This is the entire code for the twins challenge in Sandbox:
cMissionDefinition C5_Psycho_Battle
Duration = "262800"
ExplicitStart = "false"
MissionType = "16"
Module = "2"
StartTime = "25200"
WaitUntilEnd = "false"
cMissionChallengeStart test20
ChallengeItemName = "Psycho1"
EnableFade = "true"
FadeIntoBlackType = "2"
FadeOutOfBlackType = "0"
MinimumDurationSecondsReal = "3"
MinimumDurationSecondsTicks = "0"
MinNumberOfSecondsBeforeFadeOut = "1"
cMissionSendCommandToProp ZombieClear29
Loop = "true"
PropCommand = "18"
cMissionTeleportPlayer Move_Player1
SpawnPoint = "StartTwins"
TeleportAllPlayers = "true"
cMissionSendCommandToProp Door_Shut2
Loop = "true"
PropCommand = "12"
PropName = "NightClubDoor1"
cMissionSendCommandToProp Door_Shut3
Loop = "true"
PropCommand = "12"
PropName = "NightClubDoor"
cMissionSendCommandToProp Door_Locked
Loop = "true"
PropCommand = "11"
PropName = "NightClubDoor"
cMissionSendCommandToProp Door_Locked1
Loop = "true"
PropCommand = "11"
PropName = "NightClubDoor1"
cMissionZombieFactory PalVista5
Amount0 = "2"
Amount1 = "2"
Amount2 = "2"
ClumpRadiusDelta = "1.0"
Type0 = "zombie_skinny"
Type1 = "zombie_fat"
Type2 = "zombie_skinny_female"
ZombieWarehouseName = "Pal_Vista"
cMissionAdjustZombieTuning DEFAULT43
MaxAttractorsForSurvivor = "10000"
NumberOfAllowableZombiesChasingYouZone0 = "6000"
NumberOfAllowableZombiesChasingYouZone1 = "4000"
NumberOfAllowableZombiesChasingYouZone2 = "3000"
NumberOfAllowableZombiesChasingYouZone3 = "1000"
WanderingZombies = "30"
cMissionZombieFactory w_Yucatan_Walkways_F23
Amount0 = "2"
Amount1 = "2"
Amount2 = "2"
Amount3 = "2"
ClumpNoise = "5"
ClumpRadius = "8"
ClumpRadiusDelta = "2"
ClumpSize = "11"
PercentClump = "50"
Type0 = "zombie_skinny"
Type1 = "zombie_fat"
Type2 = "zombie_skinny_female"
Type3 = "zombie_showgirl"
ZombieWarehouseName = "w_Yucatan_Walkways"
cMissionZombieFactory w_Yucatan_Walkways_F22
Amount0 = "2"
Amount1 = "2"
Amount2 = "2"
Amount3 = "2"
ClumpNoise = "5"
ClumpRadius = "10"
ClumpRadiusDelta = "1.0"
ClumpSize = "11"
PercentClump = "50"
Type0 = "zombie_skinny"
Type1 = "zombie_fat"
Type2 = "zombie_skinny_female"
Type3 = "zombie_showgirl"
ZombieWarehouseName = "w_Yucatan_Walkways_SSentrance"
cMissionZombieFactory w_Yucatan_NStrip_Exit_F23
Amount0 = "2"
Amount1 = "2"
Amount2 = "2"
Amount3 = "2"
ClumpRadiusDelta = "1.0"
Type0 = "zombie_fat"
Type1 = "zombie_skinny"
Type2 = "zombie_skinny_female"
Type3 = "zombie_showgirl"
ZombieWarehouseName = "w_Yucatan_NStrip_Exit"
cMissionZombieFactory w_Yucatan_NStrip_Exit_F22
Amount0 = "1"
Amount1 = "1"
Amount2 = "1"
ClumpRadiusDelta = "1.0"
Type0 = "zombie_fat"
Type1 = "zombie_skinny"
Type2 = "zombie_skinny_female"
ZombieWarehouseName = "w_Yucatan_NStrip_Exit_Grad1"
cMissionZombieFactory w_Yucatan_NStrip_Exit2_F11
Amount0 = "1"
Amount1 = "1"
Amount2 = "1"
Amount3 = "1"
ClumpRadiusDelta = "1.0"
Type0 = "zombie_fat"
Type1 = "zombie_skinny"
Type2 = "zombie_skinny_female"
Type3 = "zombie_showgirl"
ZombieWarehouseName = "w_Yucatan_NStrip_Exit_Grad"
cMissionZombieFactory w_Yucatan_Slots_F14
Amount0 = "2"
Amount1 = "2"
Amount2 = "2"
Amount3 = "2"
ClumpNoise = "2"
ClumpRadius = "3"
ClumpRadiusDelta = "1.0"
ClumpSize = "3"
PercentClump = "50"
Type0 = "zombie_skinny"
Type1 = "zombie_skinny_female"
Type2 = "zombie_showgirl"
Type3 = "zombie_fat"
ZombieWarehouseName = "w_Yucatan_Slots"
cMissionZombieFactory w_Yucatan_Palisades_exit11
Amount0 = "1"
Amount1 = "1"
Amount2 = "1"
ClumpRadiusDelta = "1.0"
Type0 = "zombie_fat"
Type1 = "zombie_skinny"
Type2 = "zombie_skinny_female"
ZombieWarehouseName = "w_Yucatan_Exit_Palisades"
cMissionZombieFactory w_Yucatan_FoodBarn_exit11
Amount0 = "1"
Amount1 = "1"
Amount2 = "1"
ClumpRadiusDelta = "1.0"
Type0 = "zombie_fat"
Type1 = "zombie_skinny"
Type2 = "zombie_skinny_female"
ZombieWarehouseName = "w_Yucatan_Exit_FoodBarn"
cMissionZombieFactory w_Yucatan_FoodBarn_exitdoors11
Amount0 = "1"
Amount1 = "1"
Amount2 = "1"
ClumpRadiusDelta = "1.0"
Type0 = "zombie_fat"
Type1 = "zombie_skinny"
Type2 = "zombie_skinny_female"
ZombieWarehouseName = "w_Yucatan_Exit_FoodBarndoors"
cMissionZombieFactory w_Yucatan_Rug11
Amount0 = "1"
Amount1 = "1"
Amount2 = "1"
Amount3 = "1"
ClumpRadiusDelta = "1.0"
Type0 = "zombie_skinny"
Type1 = "zombie_skinny_female"
Type2 = "zombie_showgirl"
Type3 = "zombie_fat"
ZombieWarehouseName = "w_Yucatan_Rug"
cMissionZombieFactory Shoal_Entryway8
Amount0 = "2"
Amount1 = "2"
Amount2 = "2"
Amount3 = "2"
ClumpRadiusDelta = "1.0"
PercentQueen = "0"
Type0 = "zombie_fat"
Type1 = "zombie_skinny_female"
Type2 = "zombie_showgirl"
Type3 = "zombie_skinny"
ZombieWarehouseName = "w_Yucatan_Shoal"
cMissionZombieFactory YucatanTrhoughFoodBarnDoors11
Amount0 = "3"
Amount1 = "3"
Amount2 = "3"
ClumpRadiusDelta = "1.0"
Type0 = "zombie_fat"
Type1 = "zombie_skinny"
Type2 = "zombie_skinny_female"
ZombieWarehouseName = "YucatanThroughFoodBarnDoors"
cMissionResetItemPlacement Shoal_Replace1
Reset_All_Placements_of_same_type = "true"
Target = "Beer1"
cMissionResetItemPlacement Shoal_Replace2
Reset_All_Placements_of_same_type = "true"
Target = "DrinkCocktail1"
cMissionResetItemPlacement Shoal_Replace18
Reset_All_Placements_of_same_type = "true"
Target = "JellyBeans1"
cMissionResetItemPlacement Shoal_Replace17
Reset_All_Placements_of_same_type = "true"
Target = "Pineapple1"
cMissionResetItemPlacement Shoal_Replace16
Reset_All_Placements_of_same_type = "true"
Target = "Vodka5"
cMissionResetItemPlacement Shoal_Replace15
Reset_All_Placements_of_same_type = "true"
Target = "AMp1"
cMissionResetItemPlacement Shoal_Replace14
Reset_All_Placements_of_same_type = "true"
Target = "Battery1"
cMissionResetItemPlacement Shoal_Replace13
Reset_All_Placements_of_same_type = "true"
Target = "CashRegister"
cMissionResetItemPlacement Shoal_Replace12
Reset_All_Placements_of_same_type = "true"
Target = "Chair_8"
cMissionResetItemPlacement Shoal_Replace11
Reset_All_Placements_of_same_type = "true"
Target = "ChefKnife"
cMissionResetItemPlacement Shoal_Replace10
Reset_All_Placements_of_same_type = "true"
Target = "GarbageCan_11"
cMissionResetItemPlacement Shoal_Replace9
Reset_All_Placements_of_same_type = "true"
Target = "GiftshopLamp"
cMissionResetItemPlacement Shoal_Replace8
Reset_All_Placements_of_same_type = "true"
Target = "Handbag"
cMissionResetItemPlacement Shoal_Replace7
Reset_All_Placements_of_same_type = "true"
Target = "Keg4"
cMissionResetItemPlacement Shoal_Replace6
Reset_All_Placements_of_same_type = "true"
Target = "Machete3"
cMissionResetItemPlacement Shoal_Replace5
Reset_All_Placements_of_same_type = "true"
Target = "Micstand1"
cMissionResetItemPlacement Shoal_Replace4
Reset_All_Placements_of_same_type = "true"
Target = "NightStick1"
cMissionResetItemPlacement Shoal_Replace3
Reset_All_Placements_of_same_type = "true"
Target = "PottedPlant_6"
cMissionResetItemPlacement Shoal_Replace23
Reset_All_Placements_of_same_type = "true"
Target = "Shotgun"
cMissionResetItemPlacement Shoal_Replace22
Reset_All_Placements_of_same_type = "true"
Target = "SpeakerWeapon"
cMissionResetItemPlacement Shoal_Replace21
Reset_All_Placements_of_same_type = "true"
Target = "VelvetPole2"
cMissionResetItemPlacement Shoal_Replace20
Reset_All_Placements_of_same_type = "true"
Target = "WrenchLarge"
cMissionResetItemPlacement Shoal_Replace19
Reset_All_Placements_of_same_type = "true"
Target = "Painting3"
cMissionLevelReady Challenge3-Start18
cMissionSpawnItem ChallengeLure2
DisablePhysicsOnInitialPlacement = "true"
IsStatic = "false"
ItemName = "Psycho1"
LinearVelocity = "0.0,0.0,0.0"
Location = "393.069,6.052,-293.488"
Rotation = "0,0,0,1"
cMissionZombieRemoval Challenge_SafeZone18
Location = "395.371,6.052,-289.014"
Radius = "20"
cMissionOnEvent Gold6
EventString = "Gold28"
cMissionSetChuckState GiveReward6
ChuckState = "19"
Value = "53"
cMissionObjective Challenge3-Objective18
HideFromFE = "false"
cMissionObjectiveEvent Challenge3-Event19
EventString = "guide_arrow_reached"
MissionWaypoint = "YUCATAN_CASINO,393.069,6.052,-293.488"
cMissionChallengeEnd C5_Psycho_Battle_End
cMissionSendCommandToProp Door_Unlocked
Loop = "true"
PropCommand = "8"
PropName = "NightClubDoor1"
cMissionSendCommandToProp Door_Unlocked1
Loop = "true"
PropCommand = "8"
PropName = "NightClubDoor"
cMissionSendCommandToProp Door_Open
Loop = "true"
PropCommand = "13"
PropName = "NightClubDoor"
There are parts of the code we don't need, such as zombiefactory, itemreplacment, command prop, and others.
And now, here you have the clean code, which only have the important parts of the code:
cMissionDefinition C5_Psycho_Battle
Duration = "262800"
ExplicitStart = "false"
MissionType = "16"
Module = "2"
StartTime = "25200"
WaitUntilEnd = "false"
cMissionChallengeStart test20
ChallengeItemName = "Psycho1"
EnableFade = "true"
FadeIntoBlackType = "2"
FadeOutOfBlackType = "0"
MinimumDurationSecondsReal = "3"
MinimumDurationSecondsTicks = "0"
MinNumberOfSecondsBeforeFadeOut = "1"
Loop = "true"
PropCommand = "18"
cMissionTeleportPlayer Move_Player1
SpawnPoint = "StartTwins"
TeleportAllPlayers = "true"
cMissionLevelReady Challenge3-Start18
cMissionSpawnItem ChallengeLure2
DisablePhysicsOnInitialPlacement = "true"
IsStatic = "false"
ItemName = "Psycho1"
LinearVelocity = "0.0,0.0,0.0"
Location = "393.069,6.052,-293.488"
Rotation = "0,0,0,1"
cMissionOnEvent Gold6
EventString = "Gold28"
cMissionSetChuckState GiveReward6
ChuckState = "19"
Value = "53"
cMissionObjective Challenge3-Objective18
HideFromFE = "false"
cMissionObjectiveEvent Challenge3-Event19
EventString = "guide_arrow_reached"
MissionWaypoint = "YUCATAN_CASINO,393.069,6.052,-293.488"
cMissionChallengeEnd C5_Psycho_Battle_End
After this, we can see that the code is small, really small indeed, but is not the end.
While looking at the code i found this:
ChallengeItemName = "Psycho1"
Which is a dispenser in items.txt that spawn the psychopath:
cChallengeDispenseItemPsycho Psycho1
AssetFilename = "sandbox_mode_prop"
AudioEventID = "10"
AudioFilename = "fx_kiosk"
AudioItemName = "Kiosk"
BattleFile = "data/datafile/battle_twins.txt"
BattleName = "Twins"
BronzeLevel = "180"
BronzeLevelCoop = "170"
BronzeReward = "10000"
CollidableQuality = "0"
CollisionType = "3"
Description = "86204"
DescriptionCoop = "86224"
DisplayName = "86000"
GoldLevel = "60"
GoldLevelCoop = "55"
GoldReward = "45000"
InteractDistance = "2"
LoadDistance = "100"
MergedFilename = "data/dynamicprops/sandbox_mode_prop"
Mission = "C5_Psycho_Battle"
MissionCoop = "C5_Psycho_BattleCoop"
NameID = "86104"
NameIDCoop = "86124"
PropEffectsOnCondition0 = "0"
PyroEffect0 = "379"
RestrictedByRegion = "false"
SilverLevel = "120"
SilverLevelCoop = "115"
SilverReward = "20000"
SortOrder = "28"
Units = "3"
UnlockCriteria = "9495"
Weight = "200"
Yup, the code you need to edit is bigger now, but wait, there is more.
After looking at the dispenser code, i see it use the battle file of the twins, which say how they fight
what they do, and where it starts:
cBossNode TwinsBattleStart
Boss = "boss_twinsilver"
Location = "398, 6.0, -313.0"
Name = "TwinsBattleStart"
Rotation = "0.0, 0.5, 0.0"
Type = "8"
cBossNode BattleRepositionNode0
Boss = "boss_twinsilver"
Location = "-4.21, 0.2, -21.47"
Name = "BattleRepositionNode0"
Type = "10"
cBossNode BattleRepositionNode1
Boss = "boss_twinsilver"
Location = "-1.88, 0.2, -21.3"
Name = "BattleRepositionNode1"
Type = "10"
cBossNode BattleRepositionNode2
Boss = "boss_twinsilver"
Location = "-3.17, 0.2, -19.7"
Name = "BattleRepositionNode2"
Type = "10"
cBossNode BattleRepositionNode3
Boss = "boss_twinsilver"
Location = "3.43, 0.2, -19.7"
Name = "BattleRepositionNode03"
Type = "10"
cBossNode BattleRepositionNode4
Boss = "boss_twinsilver"
Location = "2.67, 0.2, -21.0"
Name = "BattleRepositionNode4"
Type = "10"
cBossNode TwinsPlayerStart0
Boss = "boss_twinsilver"
Location = "396.0, 6.0, -309.0"
Name = "TwinsPlayerStart0"
Rotation = "0, -1.5, 0"
Type = "9"
cBossNode TwinsPlayerStart1
Boss = "boss_twinsilver"
Location = "396.0, 6.0, -312.0"
Name = "TwinsPlayerStart1"
Rotation = "0, -1.5, 0"
Type = "9"
cItemPlacement TwinsWhite
ItemName = "boss_twingold"
Location = "399.0, 6.0, -302.0"
Rotation = "0.029, 0.716, 0.026, -0.697"
cItemPlacement TwinsBlack
ItemName = "boss_twinsilver"
Location = "400.0, 6.0, -321.0"
Rotation = "0.029,0.716,0.026,-0.697"
cItemPlacement TwinsBlackKatana
DisablePhysicsOnInitialPlacement = "true"
ItemName = "TwinsBlackKatana"
Location = "395.0, 6.0, -315.0"
cItemPlacement TwinsWhiteKatana
DisablePhysicsOnInitialPlacement = "true"
ItemName = "TwinsWhiteKatana"
Location = "395.0, 6.0, -309.0"
cItemPlacement TwinsBlackPainting
DisablePhysicsOnInitialPlacement = "true"
ItemName = "TwinsBlackPainting"
Location = "399.0, 12.0, -302.0"
cItemPlacement TwinsWhitePainting
DisablePhysicsOnInitialPlacement = "true"
ItemName = "TwinsWhitePainting"
Location = "399.0, 12.0, -302.0"
cBossNode TwinsWhiteZoneNode
Boss = "boss_twingold"
Location = "0.0, 6.0, 0.0"
Type = "4"
cBossNode TwinsBlackCoverNode0
Boss = "boss_twinsilver"
Location = "12.29,-0.48,10.49"
Type = "1"
cBossNode TwinsBlackCoverNode1
Boss = "boss_twinsilver"
Location = "7.49,0.03,18.09"
Type = "1"
cBossNode TwinsBlackCoverNode2
Boss = "boss_twinsilver"
Location = "-4.52,0.03,11.71"
Type = "1"
cBossNode TwinsBlackCoverNode3
Boss = "boss_twinsilver"
Location = "-14.48,0.03,6.23"
Type = "1"
cBossNode TwinsBlackCoverNode4
Boss = "boss_twinsilver"
Location = "-9.58,0.03,-3.37"
Type = "1"
cBossNode TwinsBlackCoverNode5
Boss = "boss_twinsilver"
Location = "-3.29,0.03,-12.29"
Type = "1"
cBossNode TwinsBlackCoverNode6
Boss = "boss_twinsilver"
Location = "6.54,-0.47,-7.44"
Type = "1"
cBossNode TwinsBlackCoverNode7
Boss = "boss_twinsilver"
Location = "15.82,-0.47,-2.19"
Type = "1"
cBossNode TwinsBlackCoverNode8
Boss = "boss_twinsilver"
Location = "13.25,-0.47,5.86"
Type = "1"
cBossNode TwinsZone000
Boss = "boss_twinsilver"
Location = "-2.45, -0.4, -9.5"
Name = "TwinsZone000"
Type = "4"
cBossNode TwinsZone001
Boss = "boss_twinsilver"
Location = "1.3, -0.4, -6.2"
Name = "TwinsZone001"
Type = "4"
cBossNode TwinsZone002
Boss = "boss_twinsilver"
Location = "-0.5, -0.4, -3.3"
Name = "TwinsZone002"
Type = "4"
cBossNode TwinsZone003
Boss = "boss_twinsilver"
Location = "-2.8, -0.4, -2.6"
Name = "TwinsZone003"
Type = "4"
cBossNode TwinsZone004
Boss = "boss_twinsilver"
Location = "-4.8, -0.4, -4.5"
Name = "TwinsZone004"
Type = "4"
cBossNode TwinsZone2000
Boss = "boss_twingold"
Location = "-6.2, -0.4, 7.4"
Name = "TwinsZone2000"
Type = "7"
cBossNode TwinsZone2001
Boss = "boss_twingold"
Location = "-10.7, -0.4, 5.25"
Name = "TwinsZone2001"
Type = "7"
cBossNode TwinsZone2002
Boss = "boss_twingold"
Location = "-7.2, -0.4, 0.0"
Name = "TwinsZone2002"
Type = "7"
cBossNode TwinsZone2003
Boss = "boss_twingold"
Location = "-4.8, -0.4, 1.4"
Name = "TwinsZone2003"
Type = "7"
cBossNode TwinsZone2004
Boss = "boss_twingold"
Location = "-4.1, -0.4, 3.4"
Name = "TwinsZone2004"
Type = "7"
cWaypoint BossWaypoint000
Location = "9.17,-0.35,2.80"
Name = "BossWaypoint000"
Type = "1"
cWaypoint BossWaypoint001
Location = "11.43,-0.35,4.08"
Name = "BossWaypoint001"
Type = "1"
cWaypoint BossWaypoint003
Location = "14.74,-0.48,-1.86"
Name = "BossWaypoint003"
Type = "1"
cWaypoint BossWaypoint004
Location = "8.22,-0.48,-5.35"
Name = "BossWaypoint004"
Type = "1"
cWaypoint BossWaypoint006
Location = "6.64,-0.48,-2.50"
Name = "BossWaypoint006"
Type = "1"
cWaypoint BossWaypoint007
Location = "2.22,-0.48,-5.02"
Name = "BossWaypoint007"
Type = "1"
cWaypoint BossWaypoint008
Location = "3.96,-0.48,-7.66"
Name = "BossWaypoint008"
Type = "1"
cWaypoint BossWaypoint009
Location = "-4.28,-0.48,-2.67"
Name = "BossWaypoint009"
Type = "1"
cWaypoint BossWaypoint010
Location = "-6.49,0.03,-4.04"
Name = "BossWaypoint010"
Type = "1"
cWaypoint BossWaypoint011
Location = "-6.69,0.03,-5.03"
Name = "BossWaypoint011"
Type = "1"
cWaypoint BossWaypoint012
Location = "-1.79,0.15,-11.03"
Name = "BossWaypoint012"
Type = "1"
cWaypoint BossWaypoint015
Location = "-3.33,0.15,-11.00"
Name = "BossWaypoint015"
Type = "1"
cWaypoint BossWaypoint017
Location = "-3.52,-0.35,6.88"
Name = "BossWaypoint017"
Type = "1"
cWaypoint BossWaypoint018
Location = "-4.91,0.15,9.31"
Name = "BossWaypoint018"
Type = "1"
cWaypoint BossWaypoint019
Location = "-6.24,0.15,9.20"
Name = "BossWaypoint019"
Type = "1"
cWaypoint BossWaypoint020
Location = "-12.41,0.15,5.54"
Name = "BossWaypoint020"
Type = "1"
cWaypoint BossWaypoint021
Location = "-8.10,0.15,-1.43"
Name = "BossWaypoint021"
Type = "1"
cWaypoint BossWaypoint022
Location = "-9.01,0.15,-0.88"
Name = "BossWaypoint022"
Type = "1"
cWaypoint BossWaypoint023
Location = "-6.01,-0.35,-0.05"
Name = "BossWaypoint023"
Type = "1"
cWaypoint BossWaypoint024
Location = "-0.13,-0.35,8.69"
Name = "BossWaypoint024"
Type = "1"
cWaypoint BossWaypoint025
Location = "-1.35,0.15,10.76"
Name = "BossWaypoint025"
Type = "1"
cWaypoint BossWaypoint026
Location = "-1.02,0.15,12.16"
Name = "BossWaypoint026"
Type = "1"
cWaypoint BossWaypoint028
Location = "1.13,0.15,13.57"
Name = "BossWaypoint028"
Type = "1"
cWaypoint BossWaypoint030
Location = "7.78,0.15,17.11"
Name = "BossWaypoint030"
Type = "1"
cWaypoint BossWaypoint031
Location = "8.95,0.15,16.36"
Name = "BossWaypoint031"
Type = "1"
cWaypoint BossWaypoint032
Location = "11.28,-0.35,11.08"
Name = "BossWaypoint032"
Type = "1"
cWaypoint BossWaypoint033
Location = "8.20,-0.35,9.46"
Name = "BossWaypoint033"
Type = "1"
cWaypoint BossWaypoint034
Location = "16.3,-0.35,5.6"
Name = "BossWaypoint034"
Type = "1"
cWaypoint BossWaypoint035
Location = "18.5,-0.35,7.2"
Name = "BossWaypoint035"
Type = "1"
cWaypoint BossWaypoint036
Location = "15.06,-0.35,13.7"
Name = "BossWaypoint036"
Type = "1"
cWaypoint BossWaypoint037
Location = "12.58,-0.35,12.5"
Name = "BossWaypoint037"
Type = "1"
cWaypoint BossWaypoint038
Location = "17.43,-0.35,4.93"
Name = "BossWaypoint038"
Type = "1"
cWaypoint BossWaypoint039
Location = "17.37,-0.35,1.78"
Name = "BossWaypoint039"
Type = "1"
cWaypoint BossWaypoint040
Location = "16.18,-0.35,-2.55"
Name = "BossWaypoint040"
Type = "1"
cWaypoint BossWaypoint041
Location = "15.32,-0.35,-3.80"
Name = "BossWaypoint041"
Type = "1"
cWaypoint BossWaypoint042
Location = "14.85,-0.35,-4.74"
Name = "BossWaypoint042"
Type = "1"
cWaypoint BossWaypoint043
Location = "10.67,-0.35,-6.90"
Name = "BossWaypoint043"
Type = "1"
cWaypoint BossWaypoint044
Location = "12.44,0.15,-7.59"
Name = "BossWaypoint044"
Type = "1"
cWaypoint BossWaypoint045
Location = "11.87,-0.10,-7.13"
Name = "BossWaypoint045"
Type = "1"
cWaypoint BossWaypoint046
Location = "15.29,0.15,-6.07"
Name = "BossWaypoint046"
Type = "1"
cWaypoint BossWaypoint047
Location = "16.31,0.15,-9.59"
Name = "BossWaypoint047"
Type = "1"
cWaypoint BossWaypoint048
Location = "14.25,0.15,-10.75"
Name = "BossWaypoint048"
Type = "1"
cWaypoint BossWaypoint050
Location = "12.27,0.15,-8.75"
Name = "BossWaypoint050"
Type = "1"
cWaypoint BossWaypoint051
Location = "10.96,0.15,-9.63"
Name = "BossWaypoint051"
Type = "1"
cWaypoint BossWaypoint052
Location = "13.52,0.15,-11.58"
Name = "BossWaypoint052"
Type = "1"
cWaypoint BossWaypoint053
Location = "11.92,0.15,-11.78"
Name = "BossWaypoint053"
Type = "1"
cWaypoint BossWaypoint054
Location = "12.93,0.15,-13.48"
Name = "BossWaypoint054"
Type = "1"
cWaypoint BossWaypoint055
Location = "13.91,0.15,-16.28"
Name = "BossWaypoint055"
Type = "1"
cWaypoint BossWaypoint056
Location = "12.14,0.15,-17.25"
Name = "BossWaypoint056"
Type = "1"
cWaypoint BossWaypoint057
Location = "4.84,0.15,-18.11"
Name = "BossWaypoint057"
Type = "1"
cWaypoint BossWaypoint058
Location = "2.81,0.15,-17.54"
Name = "BossWaypoint058"
Type = "1"
cWaypoint BossWaypoint059
Location = "3.50,0.15,-16.95"
Name = "BossWaypoint059"
Type = "1"
cWaypoint BossWaypoint061
Location = "11.14,0.15,-11.76"
Name = "BossWaypoint061"
Type = "1"
cWaypoint BossWaypoint062
Location = "3.74,0.15,-15.81"
Name = "BossWaypoint062"
Type = "1"
cWaypoint BossWaypoint063
Location = "1.60,0.15,-17.59"
Name = "BossWaypoint063"
Type = "1"
cWaypoint BossWaypoint064
Location = "-0.39,0.15,-18.65"
Name = "BossWaypoint064"
Type = "1"
cWaypoint BossWaypoint065
Location = "-1.85,0.15,-19.34"
Name = "BossWaypoint065"
Type = "1"
cWaypoint BossWaypoint066
Location = "-4.25,0.15,-15.76"
Name = "BossWaypoint066"
Type = "1"
cWaypoint BossWaypoint067
Location = "-5.42,0.15,-15.33"
Name = "BossWaypoint067"
Type = "1"
cWaypoint BossWaypoint068
Location = "-6.94,0.15,-12.32"
Name = "BossWaypoint068"
Type = "1"
cWaypoint BossWaypoint069
Location = "-6.33,0.15,-11.96"
Name = "BossWaypoint069"
Type = "1"
cWaypoint BossWaypoint070
Location = "-6.96,0.15,-10.73"
Name = "BossWaypoint070"
Type = "1"
cWaypoint BossWaypoint071
Location = "-7.76,0.40,-10.86"
Name = "BossWaypoint071"
Type = "1"
cWaypoint BossWaypoint072
Location = "-11.56,0.40,-12.86"
Name = "BossWaypoint072"
Type = "1"
cWaypoint BossWaypoint073
Location = "-17.89,0.40,-1.38"
Name = "BossWaypoint073"
Type = "1"
cWaypoint BossWaypoint074
Location = "-14.14,0.15,2.15"
Name = "BossWaypoint074"
Type = "1"
cWaypoint BossWaypoint075
Location = "-14.70,0.15,3.29"
Name = "BossWaypoint075"
Type = "1"
cWaypoint BossWaypoint076
Location = "-15.85,0.15,2.89"
Name = "BossWaypoint076"
Type = "1"
cWaypoint BossWaypoint077
Location = "-17.05,0.15,5.90"
Name = "BossWaypoint077"
Type = "1"
cWaypoint BossWaypoint078
Location = "-16.26,0.15,7.19"
Name = "BossWaypoint078"
Type = "1"
cWaypoint BossWaypoint079
Location = "-15.53,0.15,7.83"
Name = "BossWaypoint079"
Type = "1"
cWaypoint BossWaypoint080
Location = "-10.89,0.15,10.21"
Name = "BossWaypoint080"
Type = "1"
cWaypoint BossWaypoint081
Location = "-10.53,0.15,12.29"
Name = "BossWaypoint081"
Type = "1"
cWaypoint BossWaypoint082
Location = "-11.73,0.15,14.46"
Name = "BossWaypoint082"
Type = "1"
cWaypoint BossWaypoint083
Location = "-13.16,0.15,13.33"
Name = "BossWaypoint083"
Type = "1"
cWaypoint BossWaypoint084
Location = "-16.23,0.15,17.77"
Name = "BossWaypoint084"
Type = "1"
cWaypoint BossWaypoint085
Location = "-17.48,0.15,19.59"
Name = "BossWaypoint085"
Type = "1"
cWaypoint BossWaypoint086
Location = "-17.22,0.15,21.73"
Name = "BossWaypoint086"
Type = "1"
cWaypoint BossWaypoint087
Location = "-12.46,0.15,23.52"
Name = "BossWaypoint087"
Type = "1"
cWaypoint BossWaypoint088
Location = "-10.84,0.15,22.67"
Name = "BossWaypoint088"
Type = "1"
cWaypoint BossWaypoint089
Location = "-10.01,0.15,21.24"
Name = "BossWaypoint089"
Type = "1"
cWaypoint BossWaypoint090
Location = "-9.39,0.15,15.64"
Name = "BossWaypoint090"
Type = "1"
cWaypoint BossWaypoint091
Location = "-9.63,0.15,14.62"
Name = "BossWaypoint091"
Type = "1"
cWaypoint BossWaypoint092
Location = "-8.67,0.15,13.14"
Name = "BossWaypoint092"
Type = "1"
cWaypoint BossWaypoint093
Location = "-6.55,0.15,12.65"
Name = "BossWaypoint093"
Type = "1"
cWaypoint BossWaypoint094
Location = "-12.34,0.15,-1.33"
Name = "BossWaypoint094"
Type = "1"
cWaypoint BossWaypoint095
Location = "-13.42,0.40,-1.57"
Name = "BossWaypoint095"
Type = "1"
cWaypoint BossWaypoint096
Location = "-9.78,0.40,-8.26"
Name = "BossWaypoint096"
Type = "1"
cWaypoint BossWaypoint097
Location = "-9.02,0.15,-7.71"
Name = "BossWaypoint097"
Type = "1"
cWaypoint BossWaypoint098
Location = "-0.5,-0.4,-5.3"
Name = "BossWaypoint098"
Type = "1"
cWaypoint BossWaypoint099
Location = "0.9,-0.4,-3.8"
Name = "BossWaypoint098"
Type = "1"
cWaypoint BossWaypoint100
Location = "0.3,-0.4,-2.8"
Name = "BossWaypoint100"
Type = "1"
cWaypoint BossWaypoint101
Location = "-2.7,-0.4,-1.9"
Name = "BossWaypoint101"
Type = "1"
cWaypoint BossWaypoint102
Location = "-6.0,-0.4,4.4"
Name = "BossWaypoint102"
Type = "1"
cWaypoint BossWaypoint103
Location = "-3.6,-0.4,-4.7"
Name = "BossWaypoint103"
Type = "1"
cWaypoint BossWaypoint104
Location = "-3.3,-0.4,3.7"
Name = "BossWaypoint104"
Type = "1"
cWaypoint BossWaypoint105
Location = "-4.0,-0.4,-0.8"
Name = "BossWaypoint105"
Type = "1"
cWaypoint BossWaypoint106
Location = "-4.6,-0.4,5.0"
Name = "BossWaypoint106"
Type = "1"
cWaypoint BossWaypoint107
Location = "0.6.6,-0.4,-4.7"
Name = "BossWaypoint107"
Type = "1"
And yes, it's a really large code.
For being able to spawn your custom psychopath, you are gonna need to edit the three files, yes, edit and change
a lot of lines.
*Missions.txt*For the first file or in this case, code part, you are gonna need to change the next lines:
The first is the mission name; the next and the last is the name of the dispenser:
cMissionDefinition C5_Psycho_Battle
ChallengeItemName = "Psycho1"
ItemName = "Psycho1"
There is also this part of the code, maybe this can spawn you in another level, but i don't know. Need to see how this work.
SpawnPoint = "StartTwins"
*items.txt* ~Dispenser~ Psycho1The next part would be the dispenser.
Those are the codes that you can change.
They need to have the battlefile for the psychopath you want; the same battlename they use for their mission in the normal game (you can check that in missions.txt or in datafile.big); the same name of the mission that load the dispenser; and the same name of the mission that load the dispenser in Co-op.
cChallengeDispenseItemPsycho Psycho1
BattleFile = "data/datafile/battle_twins.txt"
BattleName = "Twins"
Mission = "C5_Psycho_Battle"
MissionCoop = "C5_Psycho_BattleCoop"
*battlefile_.txt*And for the last part, the battlefile. It's the file that is used in the whole thing.
If you want to spawn a desired psychopath, you are gonna need to edit this file.
And by edit, i mean a whole re-write. Why? you need to edit all the coordinates in the file to match them to where you want to spawn your desired psychopath.
If you don't edit them, then the game would crash, or you can spawn in another level, the psychopaths would move to a place that doesn't exist and they would get stuck in a wall, they can just keep running in circles, and more random stuff that can happen.
Editing battlefile_.txtFirst of all, i recommend you to edit the battlefile, this is used in the entire thing. You can make a custom battlefile and edit it so it doesn't change the original. Select your desired psychopath and where do you want him to spawn, this will be really hard to do, so i recommend you the one who have the less code in his battlefile (It' the postman, that's the one that have the less code). Look for coordinates, read what the coordinate name said about it (Run to, waypoint, start, spawn, appear...), and then select a coordinate to use.
Remember to name the custom battlefile with another name: battle_cat.txt
Editing items.txtAfter you did that, then the next file to edit would be items.txt.
Copy the entire dispenser code and put it under the original.
Put a custom name for it, not too large of course (postmancat).
Put the name of the custom battlefile you did (battle_cat.txt)
And make the name of the battlename and both missions. Just remember, not too big:
BattleName = "cat"
Mission = "postman_cat"
MissionCoop = "coopostman_cat"
The custom options for the dispenser would be like this:
cChallengeDispenseItemPsycho postmancat
BattleFile = "data/datafile/battle_cat.txt"
BattleName = "cat"
Mission = "postman_cat"
MissionCoop = "postman_cat"
Editing missions.txtAnd for the last, the edit to missions.txt.
This is important, because it will tell what will happen.
The edits to it are more than in items.txt, but not that much as in the battlefile.
Remember that in the last part we named some custom lines, we are gonna use some of them.
First of all, we are gonna need to put the custom mission name: postman_cat
The next thing to do would be editing the challengeitemname: postmancat
And now the spawn point. This change with the area you want to spawn the psychopath. I don't know if you can use a direct coordinate ("393.069,6.052,-293.488"). If you leave it like in the same way as in the original code, you are gonna spawn in the Yucatan casino (or your game can crash).
And the next code:
LevelName = "Here goes the name of the level where you want to spawn the psychopath"
ItemName = "postmancat" This is the name of the dispenser.
Location = "393.069,6.052,-293.488" I find this as a random coordinate. Put something near where your psycho is going to spawn.
And for the last part of the code:
cMissionObjective (See if you can change it to something else)
cMissionObjectiveEvent (See if you can change it to something else, it can't be the same as the last one.)
MissionWaypoint = "YUCATAN_CASINO,393.069,6.052,-293.488" (This will say where you have to go. Level name and coordinate)
And the end of the mission: cMissionChallengeEnd (name of the mission)_End
You edit this:
And the code should look like this:
cMissionDefinition postman_cat
Duration = "262800"
ExplicitStart = "false"
MissionType = "16"
Module = "2"
StartTime = "25200"
WaitUntilEnd = "false"
cMissionChallengeStart test20
ChallengeItemName = "postmancat"
EnableFade = "true"
FadeIntoBlackType = "2"
FadeOutOfBlackType = "0"
MinimumDurationSecondsReal = "3"
MinimumDurationSecondsTicks = "0"
MinNumberOfSecondsBeforeFadeOut = "1"
Loop = "true"
PropCommand = "18"
cMissionTeleportPlayer Move_Player1
SpawnPoint = "Place a custom coordinate here?"
TeleportAllPlayers = "true"
cMissionLevelReady Challenge3-Start18
cMissionSpawnItem ChallengeLure2
DisablePhysicsOnInitialPlacement = "true"
IsStatic = "false"
ItemName = "postmancat"
LinearVelocity = "0.0,0.0,0.0"
Location = "Coordinate near the psycho?"
Rotation = "0,0,0,1"
cMissionOnEvent Gold6
EventString = "Gold28"
cMissionSetChuckState GiveReward6
ChuckState = "19"
Value = "53"
cMissionObjective (catrelatedname?)
HideFromFE = "false"
cMissionObjectiveEvent (catrelatedname2?)
EventString = "guide_arrow_reached"
MissionWaypoint = "(Level name and coordinate)"
cMissionChallengeEnd postman_cat_End
All the custom names are just, well, custom. You can put whatever you want, just not a name that is already used in the game, and also, not a really large name. I may have missed something in the code. This can be edited and it would be edited. This can also work or not.
'Cause there are so many edited codes and lines, there is possible that at the first time you edit something it would not work, you just need to keep editing.
I don't know if this is even a tutorial. If there is something wrong about it, i can change it.
If you need help with something just told me.