Post by Freako on Jan 25, 2012 0:23:12 GMT -5
"Because sexually violating the undead is kewl!"
cPlayerWeaponItem BobsToy
AchievementCategory = "4"
AnimationAttackChooserValue0 = "419"
AnimationAttackChooserValue1 = "425"
AnimationAttackName0 = "male_attack_1hand_a_impact_miss_8_to_4_light_grp"
AnimationChooserValueForHand = "1"
AnimationChooserValueForIdle = "0"
AnimationChooserValueForPickup = "0"
AnimationChooserValueForPutdown = "0"
AnimationChooserValueForThrow = "40"
AnimationChooserValueForWalkRun = "0"
AnimBankName = "Electricprod"
AssetFilename = "data/models/weapons/bob"
AssociatedMagazineType0 = "10"
AttackAudioAssetName0 = "AlienProbeHitBody"
AttackDamage0 = "25"
AttackDamage1 = "20"
AudioActionBits = "256"
AudioFilename = "fx_alienprobe"
AudioItemName = "BobsToy"
BenchRestRotation = "0,0,0,1"
CollidableQuality = "0"
CollisionAudioDissipationFactor = "0.01"
CollisionType = "3"
ComboBlendDuration0 = "0.05"
ComboBlendDuration1 = ".2"
ComboBlendXZToUse0 = "2"
ComboBlendXZToUse1 = "2"
ComboBlendYToUse0 = "2"
ComboBlendYToUse1 = "2"
DisplayName = "50816"
DR2 = "true"
DR2PRO = "true"
Durability = "17"
EffectAudio0 = "0"
EffectOnImpact0 = "0"
EffectOnVictim0 = "292"
EffectOnWeapon0 = "0"
Friction = "25"
HandlingStyle = "0"
IconFilename = "w_bob"
ImpactIsSynchronized1 = "true"
Impulse0 = "1"
Impulse1 = "1"
InteractDistance = "1.2"
InventoryInteractionType = "0"
Is_Blunt = "true"
IsWeapon = "true"
LoadDistance = "50"
MaxDamageDealtPerAttack = "25"
MaxProjectileDamage = "50"
MergedFileNotUsed = "true"
PlayerInteractVisionAngle = "90"
ProjectileFatalHitReaction = "79"
ProjectileHitReaction = "32"
PropAudioType = "1024"
RequiredComboSeqCounter0 = "0"
RequiredComboSeqCounter1 = "0"
ResetComboSeqCounter0 = "true"
ResetComboSeqCounter1 = "true"
Restitution = "0.005"
RestrictedByRegion = "false"
Reticle_ActiveInRangeMode = "true"
Reticle_ActiveInThirdPerson = "false"
Reticle_Type = "1"
ShowInCheatMenu = "true"
SurvivorWeapon = "true"
ThrowAngleDegrees = "8"
ThrowEffectAudio = "0"
ThrowEffectOnImpact = "0"
ThrowEffectOnVictim = "17"
ThrowForce = "10"
ThrowSpin = "15,0,0"
UsesUpperBodyAnims1 = "false"
VibrationPattern0 = "4"
VibrationPattern1 = "9"
WeaponImpactAnimation1 = "57"
WeaponType = "12"
Weight = "15"
LocatorPositionOffset = "0.000,0.000,-0.020"
cAttackCameraInfoItem ProbeCam
AttackCutCamera0 = "17"
AttackCutCamera1 = "17"
AttackCutCamera2 = "17"
cGainPPInfoItem ProbePP
Genre = "1"
PPAmount = "500"
cPrestigePointInfoItem ProbeHeavyPP
PrestigePointsAwarded0 = "15"
RewardCondition0 = "18"
Replacing the BobsToy entry with this data in items.txt in datafile.big will change the so the massager has the same attacks as the alien probe. It doesn't quiet connect with the zombie during the "probe" attack but because of the attack camera you won't really notice. And It's kinda funny