = "0.05"
WeaponInfoExtensions = [
AttackSequences = "@2480762658" //sets specific animations from bank determined above. if "@0" is determined by ConstData>StateGraph>PropData
BaseCameraShake = "CAMERA_SHAKE_NONE"
Reticle_ActiveInThirdPerson = "false"
Reticle_ActiveInRangeMode = "true"
Reticle_EnableAutoTargeting = "false"
NeedsAnimStoppedIfFallenOver = "false"
HasJumpAttack = "false" //separate jump attack?
AimCamera = "@0"
MaxChainAttackCount = "5" //number of combo attacks
YawOffsetForFacing = "-0.10472"
Description = "'IDS_SPACE'"
Six Shooter
cGameObjectState 1537375407 {
Super = "@0"
ConstData = "@774197582" //??
Pos = "-0.00109863,-0.000762939,-0.00109863"
Rot = "0.00195693,0.00195693,0.00195693,0.999994"
Key = "1537375407"
ComponentTypes = [
ComponentsState = [
"@77620020" //item global variable
"@4050618866" //Health
"@3460207349" //Damager (others)
"@2810882143" //Damageable (self?)
"@3989074002" //bullet/ammo
"@2800351674" //beacon
cPlayerWeaponItem 4132976905 {
Key = "4132976905"
ProductionStatus = "NONE"
MergedFileNotUsed = "false"
DLCFlag = "BASE"
MergedFilename = "data\\dynamicprops_dr3\\handgun6shooter"
AssetFilename = "handgun6shooter"
///Shortened to save space