Post by gique13 on Dec 1, 2011 9:18:27 GMT -5
///////Paste to the top of waypoint_arena_backstage.txt
cTriggerVolume StadeeumExit { ActionPoint = "97.0,-0.481,8.9" ActionType = "3" DisplayName = "835" Height = "2.0" InteractButton = "true" InteractionRadius = "3" Level = "LEVEL_ARENA_BACKSTAGE" LevelSpawnPoint = "CageOut" Location = "97.0,-1.281,8.9" Radius = "3" Rotation = "0,0,0,1" Vertex1 = "-1,0,1" Vertex2 = "1,0,1" Vertex3 = "1,0,-1" Vertex4 = "-1,0,-1" }
cTriggerVolume StadeeumEntrance1 { ActionPoint = "-59.1,14.9491,12.9769" ActionType = "3" DisplayName = "835" Height = "2.0" InteractButton = "false" InteractionRadius = "3" Level = "LEVEL_ARENA_BACKSTAGE" LevelSpawnPoint = "CageStart2" Location = "-59.1,14.9491,12.9752" Radius = "3" Rotation = "0,0,0,1" Vertex1 = "-1,0,1" Vertex2 = "1,0,1" Vertex3 = "1,0,-1" Vertex4 = "-1,0,-1" } cTriggerVolume StadeeumEntrance2 { ActionPoint = "-59.1,14.9491,13.6752" ActionType = "3" DisplayName = "835" Height = "2.0" InteractButton = "false" InteractionRadius = "3" Level = "LEVEL_ARENA_BACKSTAGE" LevelSpawnPoint = "CageStart2" Location = "-59.1,14.9491,13.6752" Radius = "3" Rotation = "0,0,0,1" Vertex1 = "-1,0,1" Vertex2 = "1,0,1" Vertex3 = "1,0,-1" Vertex4 = "-1,0,-1" } cTriggerVolume StadeeumEntrance3 { ActionPoint = "-59.1,14.9491,16.8769" ActionType = "3" DisplayName = "835" Height = "2.0" InteractButton = "false" InteractionRadius = "3" Level = "LEVEL_ARENA_BACKSTAGE" LevelSpawnPoint = "CageStart2" Location = "-59.1,14.9491,16.8769" Radius = "3" Rotation = "0,0,0,1" Vertex1 = "-1,0,1" Vertex2 = "1,0,1" Vertex3 = "1,0,-1" Vertex4 = "-1,0,-1" } cTriggerVolume StadeeumEntrance4 { ActionPoint = "-59.1,14.9491,14.4769" ActionType = "3" DisplayName = "835" Height = "2.0" InteractButton = "false" InteractionRadius = "3" Level = "LEVEL_ARENA_BACKSTAGE" LevelSpawnPoint = "CageStart2" Location = "-59.1,14.9491,14.4769" Radius = "3" Rotation = "0,0,0,1" Vertex1 = "-1,0,1" Vertex2 = "1,0,1" Vertex3 = "1,0,-1" Vertex4 = "-1,0,-1" }
////////// Paste to top of arena_backstage.txt
cDoorPlacement StadeeumExitR { InitialState = "0" ItemName = "door_pushbarR" Location = "96.85,-2.281,8.2" NonInteractableProp = "true" Rotation = "-0.03,-0.7071,0,0.7071" }
////////// Scroll Down to [cDoorPlacement Arena_Halldoor1] and delete the line [UseInitialStateInSandbox = "true"] repeat with Arena_Halldoor2 through 4
//////////Final Step -Paste this code to the bottom of missions.txt ////sandboxarenastadeeum
cMissionDefinition Stadeeum {
//Color = "13107200" //DebugSpawnPoint = "EntrySouthStrip" DescriptionSummary = "80595" DisplayName = "80596" Duration = "9997200" //ExplicitStart = "true" //LevelToStartAtIfDebuggingMission = "ARENA_BACKSTAGE" //MissionType = "8" MissionType = "12" Module = "2" //ShowInDebugMenu = "false" //ShowInHUD = "true" StartTime = "25200" cMissionObjective Stadeeum-Objective {
cMissionObjectiveNPCState whateverstadeeum { Name = "srv_lulu13" Target_state = "2" } }
cMissionLevelReady ArenaBackstage2Stadeeum { LevelName = "LEVEL_ARENA_BACKSTAGE" cMissionSendCommandToProp DestroyStadeeumDoor1 { PropCommand = "17" PropName = "door1" } cMissionSendCommandToProp DestroyStadeeumDoor2 { PropCommand = "17" PropName = "door2" } cMissionSendCommandToProp DestroyStadeeumDoor3 { PropCommand = "17" PropName = "door3" } cMissionSendCommandToProp DestroyStadeeumDoor4 { PropCommand = "17" PropName = "door4" } cMissionSendCommandToProp DestroyStadeeumFence { PropCommand = "17" PropName = "fence_main" } cMissionSendCommandToProp DestroyStadeeumFence1 { PropCommand = "17" PropName = "fence_main1" } cMissionSendCommandToProp DestroyStadeeumFence2 { PropCommand = "17" PropName = "fence_main2" } cMissionSendCommandToProp DestroyStadeeumFence3 { PropCommand = "17" PropName = "fence_main3" } cMissionSendCommandToProp DestroyStadeeumFenceCorner { PropCommand = "17" PropName = "fence_corner" } cMissionSendCommandToProp DestroyStadeeumPillar { PropCommand = "17" PropName = "fence_pillar" } cMissionSendCommandToProp DestroyStadeeumFloor { PropCommand = "17" PropName = "floor" } cMissionSpawnItem floorstadeeum { IsStatic = "true" ItemName = "ArenaFloor" Location = "75,-4.63334,3.57161" NonInteractableProp = "true" Rotation = "0,0,0,1" }
cMissionSpawnZombie battle_stripper_factory24 { NumberOfZombies = "1" Rotation = "3.14" SpawnPoint = "77.236,-0.5,6.528" SpawnWithItem = "BobsToy"
SpecifyZombie = "4362308087956994" ZombieType = "zombie_wrestler" }
cMissionSpawnZombie battle_stripper_factory23 { NumberOfZombies = "1" Rotation = "3.14" SpawnPoint = "73.047,-0.5,6.030" SpecifyZombie = "4432953857656322" ZombieType = "zombie_wrestler" }
cMissionSpawnZombie battle_stripper_factory25 { NumberOfZombies = "1" Rotation = "3.14" SpawnPoint = "75.079,-0.5,5.436" SpecifyZombie = "4468276742505986" ZombieType = "zombie_wrestler" } cMissionSpawnZombie battle_stripper_factory7 { NumberOfZombies = "1" Rotation = "-0.1" SpawnPoint = "79.486,1.092,-1.653" SpawnWithItem = "TIRTwoByFour" ZombieType = "zombie_wrestler" }
cMissionSpawnZombie battle_stripper_factory5 { NumberOfZombies = "1" Rotation = "0.1" SpawnPoint = "69.832,1.152,-1.072" SpawnWithItem = "SpikedBat" ZombieType = "zombie_wrestler" }
cMissionSpawnZombie battle_stripper_factory12 { NumberOfZombies = "1" Rotation = "0.1" SpawnPoint = "70.242,1.152,-1.867" ZombieType = "zombie_wrestler" }
cMissionSpawnZombie battle_stripper_factory11 { NumberOfZombies = "1" Rotation = "3.0" SpawnPoint = "70.460,1.143,8.811" SpawnWithItem = "TIRPan" ZombieType = "zombie_wrestler" }
cMissionSpawnZombie battle_stripper_factory10 { NumberOfZombies = "1" Rotation = "3.0" SpawnPoint = "69.725,1.124,8.210" ZombieType = "zombie_wrestler" }
cMissionSpawnZombie battle_stripper_factory9 { NumberOfZombies = "1" Rotation = "-3.0" SpawnPoint = "80.253,1.162,8.136" SpawnWithItem = "FoamHand" ZombieType = "zombie_wrestler" }
cMissionSpawnZombie battle_stripper_factory26 { NumberOfZombies = "1" Rotation = "3.14" SpawnPoint = "77.236,1.0,6.528" SpecifyZombie = "4362308087956994" ZombieType = "zombie_wrestler" }
cMissionSpawnZombie battle_stripper_factory27 { NumberOfZombies = "1" Rotation = "3.14" SpawnPoint = "73.047,1.0,6.030" SpecifyZombie = "4432953857656322" ZombieType = "zombie_wrestler" }
cMissionSpawnZombie battle_stripper_factory28 { NumberOfZombies = "1" Rotation = "3.14" SpawnPoint = "75.079,1.0,5.436" SpecifyZombie = "4468276742505986" ZombieType = "zombie_wrestler" }
cMissionAdjustZombieTuning MakeAggressiveZombies1 { MaxAttractorsForSurvivor = "1" NumberOfAllowableZombiesChasingYouZone0 = "10" WanderingZombies = "0" }
cMissionZombieFactory SpawnSurround1 { Amount0 = "275" Amount1 = "275" Amount2 = "600" Amount3 = "275" Amount4 = "275" ClumpRadiusDelta = "1.0" Type0 = "zombie_fat" Type1 = "zombie_skinny" Type2 = "zombie_wrestler" Type3 = "zombie_fat_female" Type4 = "zombie_skinny_female" ZombieWarehouseName = "ArenaZombies" }
cMissionZombieFactory SpawnSurround2 { Amount0 = "45" Amount1 = "45" Amount2 = "45" Amount3 = "45" Amount4 = "45" ClumpRadiusDelta = "1.0" Type0 = "zombie_fat" Type1 = "zombie_skinny" Type2 = "zombie_wrestler" Type3 = "zombie_fat_female" Type4 = "zombie_skinny_female" ZombieWarehouseName = "AreaOutsideEmptyArea" }
cMissionSpawnItem MetalChair5 { ItemName = "TIR_chair" LinearVelocity = "0.0,0.0,0.0" Location = "70.638,1.140,8.024" Rotation = "0,0,0,1" }
cMissionSpawnItem MetalChair6 { FixOnPlacement = "true" ItemName = "TIR_chair" LinearVelocity = "0.0,0.0,0.0" Location = "79.544,1.164,-0.815" Rotation = "0.000,-0.474,0.000,0.876" }
cMissionSpawnItem MetalChair7 { ItemName = "TIRBaseballBat" LinearVelocity = "0.0,0.0,0.0" Location = "79.433,1.167,7.879" Rotation = "0.667,-0.102,0.202,0.710" }
cMissionSpawnItem MetalChair8 { ItemName = "TIRTwoByFour" LinearVelocity = "0.0,0.0,0.0" Location = "70.704,1.190,-0.785" Rotation = "0.002,-0.200,-0.003,0.980" }
cMissionSpawnItem OTItem53 { ItemName = "Auger" LinearVelocity = "0.0,0.0,0.0" Location = "71.574,-0.5,6.642" Rotation = "0.632,-0.447,0.317,-0.548" } cMissionSpawnItem OJuu53 { ItemName = "OrangeJuice" LinearVelocity = "0.0,0.0,0.0" Location = "74.574,-0.5,6.642" Rotation = "0.632,-0.447,0.317,-0.548" } cMissionSpawnItem Pretz53 { ItemName = "Pretzel" LinearVelocity = "0.0,0.0,0.0" Location = "78.437,-0.5,4.256" Rotation = "0.632,-0.447,0.317,-0.548" }
cMissionSpawnItem WrestlingItem11 { ItemName = "PortableLawnMower" LinearVelocity = "0.0,0.0,0.0" Location = "78.437,-0.5,2.256" Rotation = "0.413,-0.001,-0.911,0.000" }
cMissionTimer DelayDeadZombies { DeltaTimeSecondsRealTime = ".25" TriggerBothPlayers = "true" TriggerXTimes = "1" cMissionOnSituationalZombieTrigger StadeeumZombie1 { ActivationProbability = ".25" AngleToSwing = "-90" Height = "2.0" Rotation = "5" SituationalZombie = "2" SpawnProbability = "1" TimeToClose = ".25" TimeToOpen = ".25" Vertex1 = "-103.285,9.168,16.252" Vertex2 = "-105.183,9.169,16.247" Vertex3 = "-104.646,9.169,18.083" Vertex4 = "-103.224,9.168,17.155" ZombieSpawnPoint = "-103.269,9.169,16.733" ZombieType = "zombie_skinny" }
cMissionOnSituationalZombieTrigger StadeeumZombie2 { ActivationProbability = ".25" AngleToSwing = "-90" Height = "2.0" Rotation = "2" SituationalZombie = "2" SpawnProbability = "1" TimeToClose = ".25" TimeToOpen = ".25" Vertex1 = "-103.621,9.168,11.454" Vertex2 = "-102.066,9.168,10.291" Vertex3 = "-102.303,9.795,12.245" Vertex4 = "-103.334,9.171,12.291" ZombieSpawnPoint = "-103.444,9.169,11.810" ZombieType = "zombie_skinny" }
cMissionOnSituationalZombieTrigger StadeeumZombie3 { ActivationProbability = ".25" AngleToSwing = "-90" Height = "2.0" Rotation = "-3" SituationalZombie = "3" SpawnProbability = "1" TimeToClose = ".25" TimeToOpen = ".25" Vertex1 = "-97.466,11.418,16.105" Vertex2 = "-96.649,11.418,16.215" Vertex3 = "-96.160,11.424,15.311" Vertex4 = "-97.664,11.418,15.260" ZombieSpawnPoint = "-96.973,11.418,16.601" ZombieType = "zombie_skinny" }
cMissionOnSituationalZombieTrigger StadeeumZombie4 { ActivationProbability = ".25" AngleToSwing = "-90" Height = "2.0" Rotation = "2" SituationalZombie = "2" SpawnProbability = "1" TimeToClose = ".25" TimeToOpen = ".25" Vertex1 = "-91.194,13.668,14.040" Vertex2 = "-91.464,13.668,13.207" Vertex3 = "-90.140,13.668,12.135" Vertex4 = "-89.476,13.668,13.560" ZombieSpawnPoint = "-91.295,13.681,13.584" ZombieType = "zombie_skinny" }
cMissionOnSituationalZombieTrigger StadeeumZombie5 { ActivationProbability = ".25" AngleToSwing = "-90" Height = "2.0" Rotation = "5" SituationalZombie = "3" SpawnProbability = "1" TimeToClose = ".25" TimeToOpen = ".25" Vertex1 = "-88.263,13.668,15.605" Vertex2 = "-89.547,13.668,15.115" Vertex3 = "-89.199,13.668,16.883" Vertex4 = "-88.260,13.668,16.446" ZombieSpawnPoint = "-87.834,13.681,15.887" ZombieType = "zombie_skinny" }
cMissionOnSituationalZombieTrigger StadeeumZombie6 { ActivationProbability = ".25" AngleToSwing = "-90" Height = "2.0" Rotation = "5" SituationalZombie = "2" SpawnProbability = "1" TimeToClose = ".25" TimeToOpen = ".25" Vertex1 = "-82.435,13.668,10.672" Vertex2 = "-84.209,13.668,10.927" Vertex3 = "-83.581,13.668,12.404" Vertex4 = "-82.274,13.668,11.554" ZombieSpawnPoint = "-82.342,13.681,11.145" ZombieType = "zombie_skinny" }
cMissionOnSituationalZombieTrigger StadeeumZombie7 { ActivationProbability = ".25" AngleToSwing = "-90" Height = "2.0" Rotation = "3" SituationalZombie = "2" SpawnProbability = "1" TimeToClose = ".25" TimeToOpen = ".25" Vertex1 = "-80.187,13.668,13.991" Vertex2 = "-80.526,13.668,12.206" Vertex3 = "-78.682,13.668,12.484" Vertex4 = "-79.325,13.668,14.238" ZombieSpawnPoint = "-79.793,13.681,14.080" ZombieType = "zombie_skinny" }
cMissionOnSituationalZombieTrigger StadeeumZombie8 { ActivationProbability = ".25" AngleToSwing = "-90" Height = "2.0" Rotation = "2.5" SituationalZombie = "2" SpawnProbability = "1" TimeToClose = ".25" TimeToOpen = ".25" Vertex1 = "-77.359,13.668,15.994" Vertex2 = "-77.108,13.668,14.436" Vertex3 = "-75.370,13.668,15.274" Vertex4 = "-76.714,13.668,16.614" ZombieSpawnPoint = "-77.040,13.681,16.246" ZombieType = "zombie_skinny" }
cMissionOnSituationalZombieTrigger StadeeumZombie9 { ActivationProbability = ".25" AngleToSwing = "-90" Height = "2.0" Rotation = "3" SituationalZombie = "3" SpawnProbability = "1" TimeToClose = ".25" TimeToOpen = ".25" Vertex1 = "-75.632,13.668,12.190" Vertex2 = "-76.013,13.668,10.777" Vertex3 = "-73.861,13.668,11.739" Vertex4 = "-74.923,13.668,12.539" ZombieSpawnPoint = "-75.338,13.681,12.799" ZombieType = "zombie_skinny" }
cMissionOnSituationalZombieTrigger StadeeumZombie10 { ActivationProbability = ".25" AngleToSwing = "-90" Height = "2.0" Rotation = "4.5" SituationalZombie = "2" SpawnProbability = "1" TimeToClose = ".25" TimeToOpen = ".25" Vertex1 = "-72.501,13.668,15.719" Vertex2 = "-74.185,13.668,14.989" Vertex3 = "-74.219,13.668,16.775" Vertex4 = "-72.739,13.668,16.553" ZombieSpawnPoint = "-72.630,13.681,16.180" ZombieType = "zombie_skinny" }
cMissionOnSituationalZombieTrigger StadeeumZombie11 { ActivationProbability = ".25" AngleToSwing = "-90" Height = "2.0" Rotation = "1" SituationalZombie = "2" SpawnProbability = "1" TimeToClose = ".25" TimeToOpen = ".25" Vertex1 = "-70.791,13.668,12.979" Vertex2 = "-69.751,13.668,14.269" Vertex3 = "-68.773,13.668,12.711" Vertex4 = "-70.215,13.668,12.287" ZombieSpawnPoint = "-70.460,13.681,12.597" ZombieType = "zombie_skinny" }
cMissionOnSituationalZombieTrigger StadeeumZombie12 { ActivationProbability = ".25" AngleToSwing = "-90" Height = "2.0" Rotation = "5.5" SituationalZombie = "2" SpawnProbability = "1" TimeToClose = ".25" TimeToOpen = ".25" Vertex1 = "-68.293,13.668,15.115" Vertex2 = "-69.789,13.668,15.994" Vertex3 = "-68.455,13.668,17.338" Vertex4 = "-67.759,13.668,15.852" ZombieSpawnPoint = "-68.014,13.681,15.530" ZombieType = "zombie_skinny" }
cMissionOnSituationalZombieTrigger StadeeumZombie13 { ActivationProbability = ".25" AngleToSwing = "-90" Height = "2.0" Rotation = "3.5" SituationalZombie = "2" SpawnProbability = "1" TimeToClose = ".25" TimeToOpen = ".25" Vertex1 = "-97.735,11.418,12.073" Vertex2 = "-98.669,11.236,10.906" Vertex3 = "-97.242,11.427,10.031" Vertex4 = "-96.828,11.427,11.787" ZombieSpawnPoint = "-97.323,11.418,11.930" ZombieType = "zombie_skinny" }
cMissionOnSituationalZombieTrigger StadeeumZombie14 { ActivationProbability = ".25" AngleToSwing = "-90" Height = "2.0" Rotation = "6" SituationalZombie = "2" SpawnProbability = "1" TimeToClose = ".25" TimeToOpen = ".25" Vertex1 = "-113.093,9.169,11.386" Vertex2 = "-113.008,9.169,13.271" Vertex3 = "-115.014,9.169,12.477" Vertex4 = "-113.904,9.169,11.066" ZombieSpawnPoint = "-113.472,9.169,11.237" ZombieType = "zombie_skinny" }
cMissionOnSituationalZombieTrigger StadeeumZombie16 { ActivationProbability = ".25" AngleToSwing = "-90" Height = "2.0" Rotation = "4" SituationalZombie = "2" SpawnProbability = "1" TimeToClose = ".25" TimeToOpen = ".25" Vertex1 = "-125.396,9.169,11.328" Vertex2 = "-124.629,9.169,10.592" Vertex3 = "-125.253,9.166,9.390" Vertex4 = "-126.973,8.979,10.875" ZombieSpawnPoint = "-125.020,9.168,10.973" ZombieType = "zombie_skinny" }
cMissionOnSituationalZombieTrigger StadeeumZombie17 { ActivationProbability = ".25" AngleToSwing = "-90" Height = "2.0" Rotation = "5" SituationalZombie = "3" SpawnProbability = "1" TimeToClose = ".25" TimeToOpen = ".25" Vertex1 = "-136.398,6.945,12.193" Vertex2 = "-138.002,6.945,11.941" Vertex3 = "-137.773,6.945,13.787" Vertex4 = "-136.324,6.945,12.932" ZombieSpawnPoint = "-136.244,6.926,12.600" ZombieType = "zombie_skinny" }
cMissionOnSituationalZombieTrigger StadeeumZombie18 { ActivationProbability = ".25" AngleToSwing = "-90" Height = "2.0" Rotation = "2" SituationalZombie = "2" SpawnProbability = "1" TimeToClose = ".25" TimeToOpen = ".25" Vertex1 = "-137.007,6.945,18.167" Vertex2 = "-135.743,6.993,16.996" Vertex3 = "-134.984,7.300,18.664" Vertex4 = "-136.728,6.945,19.086" ZombieSpawnPoint = "-136.886,6.926,18.616" ZombieType = "zombie_skinny" }
cMissionStartEffect StadeeumBlood23 { EffectEnum = "11" Location = "-103.153,10.469,16.560" Number = "1" Rotation = "0,0,0,1" }
cMissionStartEffect StadeeumBlood35 { EffectEnum = "11" Location = "-103.516,9.569,11.835" Number = "1" Rotation = "0,0,0,1" }
cMissionStartEffect StadeeumBlood34 { EffectEnum = "11" Location = "-97.029,12.218,16.508" Number = "1" Rotation = "0,0,0,1" }
cMissionStartEffect StadeeumBlood33 { EffectEnum = "11" Location = "-91.164,13.881,13.553" Number = "1" Rotation = "0,0,0,1" }
cMissionStartEffect StadeeumBlood32 { EffectEnum = "11" Location = "-87.896,14.281,15.788" Number = "1" Rotation = "0,0,0,1" }
cMissionStartEffect StadeeumBlood31 { EffectEnum = "11" Location = "-82.413,14.481,10.976" Number = "1" Rotation = "0,0,0,1" }
cMissionStartEffect StadeeumBlood30 { EffectEnum = "11" Location = "-79.872,14.281,13.985" Number = "1" Rotation = "0,0,0,1" }
cMissionStartEffect StadeeumBlood29 { EffectEnum = "11" Location = "-77.031,14.481,16.383" Number = "1" Rotation = "0,0,0,1" }
cMissionStartEffect StadeeumBlood28 { EffectEnum = "11" Location = "-75.347,14.381,12.782" Number = "1" Rotation = "0,0,0,1" }
cMissionStartEffect StadeeumBlood27 { EffectEnum = "11" Location = "-72.672,14.681,16.086" Number = "1" Rotation = "0,0,0,1" }
cMissionStartEffect StadeeumBlood26 { EffectEnum = "11" Location = "-70.506,14.381,12.605" Number = "1" Rotation = "0,0,0,1" }
cMissionStartEffect StadeeumBlood25 { EffectEnum = "11" Location = "-68.008,14.181,15.532" Number = "1" Rotation = "0,0,0,1" }
cMissionStartEffect StadeeumBlood24 { EffectEnum = "11" Location = "-97.189,13.018,11.716" Number = "1" Rotation = "0,0,0,1" }
cMissionStartEffect StadeeumBlood36 { EffectEnum = "229" Location = "-97.546,12.531,13.945" Number = "1" Rotation = "0,0,0,1" }
cMissionStartEffect StadeeumBlood37 { EffectEnum = "27" Location = "-87.489,14.278,11.746" Number = "1" Rotation = "0,0,0,1" }
cMissionStartEffect StadeeumBlood40 { EffectEnum = "54" Location = "-83.323,14.378,15.139" Number = "1" Rotation = "0,0,0,1" }
cMissionStartEffect StadeeumBlood39 { EffectEnum = "21" Location = "-78.628,14.478,11.007" Number = "1" Rotation = "0,0,0,1" }
cMissionStartEffect StadeeumBlood38 { EffectEnum = "21" Location = "-72.413,14.278,14.381" Number = "1" Rotation = "0,0,0,1" }
cMissionStartEffect StadeeumBlood41 { EffectEnum = "229" Location = "-67.388,14.378,12.441" Number = "1" Rotation = "0,0,0,1" }
cMissionStartEffect StadeeumBlood42 { EffectEnum = "229" Location = "-113.563,9.469,11.261" Number = "1" Rotation = "0,0,0,1" }