Post by tommah on Jan 7, 2012 23:21:07 GMT -5
ok, I haven't played OTR much so I'm not 100% positive this will last the entire game and without debug option I can't test it. But here's a few survivors that you can recruit whenever you're in the safehouse area.
enter this at the top of your missions.txt and start a New Game+
Add this to the top of items.txt
enter this at the top of your missions.txt and start a New Game+
cMissionDefinition recruits
Duration = "518400"
ExplicitStart = "true"
IgnoreWarning = "true"
LevelRequiredToStartName = "NONE"
MissionType = "12"
Module = "0"
WaitUntilEnd = "true"
cMissionObjective Day4Start
cMissionObjectiveEvent Day24tart
EventString = "PawnDay4"
cMissionLevelReady EnterSafeHouserecruits
cMissionSpawnNPC TigerPack1
DefaultBehaviour = "Idle"
NPCName = "srv_snowflake1"
Rotation = "-1.1"
SpawnPoint = "-6.8,-3,34"
cMissionDialogue TigerPack1D0
AutoStart = "true"
Dialogue0 = "65508"
JoinChuckAfter = "true"
LoopThisNode = "true"
cMissionSpawnNPC survivorrecruit1
DefaultBehaviour = "Idle"
NPCName = "srv_denyce1"
Rotation = "-1.1"
SpawnPoint = "3.4,-1.1,7.6"
cMissionDialogue survivorrecruit1D0
AutoStart = "false"
Dialogue0 = "65817"
JoinChuckAfter = "true"
LoopThisNode = "true"
cMissionSpawnNPC survivorrecruit2
DefaultBehaviour = "Idle"
NPCName = "srv_sven1"
Rotation = "-1.1"
SpawnPoint = "3.4,-1.1,12.6"
cMissionDialogue survivorrecruit2D0
AutoStart = "false"
Dialogue0 = "65564"
JoinChuckAfter = "true"
LoopThisNode = "true"
cMissionSpawnNPC survivorrecruit3
DefaultBehaviour = "Idle"
NPCName = "srv_jasper1"
Rotation = "-1.1"
SpawnPoint = "1.0,-1.1,29.9"
cMissionDialogue survivorrecruit3D0
AutoStart = "false"
Dialogue0 = "65118"
JoinChuckAfter = "true"
LoopThisNode = "true"
cMissionSpawnNPC survivorrecruit4
DefaultBehaviour = "Idle"
NPCName = "srv_cinda1"
Rotation = "-1.1"
SpawnPoint = "-7.1,-1.1,27.4"
cMissionDialogue survivorrecruit4D0
AutoStart = "false"
Dialogue0 = "85520"
JoinChuckAfter = "true"
LoopThisNode = "true"
cMissionSpawnNPC survivorrecruit5
DefaultBehaviour = "Idle"
NPCName = "srv_allen1"
Rotation = "-1.1"
SpawnPoint = "-13.2,-1.1,22.4"
cMissionDialogue survivorrecruit5D0
AutoStart = "false"
Dialogue0 = "66045"
JoinChuckAfter = "true"
LoopThisNode = "true"
cMissionSpawnNPC survivorrecruit6
DefaultBehaviour = "Idle"
NPCName = "srv_floyd1"
Rotation = "-1.1"
SpawnPoint = "-13.8,-1.1,18.3"
cMissionDialogue survivorrecruit6D0
AutoStart = "false"
Dialogue0 = "66045"
JoinChuckAfter = "true"
LoopThisNode = "true"
cMissionSpawnNPC survivorrecruit7
DefaultBehaviour = "Idle"
NPCName = "srv_jeanna1"
Rotation = "-1.1"
SpawnPoint = "-9.8,-1.1,18.1"
cMissionDialogue survivorrecruit7D0
AutoStart = "false"
Dialogue0 = "65692"
JoinChuckAfter = "true"
LoopThisNode = "true"
Add this to the top of items.txt
cSurvivorItem srv_snowflake1
Age = "3"
AssetFilename = "data/models/npcs/snowflake"
AttackZombiesAndBosses = "true"
AudioShoeType = "5"
AwarenessArc = "180"
AwarenessRange = "15"
CanDefect = "false"
CanFollow = "true"
CinematicSkeletonSlotName = "SkeletonTiger"
ClearPrejoinWhenHitByPlayer = "false"
DamagePerMeleeAttack = "200"
DefectsCowardly = "false"
Description = "65507"
DisplayName = "65626"
DR2 = "true"
FullName = "81599"
HealthAmount = "3000"
HealthState = "0"
HearingRange = "5"
InitialMoraleScore = "100"
InteractDistance = "1.5"
IsNotAutoFacing = "false"
IsZombifiable = "false"
KnockedDownByGuns = "false"
LocatedPrestigePoints = "15000"
MeleeAttackDistance = "12"
ModelOffsetForwards = "0.8"
ModelOffsetToGround = "0.243"
Nature = "2"
NPCAnimationChooser = "0"
NPCType = "0"
PickupOffset = "-0.0977, 0.8128, 0.9583"
PortraitTextureName = "portrait_snowflake.bct"
PreJoinAnimLoopTimerMax = ""
PreJoinAnimLoopTimerMin = ""
RescueQuote = "65508"
SafeHouseRoom = "8"
SavedPrestigePoints = "30000"
ShowUpInNoteBook = "true"
SkeletonSlotName = "SkeletonTiger"
StaysPutOnIdle = "false"
SubmitsSurvivorCall = "false"
SubmitsSurvivorHelp = "false"
Tier = "2"
UseInvertedMeleeLogicWithGuns = "false"
VoiceType = "50"
cMeleeAttackBehaviour attacking
DelayBetweenAttacks = "0.05"
cSurvivorItem srv_denyce1
Age = "21"
AssetFilename = "data/models/npcs/srv_denyce"
AttackZombiesAndBosses = "true"
AudioShoeType = "0"
BossType = "0"
CanDefect = "true"
CanFollow = "true"
CinematicSkeletonSlotName = "SkeletonCinematicFemale"
ClearPrejoinWhenHitByPlayer = "false"
DefectsCowardly = "false"
Description = "77600"
DisplayName = "85250"
DR2 = "true"
FullName = "81699"
HealthAmount = "2000"
HealthState = "0"
Height = "1.8034"
InitialMoraleScore = "100"
InteractDistance = "1.5"
IsNotAutoFacing = "false"
IsZombifiable = "true"
KnockedDownByGuns = "false"
ModelOffsetToGround = "0.05"
Nature = "3"
NPCAnimationChooser = "10"
NPCType = "0"
PickupOffset = "-0.0977, 0.8128, 0.9583"
PortraitTextureName = "portrait_denyce.bct"
PreJoinAnimLoopTimerMax = ""
PreJoinAnimLoopTimerMin = ""
PreviewerModelOffsetToGround = "0.05"
RescueQuote = "77601"
SafeHouseRoom = "3"
ShowUpInNoteBook = "true"
SkeletonSlotName = "SkeletonFemale"
StaysPutOnIdle = "false"
SubmitsSurvivorCall = "false"
SubmitsSurvivorHelp = "false"
Tier = "2"
UseInvertedMeleeLogicWithGuns = "false"
VoiceType = "129"
cGunAttackBehaviour x123
cMeleeAttackBehaviour x124
cSurvivorItem srv_sven1
Age = "35"
AssetFilename = "data/models/npcs/srv_sven"
AttackZombiesAndBosses = "true"
AudioChestFoleyType = "0"
AudioLegFoleyType = "2"
AudioShoeType = "0"
BossType = "0"
CanDefect = "true"
CanFollow = "true"
CinematicSkeletonSlotName = "SkeletonCinematicPlayer"
ClearPrejoinWhenHitByPlayer = "false"
DefectsCowardly = "false"
Description = "65451"
DisplayName = "65199"
DR2 = "true"
FullName = "81691"
Gift = "85001"
GiftQuote = "67734"
HealthAmount = "1000"
HealthState = "0"
InitialMoraleScore = "100"
InteractDistance = "1.5"
IsNotAutoFacing = "false"
IsZombifiable = "false"
KnockedDownByGuns = "false"
LocatedPrestigePoints = "11000"
Nature = "4"
NPCAnimationChooser = "0"
NPCType = "0"
PickupOffset = "-0.0977, 0.8128, 0.9583"
PokerAnimTypeAllIn1 = "1"
PokerAnimTypeAllIn2 = "98"
PokerAnimTypeCall1 = "10"
PokerAnimTypeCall2 = "12"
PokerAnimTypeCheck = "14"
PokerAnimTypeFold1 = "17"
PokerAnimTypeFold2 = "17"
PokerAnimTypeIdle = "21"
PokerAnimTypeKnockedOut = "35"
PokerAnimTypeLoseBig1 = "40"
PokerAnimTypeLoseBig2 = "41"
PokerAnimTypeLoseBig3 = "51"
PokerAnimTypeLoseMild = "53"
PokerAnimTypeRaise1 = "73"
PokerAnimTypeRaise2 = "184"
PokerAnimTypeShortIdle1 = "26"
PokerAnimTypeShortIdle2 = "31"
PokerAnimTypeStrongTellAllIn = "87"
PokerAnimTypeStrongTellCall = "87"
PokerAnimTypeStrongTellNormal = "87"
PokerAnimTypeStrongTellRaise = "87"
PokerAnimTypeWeakTellAllIn = "83"
PokerAnimTypeWeakTellCall = "83"
PokerAnimTypeWeakTellNormal = "83"
PokerAnimTypeWeakTellRaise = "83"
PokerAnimTypeWinBig1 = "106"
PokerAnimTypeWinBig2 = "84"
PokerAnimTypeWinBig3 = "69"
PokerAnimTypeWinMild = "110"
PortraitTextureName = "portrait_sven.bct"
PreJoinAnimLoopTimerMax = ""
PreJoinAnimLoopTimerMin = ""
RescueQuote = "65452"
SafeHouseRoom = "2"
SavedPrestigePoints = "22000"
ShowUpInNoteBook = "true"
SkeletonSlotName = "SkeletonPlayer"
StaysPutOnIdle = "true"
SubmitsSurvivorCall = "false"
SubmitsSurvivorHelp = "false"
Tier = "2"
UseInvertedMeleeLogicWithGuns = "false"
VoiceType = "108"
cAnimationBehaviour PreJoinAnim4
AnimName = "housecall_male_survivor_resucitate"
Type = "0"
cGunAttackBehaviour x45
cMeleeAttackBehaviour x91
cAnimationBehaviour GetUpFromCPR
AnimName = "housecall_m_svr_prestand"
Type = "1"
cAnimationBehaviour Sven_CustomHitReaction
AnimName = "housecall_male_survivor_hitreaction"
Type = "4"
cSurvivorItem srv_jasper1
Age = "26"
AssetFilename = "data/models/npcs/srv_jasper"
AttackZombiesAndBosses = "true"
AudioChestFoleyType = "2"
AudioLegFoleyType = "4"
AudioShoeType = "0"
BossType = "0"
CanDefect = "true"
CanFollow = "true"
CinematicSkeletonSlotName = "SkeletonCinematicPlayer"
ClearPrejoinWhenHitByPlayer = "false"
DefectsCowardly = "false"
Description = "65421"
DisplayName = "65172"
DR2 = "true"
FullName = "81634"
HealthAmount = "1000"
HealthState = "0"
InitialMoraleScore = "100"
InteractDistance = "1.5"
IsNotAutoFacing = "false"
IsZombifiable = "true"
ItemRejectionDialogue = "66112"
ItemRejectionReaction = "8"
KnockedDownByGuns = "false"
LocatedPrestigePoints = "5000"
Nature = "5"
NPCAnimationChooser = "0"
NPCType = "0"
PickupOffset = "-0.0977, 0.8128, 0.9583"
PortraitTextureName = "portrait_jasper.bct"
PreciousItem = "DonkeyLamp"
PreJoinAnimLoopTimerMax = ""
PreJoinAnimLoopTimerMin = ""
RescueQuote = "65422"
SafeHouseRoom = "4"
SavedPrestigePoints = "10000"
ShowUpInNoteBook = "true"
SkeletonSlotName = "SkeletonPlayer"
StaysPutOnIdle = "false"
SubmitsSurvivorCall = "true"
SubmitsSurvivorHelp = "false"
Tier = "2"
UseInvertedMeleeLogicWithGuns = "false"
VoiceType = "106"
cGunAttackBehaviour x21
cMeleeAttackBehaviour x69
cFriendBehaviour likesCinda
AttackfriendsAttacker = "true"
DefectWhenFriendDefects = "true"
DefectWhenFriendKilled = "true"
DontReunite = "true"
Friend = "srv_cinda1"
IsDominant = "true"
MournDeadFriend = "2"
MournTime = "10"
cAnimationBehaviour PreJoinWave
AnimName = "lastcall_male_prejoin_wave"
Type = "0"
cSurvivorItem srv_cinda1
Age = "23"
AssetFilename = "data/models/npcs/srv_cinda"
AttackZombiesAndBosses = "true"
AudioChestFoleyType = "2"
AudioLegFoleyType = "4"
AudioShoeType = "0"
CanDefect = "false"
CanFollow = "true"
CinematicSkeletonSlotName = "SkeletonCinematicFemale"
ClearPrejoinWhenHitByPlayer = "false"
DefectsCowardly = "false"
Description = "65423"
DisplayName = "65173"
DoesNotAcceptItems = "false"
DR2 = "true"
FullName = "81618"
HealthAmount = "1000"
HealthState = "0"
InitialMoraleScore = "100"
InteractDistance = "1.5"
IsNotAutoFacing = "false"
IsZombifiable = "false"
KnockedDownByGuns = "false"
LocatedPrestigePoints = "10000"
Nature = "2"
NPCAnimationChooser = "10"
NPCType = "0"
PokerAnimTypeAllIn1 = "1"
PokerAnimTypeAllIn2 = "98"
PokerAnimTypeCall1 = "10"
PokerAnimTypeCall2 = "12"
PokerAnimTypeCheck = "14"
PokerAnimTypeFold1 = "17"
PokerAnimTypeFold2 = "17"
PokerAnimTypeIdle = "21"
PokerAnimTypeKnockedOut = "35"
PokerAnimTypeLoseBig1 = "40"
PokerAnimTypeLoseBig2 = "41"
PokerAnimTypeLoseBig3 = "51"
PokerAnimTypeLoseMild = "53"
PokerAnimTypeRaise1 = "73"
PokerAnimTypeRaise2 = "184"
PokerAnimTypeShortIdle1 = "26"
PokerAnimTypeShortIdle2 = "31"
PokerAnimTypeStrongTellAllIn = "87"
PokerAnimTypeStrongTellCall = "87"
PokerAnimTypeStrongTellNormal = "87"
PokerAnimTypeStrongTellRaise = "87"
PokerAnimTypeWeakTellAllIn = "83"
PokerAnimTypeWeakTellCall = "83"
PokerAnimTypeWeakTellNormal = "83"
PokerAnimTypeWeakTellRaise = "83"
PokerAnimTypeWinBig1 = "106"
PokerAnimTypeWinBig2 = "84"
PokerAnimTypeWinBig3 = "69"
PokerAnimTypeWinMild = "110"
PortraitTextureName = "portrait_cinda.bct"
PreJoinAnimLoopTimerMax = ""
PreJoinAnimLoopTimerMin = "0.000"
RescueQuote = "65424"
SafeHouseRoom = "5"
SavedPrestigePoints = "20000"
ShowUpInNoteBook = "true"
SkeletonSlotName = "SkeletonFemale"
StaysPutOnIdle = "false"
SubmitsSurvivorCall = "true"
SubmitsSurvivorHelp = "false"
Tier = "2"
UseInvertedMeleeLogicWithGuns = "false"
VoiceType = "102"
cMeleeAttackBehaviour x105
cGunAttackBehaviour x106
cAnimationBehaviour PreJoin
AnimName = "chef_female_survivor_shiver"
Type = "0"
cFriendBehaviour likes_Jasper
AttackChuckIfAttackedWhileMourning = "true"
AttackfriendsAttacker = "true"
DefectWhenFriendDefects = "true"
DefectWhenFriendKilled = "true"
DontReunite = "true"
Friend = "srv_jasper1"
IsDominant = "false"
MournDeadFriend = "3"
MournTime = "10"
cAnimationBehaviour hitreactionchef
AnimName = "chef_female_survivor_hit_reaction"
Type = "4"
cSurvivorItem srv_allen1
Age = "24"
AssetFilename = "data/models/npcs/srv_allen"
AttackZombiesAndBosses = "true"
AudioChestFoleyType = "0"
AudioLegFoleyType = "4"
AudioShoeType = "4"
BossType = "0"
CanDefect = "true"
CanFollow = "true"
CinematicSkeletonSlotName = "SkeletonCinematicPlayer"
ClearPrejoinWhenHitByPlayer = "false"
DefectsCowardly = "false"
Description = "65485"
DisplayName = "65629"
DR2 = "true"
FullName = "81608"
GeoToDisable_1 = "geo_mouthgagShape"
HealthAmount = "1000"
HealthState = "0"
Height = "1.8034"
HostileDialog = "85356"
HostileDialog2 = "85355"
InitialMoraleScore = "100"
InteractDistance = "1.5"
IsNotAutoFacing = "false"
IsZombifiable = "true"
KnockedDownByGuns = "false"
LocatedPrestigePoints = "7000"
Nature = "4"
NPCAnimationChooser = "10"
NPCType = "0"
PickupOffset = "-0.0977, 0.8128, 0.9583"
PortraitTextureName = "portrait_allen.bct"
PreJoinAnimLoopTimerMax = ""
PreJoinAnimLoopTimerMin = ""
RescueQuote = "65486"
SafeHouseRoom = "4"
SavedPrestigePoints = "14000"
ShowUpInNoteBook = "true"
SkeletonSlotName = "SkeletonPlayer"
StaysPutOnIdle = "true"
SubmitsSurvivorCall = "false"
SubmitsSurvivorHelp = "false"
Tier = "2"
UseInvertedMeleeLogicWithGuns = "false"
VoiceType = "105"
cAnimationBehaviour PreJoinAnim918
AnimName = "heroes_male_strum_bass_guitar"
Type = "0"
cGunAttackBehaviour x47
cMeleeAttackBehaviour x93
cAnimationBehaviour AllenFinale
AnimName = "heroes_male_final_bass_strum"
Type = "1"
cFriendBehaviour likesFloyd2
AttackfriendsAttacker = "false"
DefectWhenFriendDefects = "true"
DefectWhenFriendKilled = "true"
DontReunite = "true"
Friend = "srv_floyd1"
IsDominant = "false"
MournDeadFriend = "0"
cFriendBehaviour likesJeanna
AttackfriendsAttacker = "false"
DefectWhenFriendDefects = "true"
DefectWhenFriendKilled = "true"
DontReunite = "true"
Friend = "srv_jeanna1"
IsDominant = "false"
MournDeadFriend = "0"
cAnimationBehaviour HRBass
AnimName = "heroes_male_bass_hit_reaction"
Type = "4"
cSurvivorItem srv_floyd1
Age = "28"
AssetFilename = "data/models/npcs/srv_floyd"
AttackZombiesAndBosses = "true"
AudioChestFoleyType = "3"
AudioLegFoleyType = "5"
AudioShoeType = "0"
BossType = "0"
CanDefect = "true"
CanFollow = "true"
CinematicSkeletonSlotName = "SkeletonCinematicPlayer"
ClearPrejoinWhenHitByPlayer = "false"
DefectsCowardly = "false"
Description = "65483"
DisplayName = "65628"
DR2 = "true"
FullName = "81628"
GiftComboCard = "40"
GiftQuote = "85464"
HealthAmount = "1000"
HealthState = "0"
HostileDialog = "85353"
HostileDialog2 = "85354"
InitialMoraleScore = "100"
InteractDistance = "1.5"
IsNotAutoFacing = "false"
IsZombifiable = "true"
KnockedDownByGuns = "false"
LocatedPrestigePoints = "7000"
Nature = "5"
NPCAnimationChooser = "0"
NPCType = "0"
PickupOffset = "-0.0977, 0.8128, 0.9583"
PortraitTextureName = "portrait_floyd.bct"
PreJoinAnimLoopTimerMax = ""
PreJoinAnimLoopTimerMin = ""
RescueQuote = "65484"
SafeHouseRoom = "4"
SavedPrestigePoints = "14000"
ShowUpInNoteBook = "true"
SkeletonSlotName = "SkeletonPlayer"
StaysPutOnIdle = "true"
SubmitsSurvivorCall = "false"
SubmitsSurvivorHelp = "false"
Tier = "2"
UseInvertedMeleeLogicWithGuns = "false"
VoiceType = "101"
cAnimationBehaviour PreJoinAnim990
AnimName = "heroes_male_strum_electric_guitar"
Type = "0"
cGunAttackBehaviour x90
cMeleeAttackBehaviour x99
cAnimationBehaviour FloydFinale
AnimName = "heroes_male_final_guitar_strum"
Type = "1"
cFriendBehaviour likesJeanna1
AttackfriendsAttacker = "false"
DefectWhenFriendDefects = "true"
DefectWhenFriendKilled = "true"
DontReunite = "true"
Friend = "srv_jeanna1"
IsDominant = "false"
MournDeadFriend = "0"
cFriendBehaviour likesAllen3
AttackfriendsAttacker = "false"
DefectWhenFriendDefects = "true"
DefectWhenFriendKilled = "true"
DontReunite = "true"
Friend = "srv_allen1"
IsDominant = "false"
MournDeadFriend = "0"
cAnimationBehaviour HRGuitar
AnimName = "heroes_male_guitar_hit_reaction"
Type = "4"
cSurvivorItem srv_jeanna1
Age = "24"
AssetFilename = "data/models/npcs/srv_jeanna_slick"
AttackZombiesAndBosses = "true"
AudioChestFoleyType = "0"
AudioLegFoleyType = "2"
AudioShoeType = "3"
BossType = "0"
CanDefect = "true"
CanFollow = "true"
CinematicSkeletonSlotName = "SkeletonCinematicFemale"
ClearPrejoinWhenHitByPlayer = "false"
DefectsCowardly = "false"
Description = "65481"
DisplayName = "65627"
DR2 = "true"
FullName = "81635"
HealthAmount = "1000"
HealthState = "0"
Height = "1.8034"
HostileDialog = "85357"
HostileDialog2 = "85358"
InitialMoraleScore = "100"
InteractDistance = "1.5"
IsNotAutoFacing = "false"
IsZombifiable = "false"
KnockedDownByGuns = "false"
LocatedPrestigePoints = "7000"
ModelOffsetToGround = "0.05"
Nature = "5"
NPCAnimationChooser = "10"
NPCType = "0"
PickupOffset = "-0.0977, 0.8128, 0.9583"
PortraitTextureName = "portrait_jeanna_slick.bct"
PreJoinAnimLoopTimerMax = ""
PreJoinAnimLoopTimerMin = ""
PreviewerModelOffsetToGround = "0.05"
RescueQuote = "65482"
SafeHouseRoom = "4"
SavedPrestigePoints = "14000"
ShowUpInNoteBook = "true"
SkeletonSlotName = "SkeletonFemale"
StaysPutOnIdle = "true"
SubmitsSurvivorCall = "false"
SubmitsSurvivorHelp = "false"
Tier = "2"
UseInvertedMeleeLogicWithGuns = "false"
VoiceType = "119"
cAnimationBehaviour PreJoinAnim999
AnimName = "heroes_female_sing"
Type = "0"
cGunAttackBehaviour x48
cMeleeAttackBehaviour x94
cAnimationBehaviour JennaFinale
AnimName = "heroes_female_final_note"
Type = "1"
cFriendBehaviour likesAllen
AttackfriendsAttacker = "false"
DefectWhenFriendDefects = "true"
DefectWhenFriendKilled = "true"
DontReunite = "true"
Friend = "srv_allen1"
IsDominant = "false"
MournDeadFriend = "0"
cFriendBehaviour likesFloyd
AttackfriendsAttacker = "false"
DefectWhenFriendDefects = "true"
DefectWhenFriendKilled = "true"
DontReunite = "true"
Friend = "srv_floyd1"
IsDominant = "false"
MournDeadFriend = "0"