Post by Freako on Mar 23, 2012 22:03:34 GMT -5
-------------Mega Man Outfit for Dead Rising 2 Off The Record-----------------
Adds the Mega Man outfit from the first Dead Rising to Off The Record and also A fake and real Mega Buster weapon.
Converted from DR1 by Freako using Noesis and Mariokart64n's 3ds Max scripts.
You will need Gibbed's Dead Rising 2 tools to install this mod.
First, create a "dynamicprops" folder in your DR2OTR's "data" folder.
Place the files inside the dynamicprops folder included in this .rar into the created dynamicprops folder.
Unpack your npcs.big
Place the files inside the "npcs_big" folder found in this .rar into your extracted npcs.big's folder.
then add these lines to your extracted npcs.big's bigfile.xml:
<entry name="feet_megaman_f.big" scheme="zlib" alignment="2048">feet_megaman_f.big</entry>
<entry name="feet_megaman_f.tex" scheme="zlib" alignment="2048">feet_megaman_f.tex</entry>
<entry name="feet_megaman.big" scheme="zlib" alignment="2048">feet_megaman.big</entry>
<entry name="feet_megaman.tex" scheme="zlib" alignment="2048">feet_megaman.tex</entry>
<entry name="camera_megaman_f.big" scheme="zlib" alignment="2048">camera_megaman_f.big</entry>
<entry name="camera_megaman_f.tex" scheme="zlib" alignment="2048">camera_megaman_f.tex</entry>
<entry name="camera_megaman.big" scheme="zlib" alignment="2048">camera_megaman.big</entry>
<entry name="camera_megaman.tex" scheme="zlib" alignment="2048">camera_megaman.tex</entry>
<entry name="chest_megaman_f.big" scheme="zlib" alignment="2048">chest_megaman_f.big</entry>
<entry name="chest_megaman_f.tex" scheme="zlib" alignment="2048">chest_megaman_f.tex</entry>
<entry name="chest_megaman.big" scheme="zlib" alignment="2048">chest_megaman.big</entry>
<entry name="chest_megaman.tex" scheme="zlib" alignment="2048">chest_megaman.tex</entry>
Do not paste these lines below if you have previously installed the Mega Man helmet mod:
<entry name="headwear_megaman.big" scheme="zlib" alignment="2048">headwear_megaman.big</entry>
<entry name="headwear_megaman.tex" scheme="zlib" alignment="2048">headwear_megaman.tex</entry>
<entry name="headwear_megaman_f.big" scheme="zlib" alignment="2048">headwear_megaman_f.big</entry>
<entry name="headwear_megaman_f.tex" scheme="zlib" alignment="2048">headwear_megaman_f.tex</entry>
Extract your datafile.big and open the items.txt inside:
If you have previously installed the Mega Man helmet mod, delete the entries you added for that mod before pasting these ones
into your items.txt:
cClothingDispenserItem megamanhelmetdispenser
AchievementCategory = "8"
AssetFilename = "cardboardbox"
ClothingEmote = "11"
CollidableQuality = "0"
CollisionType = "3"
DisplayName = "05717"
DR2 = "true"
InteractDistance = "1.5"
IsHeadwear = "true"
MergedFilename = "data/dynamicprops/cardboardbox"
OutfitIdFrank = "OUTFIT_MEGAMAN"
Restitution = "0.05"
Unmoveable = "true"
Weight = "100"
cClothingDispenserItem megamandispenser
AchievementCategory = "-1"
AssetFilename = "cardboardbox"
ClothingEmote = "11"
CollidableQuality = "0"
CollisionType = "3"
DisplayName = "05717"
DR2 = "true"
DR2DC = "true"
DR2EPI = "true"
DR2PRO = "true"
InteractDistance = "1.5"
IsChest = "true"
IsFacewear = "false"
IsFeet = "true"
IsHands = "true"
IsHead = "false"
IsHeadwear = "false"
IsLegs = "true"
MergedFilename = "data/dynamicprops/cardboardbox"
OutfitIdFrank = "OUTFIT_MEGAMAN"
Restitution = "0.05"
RestrictedByRegion = "false"
Unmoveable = "true"
Weight = "100"
BodyItem = "body_megaman"
FacewearItem = "NONE"
FeetOverItem = "feet_megaman"
FeetUnderItem = "feet_megaman"
HeadwearItem = "headwear_megaman"
cBodyItem body_megaman
ChestAssetFilename = "camera_megaman"
ChestAudioName = "MegamanxChest"
CoversShin = "false"
HandsAssetFilename = "hands_naked"
LegsAssetFilename = "chest_megaman"
LegsAudioName = "MegamanxLegs"
cFeetItem feet_megaman
AssetFilename = "feet_megaman"
AudioName = "MegamanxBoot"
FootstepType = "112"
cHeadwearItem headwear_megaman
HeadwearAssetFilename = "headwear_megaman"
cFirearmItem realmegabuster
AimIKLeftAngleLimit = "50"
AimIKRightAngleLimit = "30"
AnimationChooserValueForFirearms = "2"
AnimationChooserValueForHand = "0"
AnimationChooserValueForIdle = "0"
AnimationChooserValueForJump = "0"
AnimationChooserValueForPickup = "0"
AnimationChooserValueForPutdown = "0"
AnimationChooserValueForWalkRun = "0"
AnimBankName = "Protoman"
AudioActionBits = "264"
AudioFilename = "fx_protomanblaster"
AudioItemName = "ProtomanBlaster"
AudioUnloadDeferralTime = "3"
BaseBulletDamage = "0"
BenchRestRotation = "0,0,0,1"
CollidableQuality = "3"
CollisionAudioDissipationFactor = "0.01"
CollisionType = "3"
DisplayName = "05717"
DR2 = "true"
Durability = "300"
EffectOnImpact = "0"
FatalHitReaction = "97"
FiringRate = "2.5"
Friction = "25"
Giftable = "true"
HandlingStyle = "0"
HidesFranksCamera = "false"
HitReaction = "97"
IconFilename = "w_protomanblaster"
InteractDistance = "1.5"
InventoryInteractionType = "0"
Is_Cliche = "false"
Is_Humour = "true"
IsAutomatic = "true"
IsBurstGun = "true"
IsWeapon = "true"
LoadDistance = "25"
MaxBulletDistance = "0"
MaxBulletsPerClip = "50"
MaxBurstBulletCount = "1"
MaxDamageDealtPerAttack = "0"
MaxProjectileDamage = "0"
NumPelletsPerShot = "1"
PropAudioType = "1024"
PropEffectsOnCondition0 = "7"
PyroEffect0 = "407"
RequiresReload = "false"
Restitution = "0.05"
RestrictedByRegion = "false"
Reticle_AccuracyDecreasePerShot = "0"
Reticle_ActiveInRangeMode = "true"
Reticle_ActiveInThirdPerson = "false"
Reticle_BestAccuracy = "0"
Reticle_EnableAutoTargeting = "false"
Reticle_MinMovementRateBeforeAccuracyDecrease = "0"
Reticle_ReturnToNormalAccuracyRate = "0"
Reticle_Type = "0"
Reticle_WorstAccuracy = "0"
ShowInCheatMenu = "false"
SkillRequired = "0"
SurvivorHandlingTwoHands = "true"
SurvivorWeapon = "false"
VertOffsetFromHandToMuzzle = "0.11"
VibrationPattern = "0"
VomitCoolDown = "4"
WeaponType = "5"
Weight = "5"
RightWristBend = "0,0,0"
cPropHitZombieInfoItem Freeze
PropHitZombieEffect = "1"
cGunProjectileInfoItem ProtoProj
PropToShoot = "Protoball"
cFirearmItem fakemegabuster
AimIKLeftAngleLimit = "50"
AimIKRightAngleLimit = "30"
AnimationChooserValueForFirearms = "2"
AnimationChooserValueForHand = "0"
AnimationChooserValueForIdle = "0"
AnimationChooserValueForJump = "0"
AnimationChooserValueForPickup = "0"
AnimationChooserValueForPutdown = "0"
AnimationChooserValueForWalkRun = "0"
AnimBankName = "Protoman"
AudioActionBits = "256"
AudioFilename = "fx_spitballgun"
AudioItemName = "SpitballGun"
AudioUnloadDeferralTime = "3"
BaseBulletDamage = "0"
BenchRestRotation = "0,0,0,1"
CollidableQuality = "3"
CollisionAudioDissipationFactor = "0.01"
CollisionType = "3"
DisplayName = "05717"
DR2 = "true"
Durability = "30"
EffectOnImpact = "0"
FatalHitReaction = "97"
FiringRate = "2.5"
Friction = "25"
Giftable = "true"
HandlingStyle = "0"
HidesFranksCamera = "false"
HitReaction = "97"
IconFilename = "w_protomanblaster"
InteractDistance = "1.5"
InventoryInteractionType = "0"
Is_Cliche = "false"
Is_Humour = "true"
IsAutomatic = "true"
IsBurstGun = "true"
IsWeapon = "true"
LoadDistance = "25"
MaxBulletDistance = "0"
MaxBulletsPerClip = "50"
MaxBurstBulletCount = "1"
MaxDamageDealtPerAttack = "0"
MaxProjectileDamage = "0"
NumPelletsPerShot = "1"
PropAudioType = "1024"
RequiresReload = "false"
Restitution = "0.05"
RestrictedByRegion = "false"
Reticle_AccuracyDecreasePerShot = "0"
Reticle_ActiveInRangeMode = "true"
Reticle_ActiveInThirdPerson = "false"
Reticle_BestAccuracy = "0"
Reticle_EnableAutoTargeting = "false"
Reticle_MinMovementRateBeforeAccuracyDecrease = "0"
Reticle_ReturnToNormalAccuracyRate = "0"
Reticle_Type = "0"
Reticle_WorstAccuracy = "0"
ShowInCheatMenu = "false"
SkillRequired = "0"
SurvivorHandlingTwoHands = "true"
SurvivorWeapon = "false"
VertOffsetFromHandToMuzzle = "0.11"
VibrationPattern = "0"
VomitCoolDown = "4"
WeaponType = "5"
Weight = "5"
cPropHitZombieInfoItem Freeze
PropHitZombieEffect = "1"
cGunProjectileInfoItem ProtoProj
PropToShoot = "fakebustball"
cPlayerWeaponItem fakebustball
AchievementCategory = "1"
AssetFilename = "tennis_ball"
AttachPropToBoneType = "1"
AttackDamage6 = "5"
AudioActionBits = "16"
AudioFilename = "fx_tennisball"
AudioItemName = "TennisBall"
BenchRestRotation = "0,0,0,1"
CollidableQuality = "3"
CollisionType = "11"
DestroyOnThrownImpact = "false"
DR2 = "true"
Friction = "1"
InteractDistance = "0"
InventoryInteractionType = "2"
IsWeapon = "true"
MaxDamageDealtPerAttack = "25"
MaxProjectileDamage = "7"
PlayerInteractVisionAngle = "0"
ProjectileFatalHitReaction = "51"
ProjectileHitImpulse = "1"
ProjectileHitReaction = "51"
Restitution = "0.1"
RestrictedByRegion = "false"
Support = "true"
ThrowAngleDegrees = "6"
ThrowEffectAudio = "0"
ThrowEffectOnImpact = "0"
ThrowEffectOnVictim = "0"
ThrowEffectOnWeapon = "0"
ThrowForce = "16"
ThrowSpin = "0,0,0"
Weight = "1"
cBouncableInfoItem BounceInfo
BouyancyFudgeFactor = ".6"
DR2 = "true"
MaxBounceAngle = "30"
MaxZombiesToHit = "2"
MinBounceAngle = "6"
Support = "true"
UseAngleInfo = "true"
cPropLifetimeInfoItem tball_die
DR2 = "true"
LifetimeModifier = "0"
Support = "true"
Open your safehouse.txt in your extracted datafile.big.
If you have previously installed the Mega Man helmet mod, delete the entries you made in safehouse.txt first and enter these ones:
cItemPlacement realmegabuster
ItemName = "realmegabuster"
Location = "-8.3,0.-0.6,10.6"
Rotation = "0.477,-0.453,-0.638,0.388"
SettleObjectAfterSpawn = "true"
cItemPlacement megamanhelmetdispenser
ItemName = "megamanhelmetdispenser"
Location = "-9.9,-0.900,6.1"
PropState = "-2"
Rotation = "-0.000,0.002,0.000,1.000"
cItemPlacement megamandispenser
ItemName = "megamandispenser"
Location = "-9.0,-0.900,6.1"
PropState = "-2"
Rotation = "-0.000,0.002,0.000,1.000"
Open your fortune_exterior.txt in you extracted datafile.big.
Add this to your fortune_exterior.txt, if you already installed the Mega Man helmet mod delete the entries you made for that one and add these lines:
cItemPlacement fakemegabuster
ItemName = "fakemegabuster"
Location = "-205.1,-4.2,-10.6"
Rotation = "0.477,-0.453,-0.638,0.388"
SettleObjectAfterSpawn = "true"
cItemPlacement fakemegabuster
ItemName = "fakemegabuster"
Location = "-204.6,-4.2,-10.4"
Rotation = "0.477,-0.453,-0.638,0.388"
SettleObjectAfterSpawn = "true"
cItemPlacement fakemegabuster
ItemName = "fakemegabuster"
Location = "-203.0,-4.2,-11.0"
Rotation = "0.477,-0.453,-0.638,0.388"
SettleObjectAfterSpawn = "true"
cItemPlacement fakemegabuster
ItemName = "fakemegabuster"
Location = "-206.5,-4.2,-13.4"
Rotation = "0.477,-0.453,-0.638,0.388"
SettleObjectAfterSpawn = "true"
cItemPlacement megamanhelmetdispenser
ItemName = "megamanhelmetdispenser"
Location = "-204.3,-3.0,-11.5"
PropState = "3"
Rotation = "-0.000,0.002,0.000,1.000"
Repack your npcs.big and datafile.big and you're done!
You can find the Mega Man helmet in the safehouse in the security room and at the Movie Theater,
The Mega Man suit and boots can be found in the safehouse security room also along with the Real Mega Buster
and the Fake Mega Buster in the Movie Theater.
Like Dead Rising 1, the Real Mega Buster has 300 ammo and the Fake Mega Buster has 30.